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Vivian Galad

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Everything posted by Vivian Galad

  1. The work in a model depends solely on our desire to build - we can build it straightly from the instructions and have just that amount of work and time spent, or we can modify, redo, scratch parts and fits - add myriad details and take long months to build something others take 3 weeks - to look at the parts alone is to be deceived by the builder´s intentions ^_^ Nice ship, one of the types I want to try. I´ll put a chair right there and follow your progress.
  2. Hope the new job be everything u need! Your work looks terrific, as ever.
  3. Janet, I´m struggling with my sails. At first I was all about using the kit´s cloth, but now, I´m not so sure. Thing is the sailcloth AL provides feels too industrial, so now, I´ll research a little bit more before installing the sails. The bamboo should be behind the sail as for all images I´ve seen till now.
  4. Beautiful ship, Sjors. A great, great work. Congratz! To say it again, loved the last picture - never imagined she was so big!
  5. U rlly did it, Jack. Fantastic model, great shots - a masterful combination! Museum quality model to expose - u´ve gotta be proud of her (and your dedication and workmanship ^_^ ). Thank u for sharing all steps to get in here - I enjoyed very much following your build log.
  6. Everything is on hold now, I´m on moving process (for the better, as I´ll get a bigger room for my shipyard ). I found the problem to be the 4th row, so, I´ll just remove 2/3 planks and rebuild. I really appreciate all the tips (first plank already removed using acetone and alcohol - it worked). Anytime soon I´ll be posting again - ty all of u, guys. ^_^
  7. That´s a corageous model making - can´t imagine the care for so small a scale. Great work, Omega!!
  8. Here I go again - well, a little morose in comparison to the other builds, but steady! I´m still planking the hull and finding it a bit harder than my two other buildings - I think that´s for the one layer planking. Till now my ships were double planked and that makes the work really easier - glue´s being some problem, too, as the white glue don´t fix the way I want and clamps don´t hold it as planned (well, as I planned, at least) - So I´m working with CA and white glue on planking; don´t know how it will hold as the years go by, but, I´ll follow that way. Also, it´s hard to align the planks to acquire symmetry. Seeing now, by the camera´s eye, maybe I´ll start it all again. At naked eye it seems more symmetrical. Last picture shows a point where I broke the plank and had to fix. At this moment i´m thinking in stripping the hull planks.
  9. Raymond, amigo, that´s great! Take a chair as everyone, there´s some snacks, just right there - that´s it! :P Welcome to my new project!!
  10. Hey, Sam, that´s a part of it. The other is that work is taking too much time from me and I can´t get to the shipyard as I would like. But she´s growing, my Oseberg version. Hey Bill, be welcome to my log, take some refreshments and feel free to point anything u want - at least regarding the build :P . Sometimes I think u guys put too much faith on me, lol!! But I´ll share everything I learn in my journey. Carl, be welcome too. Glad u joined. Gaetan, that´s a great build and made me think in hollowing at least a segment of my ship. Thank you for sharing the pictures.
  11. Guys, thanks for the advise. I put the tension out, but the mast still seems a bit curved back, a lot better than before anyways. As I began two other projecst I gave this one a little pause. Janet, I´ll use the kit´s sailcloth. At first I thought using other material but couldn´t see a real improvement on that. What I´ll do, though, is to cut and sewn cloth stripes so my sails won´t look so plain. My caravel (first wooden ship) came with pre-sewn sails and it looks good enough, but now when I look at it I think it would be better to sewn them myself, we learn as we model, that´s so true. Thank you for your kind words and I do find it great we can build the same kit and yet come out with so unique models. ^_^
  12. Jack, till now all rigging I´ve read about comes from reconstructions. So, here is something from the Saga Oseberg: http://www.osebergvikingskip.no/eng/documents/news.php?entry_id=1345642081 Here is a pdf file with a should be rigging plan Osprey - New Vanguard 047 - Viking Longship.pdf (it´s on page 19) Maybe you´ve already found that ones, but, since I´m reading through the history behind the two women found with the ship, I´m still low on researching :P
  13. Sjors, careful, or she´ll fly trough you window!! :P Marvelous work.
  14. Nice u saved it. I usually don´t say about it, but cracked some pieces of my junk and had to fix them, so, if ppl do put a critic eye to her, will notice some lines here and there. U´r doing a great job. ^_^
  15. I truly admire the cleanness of your work - it´s so precise! A masterpiece, for sure.
  16. She´s really, really great. Can only add my admiration and cheers to those from everyone.
  17. Great work, Schnu. That´s the fun in it, to build our own ship, even when building a kit.
  18. Jesse, good luck while waiting. Sails are in my way too, and I´m still thinking what to do about them before needlework. Computers are bad entities, sometimes they just want to mess with us. Really great work so far.
  19. Cap´n Magee, thank you . Happy u didn´t miss the boat this time - just take a seat! Jack, it´s some good advice and I´ll look into it for sure, thanks. I was already thinking in use the dremel (I did some tests in the past engraving wood with a dremel ) - don´t worry about the teachers, if they come we teach them! :P Hans, it´s a good choice for a build - viking ships are great, elegant and simple, yet a conqueror of the seas. If I can be of any help, I´ll be glad. And no stealing, only sharing in here. TY! Schnu, feel free to follow, ask, suggest any thing u seem fit. Thank u for visiting.
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