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Vivian Galad

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Everything posted by Vivian Galad

  1. Great news to know you're back, Remco! As The others, I'm sure any project u'r in Will be great!
  2. And there is perfection! Masterful!
  3. Great work, Ondras! Nice looking planking!
  4. Happy to anounce that I'm back to the dockyard and sewing the sails for my chinese junk. Would like to thank the cloth I received, gifted by Dee Dee. The fabric sent is Far better than the one that came in the kit. I'm late in saying bout the fábrica, as It came last year.
  5. Nice, Michael. I was trying to do something like that on my Cocca Veneta, your solution seems a great one - I mean, in showing them frames.
  6. Joining the fellows in the applause. Great detailing as always, Doris. A masterful skill to astound us all.
  7. Wow! That's an interesting project to follow! Will take a seat too! Can I?
  8. Following your build, as I really loved, from afar, Maristella's kits. This one, in particular, is great! And, wow! You're a fast builder!
  9. Wow! I'll be following for sure! Great News to know you're bringing another one to life! Briliant!
  10. Nice kit u got, there! Getting front row. 😊
  11. Hi there, Mark! I'll join the expectators on your build. Great work, so far. Neat first planking. It seems you've got a nice ship to work on.
  12. Late congratulations, Michael. It was great to follow your log and see ALL the details coming alive in só beautiful a ship, as the Wasa comes to be. Marvelous piece to expose!!
  13. Hey! I'll be picking up my seat along! Think there's a chair right there. Nice to see a new project ongoing! I'll be following this one too, If u don't mind. Love cross sections.
  14. Would always go for the bigger scales - don't know what admiral would say though. Great advance on canons, Mark. They're comming alive!
  15. Will always come and scroll through ALL the postings Reading and aborbing the knowledge amassed gere. Increíble work.
  16. Just watching your interactions, guys! ahahahahaha I was born on a multilingual family and as a child could not identify some words I used from a language or other. Children can´t forgive that and I met some bullying till I could comprehend that жопа (jopa-***/but), in russian, wasn´t a world other children could comprehend. Thanks for all compliments and for the healthy discussion above. Good to wake up laughing! By the way, Italians say Spanish and Portuguese are bad Italian, or something like that.
  17. Hola Ulises! Siempre un placer to have u here! Please, take a seat! Beso!
  18. Be most welcome, Lawrence! Right now I´m thinking it too small a scale, too - but we´ll get along and see it through, well, at least, I hope Thank you!
  19. Thank you, Piet! Just trying to do my best - and learning, always learning.
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