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Everything posted by Nirvana

  1. Pete, I am trying hard to find the similar plans like yours but for S3 Sverige that sailed in 1977. Still remembering that sunny but windy Saturday when me and a friend were out sailing his Scampi when we just heard the sound from breaking waters of a bow cutting. Then suddenly she appeared, big and beautiful, and overtook us in a heartbeat. I also learned to sail solo when being six years old. My dad converted a deserted wood rowing boat to a sailboat. During the following winter she got an fiberglass shell on top of the wood. She had beautiful inner-hull of wood. Got plywood centerboard and a mast made out of pine found at my grandfathers summer-place. She was clinker build. Today 40 years plus moss and moisture claimed her life. I remember being towed after my dads boat sleeping in the sun. We were One.
  2. Remco, I certainly hope you make double items of some of the interior furniture's and display them separately. I really like the key on the fingertip of yours. Very delicate and beautiful.
  3. For all interested in the material Pete is using, here is the link to the manufacturer. http://www.westsystem.com/ss/ When building the T37's the Epoxy is coming from West System.
  4. And the outcome of the garboard planks. Sorry for the shaded areas. Came out much better than I expected.
  5. The planks next to the garboard are being bent. I used my cutting mat for this purpose, so I get somewhat similar bents. They boxwood (all planks) are easy to work with after being soaked.
  6. Mike, And you haven't seen how it's looking without the clamps Thank you for the kind words.
  7. While I had the port garboard plank drying in place I saw what I didn't like with the starboard side. After some delicate knife work I had been able to remove the plank and made a new one and got much better fit.
  8. Well, so far so good. The first garboard plank is layed. I gave the connecting edge towards the keel a slight chamfer. Got a neat and tucked connection.
  9. Have lined up and glued the first planks at sheer line, this at port and starboard side. Had to re-do it after seeing line errors. Seeing each plank as a separate project. I am gluing the plank in segments not the whole at once. One way for me to correct any errors along the way. So far the two planks are linear with each other. Bulkheads E through 7 (8) aren't glued at this time. The keel is straight it's a visual error from the camera.
  10. Ryland, thanks for the sharp eyes, I will fair them further. The technique of plank bending of Chucks works great. but I didn't use the hair dryer
  11. So I dry fitted the sheer plank and it follows the top of each bulkhead perfectly! The instructions reads " This is about 1/16" below the top of the bulkheads mid ship" Guess I have to force the dip in order to get the curve.
  12. Jim, Thanks for that update, I thought we had to use two of the same grit but had to deal with the center that doesn't have any coverage.
  13. Richard, It works both for sheets and strips, don't think it will work with sheets wider than 2 3/4".
  14. So, I had a chance to get hand on a thickness sander type Model Byrnes, I have never had such a machine before. As I don't have a shop vac or a proper work shop I have done the little sanding outside when it's been nice weather. This machine, is amazing! It's quiet, the adjustment tolerance in the 10th of millimeter. Even on an unstable table the machine didn't "walk" due to the small vibrations. It's a very well balanced. I just hope to get the table saw some day. Jim and Donna, I thank you both for a true quality machine which is going to last me many years to come!
  15. Darrel, Amazing beautiful build log! Following it with huge interest. Thank you
  16. Mike, Skeppsholmen is a very nice place to wander around, all the small coffee places and of course the variety of boats and their sizes. For others who hasn't been to Sweden and Stockholm, .... yet, this is certainly a place to visit. This island was the location for training of naval officers between 1879 and 1941. As for the longboat, very nice Mike! I have been away from the "shipyard" and have to attach the transom before doing any planking.
  17. Gulfmedic, in order to get two clips like that, you need three and use the "ears".
  18. Wood stirring straws which are flexible enough works as a stand in for the temp deck. The bulkheads are rigid. No flexing at all. Sanding and planking will be next. Pretty happy with it so far.
  19. False decking accordingly to MikeY in Sweden, this to stabilize the bulkheads before fairing. First plank down matching the keel length.
  20. Pops, Thank you for those words. However, I think everyone in here will remember when one has done a repair or modification, even though it may not be visible to others. Admiral is happy and impressed. I also got a nice and tight fit with the smaller false keel part without any modifications.
  21. The new stem piece is in place, I preferred to attach the stem before the remaining piece from the false keel. The stem piece has little "extra meat" which is sand-able. On the other hand I got it perfectly straight! I even got the connection between the keel and stem tighter this time.
  22. Having a somewhat new shaped stem again I used double sided clear tape and attached the broken piece for the final trimming.This pic shows the two separate. Here they are taped for shaping.
  23. Put the plan in the scanner and had part printed. Used double sided clear tape and attached to the boxwood sheet. Next is the cutting and trim, and I should have another workable piece.
  24. Sam, Keel and stem is out of Boxwood not the original material basswood. Otherwise your idea would work.
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