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Everything posted by Nirvana

  1. Maury, As I read your last posting, and looked at the background..... the masts are surely plumbed. If you wouldn't had mentioned about the window, I would had said something about it. Looks nice.
  2. Mike, Where I work we have a display for our company's small gifts, when I realized maybe I should look up the length of Confederacy. Total length of her is 35" the display we have is 40" and it's huge!' I have no idea where to put such a display. Fortunate she is not carrying full rigging!
  3. Getting closer to final "dressing" of the stern planking. The planking is certainly in need of putty and sanding to get that smooth surface Bluenose is in need of.
  4. Gary, very nice pictures. Something interesting I am seeing though in the last picture with the masts is the rake. I did experience the same thing as the distance where the mast are setting in the deck versus the top of the masts. Maybe it's an illusion in your picture and the distances are the same. But for me the distance are different, it's not much but it's noticeable.
  5. Derek, you are absolutely right, those inserts has to be a little wider since they are not cut at 90 degrees. Brian, the inserts between the bulkheads are to be shaped according to the hull line. See my previous picture.
  6. William As we say in here at MSW, this is no race...... three years are nothing. And a big welcome to you!
  7. I have to make sure I do a backup of pictures for build log, this as I use both regular camera but also the phones camera. Update from last night. The interior stern planking is completed. And I didn't break the posts. Remaining planking of transom/stern is now in progress (not for the moment this hour)
  8. I have bought kits from Cornwall Models as well, without paying duties. Real good selection and fast service. One time I bought items from ModelExpo and Cornwall on the same day, guess which package I had faster.
  9. Mike, I bought that saw from UMM-USA. Back to the stern construction. There are two post to be added at the stern, I saw how they are installed they would be prone to break off once installed. So I used this lateral plank for support. Having the notches cut out I dry installed one of the post just to get a verification this was getting somewhat right. Then it was just to add the glue and have them put in place. Once the glue had set in a little I corrected the angle of the post to left. I will use this setup and plank the inside first, doing so will create a sturdy area for exterior planking.
  10. Derek, with the aftermath I would have installed the waterway planks first before planking the hull. But yes, I had to do some pre-bending of the full length waterways as I used boxwood. If I would had used the provided basswood this wouldn't be necessary.
  11. After installing the waist planks I had to adjust some of the stanchions, as I didn't a clean glue contact. It's kind of obvious in this picture.
  12. The way I cut out the bulkhead tops was using my microsaw, cutting the tops into three pieces and from there using a cutting plier to remove the pieces. This way I got a somewhat clean cut.
  13. Look at the plans, there are two pieces for that bulkhead. One of the is supporting the planks on the foredeck. I made both of them.
  14. Try this.... https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://modelshipbuilder.com/page.php%3F26&ved=0ahUKEwipyY7x_rTXAhUP0mMKHYVBCXwQFggoMAE&usg=AOvVaw2PVXdasFhyHPCp8lB3tL7O
  15. Brian, Click on the link for download of the practicum, this one is based of pof and totally scratch building. But it does go into depth when it comes to explanation of building.
  16. Derek, Many thanks for that info, somehow my PC didn't show the listed items from the beginning, saw it first time today. Sorry for that. Scratch building?
  17. Derek, Would you please specify type of wood, how many sheets of each and final price tag....... It's okay if you don't want to share the price but I think we are several that like to know.
  18. Mike, How about building your own pedestal? 860 dollars seems to be extremely steep for a case. Does it have gold inlay?
  19. Mike, I don't know if I would had cleaned the sails. I like the aging and dirt on them. Looks like she has been sailing for some time.
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