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Everything posted by Nirvana

  1. Those Dutch designers, there was also confusion regarding the measurements, at this time, early 1600 century, one foot or inch wasn't standardized. According to late found plans her rigging should had been shorter. Again the designers wanted to impress the Swedish King and made her taller than needed.
  2. Nice cannon, Mark. F360 has a learning curve and in my opinion missing some features, this as I'm used to Sketchup. But F360 has the ability to save for 3d printing, which Sketchup doesn't have.
  3. Chris, maybe some interesting info Danish boat design As a result of the British confiscation and destruction of large parts of the Danish-Norwegian fleet during the assault on Copenhagen, the Dano-Norwegian government decided to build gunboats in large numbers to compensate the loss. The gunboats were originally designed by a Swede, Fredrik Henrik af Chapman, and the strategic advantage of gunboats lay in the fact that they could be produced rapidly and inexpensively throughout the kingdom. The tactical advantages were that they were highly manoeuvrable, especially in still and shallow waters and presented small targets. On the other hand, the boats were vulnerable and likely to sink from a single hit. They therefore could not be used in rough seas, and they were less effective against large warships. Still, the Danish-Norwegian government produced more than 200 gunboats in two models: the shallop gunboat which had a crew of 76 men, with an 18- or 24-pounder cannon in the bow and another in the stern, and the smaller barge type that had a total crew of 24 men, armed with a single 24-pounder. The Danish Commander (and later Admiral) Steen Andersen Bille (1751–1833) is credited with being the driving force behind the post-1807 Dano-Norwegian strategy of gunboat warfare. We owe Junior Lieutenant Garde, himself a commander of one of the larger type of gunboats, for a description of each of the four classes of gunboat. Kanonjollen: These were the smaller type of gunboat. Each was armed with one 24-pound cannon and two 4-pound howitzers, and had wartime establishment of 41 men. And here is a plan from the Swedish Maritime Museum with a drawing of the KanonJolle
  4. Here is the YouTube link to Lars Christensen and his tutorials. Very useful and easy to understand.
  5. Mark, Here is a link from Autodesk how to make it usable for long time. Enjoy F360
  6. Chris, Being a Swede living in the US I will certainly pull up a comfy chair, getting me hot cup of java and enjoy this build. Didn't know about this kit. Besides a great start of a small kit. Sorry to bug you but the link to Jim Rogers build log is taking me to create a new post.
  7. After a long time I am back at the ship yard, pondering the belaying pin situation. I can't decide whether using wood or blackened brass or grey painted brass. So please any feedback will be gratefully appreciated.
  8. Just finished reading through this cross section Pegasus creation. I am blown away, beautiful work Chuck. Also we are all so blessed having you providing us with great accessories and kits. Someone just want five blocks? Your price of a 25 pack or 20 are so great anyway.
  9. Michael, Done! I have been watching another D'Agustino build of Vasa. Fascinating with a subscription build. Maybe it's a good build motivator too.
  10. Castos, look up Lars Christensen on YouTube. He has hours and hours of tutorials for F360. I am an old CAD fox so F360 was new for me as well.
  11. Hi cpddet, you are off to a very good start with Bluenose, I have really enjoyed my journey with Bluenose so far. And yes, there are several good sources to access as for building her. Happy Thanksgiving
  12. Kenny, the last non-modell pictures shouldn't be allowed in here …… lol, just kidding. I guess I am not lonely when I say " I am jealous, of where you are located" Still waiting for that lottery win, so I can move.
  13. It's always a pleasure to read the build logs at the breakfast table. That's so beautiful 😀
  14. Hmm, learning by doing .....oh well, it could had been worse, like knocking the Syren to the floor....😎
  15. While we are on the cheap...… has any of fellow American friends bought this 9" Benchtop Bandsaw from Grizzly? Priced at USD 200.00 it is cheap, then when it comes to quality is another question. However, having a 5 star rating based on 170 reviews you never know. I like to get one.
  16. I am considering the ropewalk machine from Chuck, even thou' it's not powered.
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