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Everything posted by AON

  1. Completed the 3D layout of the top timberline Now I can begin to layout the frames at the station lines (again)
  2. Thank you Druxey The new approach I've taken has also made quite an impact Christian, the first go around was with SolidWorks. This time I am using AutoDesk Inventor. The programs are similar but different enough to give my brain a workout.
  3. Managed to get a good start at the top timber line 2D layouts you can see both in the image below yet to fine tune (extend) the side view (sheer) so they are presently construction line until done Since we will be having a wonderfully stormy weekend I suppose I might get it done tomorrow (???)
  4. Well I managed to get my Upper and Lower Breadth Lines drawn I plotted them on the Breadth Plan (bottom 2d view) and then again at elevation on the Sheer Plan (2d side view) and finally projected them to a 3D line from those two views (the green lines) One step closer to drawing the frames (again) First I must draw the top timber lines.
  5. I had some feed back on my layout... I chewed over the suggestions a bit and looked at some other plans and models. as recommended. Of course most of what you want to see on models are covered up in the photos. Images don't seem to ever show that one detail you want or when they do it disagrees with both what you did and what helpful people are suggesting. In the end I made some changes to the pieces that comprise the bow assembly and the rising/dead wood and its connection forward and aft. Thank you for the help. EDIT NOTE: dwg removed and update posted 15 NOV 2015
  6. Dan love the build re the oars we called them sweeps on the 32' cutters and 27' whalers back in the 70's not sure if that is a relatively new term or not the blades had a definite curvature to them... once again that could be a newer thing Alan
  7. So I've completed the first template drawing and will be getting it printed out this week I have labelled the pieces to help me remember the names. I have also sketched the five waterlines at elevation. This was done differently from the first go around. The first time I had plotted it out all on one level, having sketched each section line as painstakingly measured from the Body Plan. Then I compared the two by inspection from the top view... they were quite different. This time I intend to use them directly in the shaping of the station templates. I also relaxed my measuring... using my trusty triangular scale with 1/4" = 1'-0" scale on it I can comfortably read to within a 1/2" I am getting into the tough part now... how to plot the upper and lower breadth line in 3D (everything else has been 2D). I won't bore anyone with the steps (as I am not quite sure of them myself yet) But I hope this version will be simpler and quicker. So far so good.
  8. My ceiling of my original (less than half size) work shop was unfinished and was fine... I was quite content. The new expanded workshop has drop ceiling tiles as I mentioned earlier and it makes the room much brighter and a very much happier place, honestly. I couldn't believe the difference and would never go back
  9. My workshop is in the basement. It was an unfinished area. New wiring, insulation, vapour barrier, drywall, painting walls and floor a light bright colour, lighting, heating/cooling ducting over head, drop in ceiling tiles (I doubled up on mine in an attempt at noise abatement to the upstairs) I am always concerned with finishing a basement and then having flooding issues or outer concrete walls cracking and water finding its way to the insulation and floor. To me a basement is a basement.... but others seem to be living in theirs!
  10. The front of the ship is called the pointy end according to my darling wife. (the other end is the blunt end!) I'll be watching so keep posting! Alan (Okay it is not fair to not tell... the bow (pointy) versus the stern (blunt) ... tons more to go and no I don't know most)
  11. I am very happy others find this useful or at the very least interesting. Druxey, mine is a basement shop with no outside windows. Lighting is florescent and overhead... which doesn't work well for a fellow with a fused neck. Everything else is too bright (or I am just getting too old and picky). I think this light table... I've decided it is a light table... will do very nicely. Thank you to Greg and his volume in the TFFM books!
  12. 14 June 2015 I believe I have completed my redraw of the Sheer Plan. It was considerably quicker this go and the file size is a fraction of the first. I have added the Rudder, Rising Wood and Cutwater detail to this version. I will now begin the Half Breadth Plan
  13. Today I made a light Box... or more correctly a light stand? I read in TFFM that Greg uses a light box to inspect, mark and fine tune his joinery. If it works for him I'm hoping it will help me. This little project cost me next to nothing as I used scraps. I taped, measured and laid out my cut lines and hole locations on the sheet of Plexiglas and onto the tape with a pencil. Then I clamped the plexiglas down to my table and using my scroll saw and a plexiglas cutting blade I made my cuts. You have to keep the saw moving or the plexiglas overheats and gums up. I cut about 1/8 inch outside the line. I then clamped the plexiglas in my vise and using a very rough file I filed the cut edges down to the pencil line. To diffuse the light shining from below I sanded the underside. Passed it quickly over my belt sanded. Quickly so it doesn't overheat and make a mess. Then I hand sanded in one direction with extremely rough sand paper. Finally I used 80 grit and sanded in four directions, one at a time. First up and down, then across at 90 degrees, and finally diagonally (corner to corner). I drilled and counter drilled the plexiglas for the wood screws, cut two pieces of wood for the stands, marked off the screw holes using the plexiglas as the template and drilled pilot holes. Screwed it all together. I slide a LED puck light underneath and that was it... she was ready to use. You can see it seems to do a great job of highlighting the imperfections. Hope someone else finds this idea useful!
  14. I was lucky enough to have seen this and the model in progress resting on his draughting board when I took my last workshop with him. It was a sight then... everyone was gawking at it. If I have a photo I will PM you it.
  15. Arrrrgh.... been a long time since we had a good keel haul'n possibly start with some lashings with a cat-o-one tail
  16. I know I am late with my vote (but I would have went with flat also)
  17. presently cutting the grass... and swearing like a sailor came in for a coffee 'cause I'm not quite wound up enough
  18. Saturday, 23 May 2015 I do not know whether to laugh or cry Is this an opportunity or.... Earlier this week my trusted old Bessie (my ancient computer) went down for the count quite unexpectedly, right in the middle of my creating the individual cant frame and transom templates at the stern. She took everything with her. I had backups.... on the hard drive. I had just gotten one of those mega-tetra kajillion byte external hard drives.... I just didn't bother to get around TUIT. At times like this I dearly miss my draughting board God give me the strength to start over and the wisdom to have learnt along the way and to do a better job all around this time.
  19. The smartest thing I ever did was listen to members here when planning to build my table I cannot imagine having a table for just sitting when modeling but then I might be a special case with three vertebrae in my neck fused and a bad lower back (extra parts) I have to re-adjust occasionally, including standing quite a bit, to be comfortable A titling table with auto height adjustment is what I needed. I would highly recommend you install height adjustable legs so you can work at various sitting heights dependant on the task... and even stand when the occasion arises.
  20. I feel bad that you did not get the results you hoped for. If they are not glued down yet please try re-wetting them (water and matt) and re-shaping. They can be soaked right through and it will not harm them as they dry clear. You can do this as often and as tight as you feel necessary. Practise on a piece of scrap. I'll PM you a photo.
  21. I keep coming back to look at it over and over again I have to say I really like your stove
  22. I learned about it at the sail and flag making workshops through Admiralty Models It can be purchased at any hobby painting shop Just wet your brush dab the tip into the jar and brush it over the coil... then let it dry. It dries clear. If you don't like how it looks, wet it again and reshape. When you are happy dabs of clear drying glue on the underside will lock it in shape to the deck. I live in Welland and work in Saint Catharines about 20 minute drive between them and Niagara Falls... where I worked for 32 years AH!!! London and Kingston.... I'm much further south... we never ever get any snow down here. (Excuse me... my nose is growing again)
  23. I would wet my brush with water, dip it into a bottle of acrylic matt medium and then brush it onto the line (rope). Finally coil up the line as I wanted it displayed and lay it down onto waxed paper to dry. Once dry a dab of clear drying glue on the underside will hold it to the deck .... remove the waxed paper first of course
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