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Everything posted by alde

  1. She looks really nice BE. I have this kit and all the accessories sitting on the shelf right over my work bench staring back at me every day. I have 3 projects going right now but am itching to start a new one. I'll follow along with you until I decide what to do.
  2. That is a gorgeous build Bob. I read through your whole log again and decided to put mine on the shelf until I do a couple more "easier" kits. I really want to do her justice and if it comes out half as nice as yours I'll be very happy with it.
  3. Welcome aboard. There are some true artists on this forum. I'm not one of them however. It's a blast learning and improving though with the help of some really great people.
  4. I'm all for trying to scratch build it if there are good drawings available. I know they are in the many books on 18th century ship construction. It's my understanding that your concept is for the cross section to be semi scratch built.
  5. Hey Gary, the hull looks pretty darn nice to me. As the builder you are looking at it with a very critical eye. Once you move on the the next step any imperfections will fade into the distance.
  6. The drawings are coming along nicely Chuck. I can't wait for this one for a beautiful model but also as a learning tool.
  7. Great looking rigging Bob. For what is supposed to be a fairly simple rig it sure has a lot going on. I stare at my kit in the box every day and wonder when I will get up the nerve to take it to the workbench.
  8. Bob, I will for sure take your advice. It's something I love and it keeps my mind off the pain though that's not too bad right now. I have that Halifax kit calling my name but she has to wait in line just a while longer.
  9. The cross section for sure Chuck. It will make a beautiful model and can be easily cased and displayed a small area.
  10. Bob, Your work and posts are encouraging me to get back at it. I have not been in the shipyard for a few weeks due to some health issues but I think I will push myself a little bit and get back at it.
  11. Nice progress Mick. She looks fantastic.
  12. Hey Bob, She looks great. I finally got my Halifax kit today and if it comes out half as nice as yours I would be thrilled. I got the full kit with cut frames in pear. It looks like a really nice kit.
  13. Bob, you continue to be an inspiration. My Halifax kit is supposed to ship late this week or early next. He said it was delayed because the laser cutter guy had to upgrade his machine or something and his thickness sander was down. I'm going to have to go through your posts word for word before I start it.
  14. Frames look nice so far. Sometimes I think our primary hobby is sanding with a little ship modeling thrown in now and then.
  15. I have the Pinnace kit in the closet. I may wait until I scratch build a POF 74 gun Ship of the Line first for practice though.
  16. Thanks Steve. It seems like a lot of these things are little life lessons. I just have to remember it's a hobby and nobody depends on me getting it done at any certain time and all the parts can be remade. It's just more practice.
  17. One thing this little boat has taught me is to know when to walk away for the day. I spent more than 2 hours edge bending, shaping and trimming a single plank. I was getting to the point where it would just sit in place the whole length. I was trying to tweek the bend at the bow to lay into the rabbit nicely and the front half inch snapped off. Oh well, it will be there tomorrow
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