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Everything posted by alde

  1. Nice progress so far. For a flat glueing surface I went to Lowes and picked up a 12" × 12" black marble tile. It's dead flat and less fragile than glass.
  2. I'm sure the kits are put together per order and not on the shelf. I'm in no hurry. I'm not really ready for it anyway. My skills are not quite there yet.
  3. I'll try not to disappoint. How long did it take Lumberyard to ship yours? I haven't heard anything since I paid 2 weeks ago. He did mention that he was waiting to finish getting his thickness sander rebuilt.
  4. She's coming together beautifully Bob. If mine goes half as well as yours I'll be thrilled.
  5. Great way of making the ladder rungs. I love to learn how people come up with ways to use their tools.
  6. I love Hawaiian Koa. I used it for the binding on my acoustic guitar build. (See thread in my signature)
  7. Yep, I'm retired but I don't seem to get as much time working on my models as I would like. I'll keep an eye on the evenness of both sides and try to keep it as even as I can. I wish I had narrowed those second from the bottom plank's a bit more up forward but I'll make up for it as I go.
  8. So far so good on the second try at planking this little hull. It's not perfect but is looking much better than the first try. I am edge bending and twisting the planks as much as possible before glueing them. They need much less clamping than before and seem to follow the lines better. It's going very slow though. Only 2 planks a day lately.
  9. You'll get it. We have all wasted a couple of hulls, at least I know I have.
  10. Filler is your friend in this case but you will need to learn to spile planks for future builds. The best lesson I had was to build the hull of the Glad Tidings Pinky by Model Shipways. It has pre-spiled planks and really shows you how the planks are shaped to lay on the hull correctly. They are far from straight. Once you see how they need to be shaped you can carry it on to other models. Also, tick strips are really helpful so your planks don't get too thin at the bow. You'll get it once you see how the planks are shaped.
  11. That looks like great workmanship. I can't wait to see you do with the hull.
  12. I think this fits in the Naval History section. One of my other hobbies is coin collecting and thought you all might find this interesting. They are a bit scarce but not rare. Does anybody else have any ship or Navy related coins or medals to share? I have a few others I can post if anybody has an interest.
  13. Eric, looking more closely at the photo of the life size long boat it appears that the main sheet is not even attached to the traveler. It looks like it's attached to the gunwale just aft of the ball on the tiller handle. That would also be a logical attachment point.
  14. Eric, Your thread is a great read. Lots of good information and something to think about. The traveler above the tiller makes perfect sense. Chuck also makes a good argument. I'll have to give it some thought and maybe do some more research on the subject. I wish the above photo was more clear but it seems to show the tiller above the traveler.
  15. I found this interesting photo of a rigged longboat and hope it's OK to post it here.
  16. Thanks for the info Bob. I don't mind using the resin but may try to learn some carving. I've always admired some of the great carving work and might give it a try knowing I have the resin as backup.
  17. Bob, When I ordered my Halifax kit they told me they were no longer offering the laser cut stern details because they no longer have the service of the more delicate laser cutter. They now only have the resin parts. How is the quality of the resin castings? I'm sure they will be fine but I may try carving my own with the resin as a backup.
  18. OK Bob, it's all your fault. I have been enjoying your Halifax build so much that I went ahead and did something really silly. I ordered the kit. I know I'm not ready for it yet but want it on the shelf for when I am. Yours has been such an inspiration.
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