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Everything posted by alde

  1. I think these are the carronades that most Syren builders are using. The 18 pounders are the ones that match the plans. I plan to order a ship set for my kit as it's next on my list after the longboat and Glad Tidings. They are a bit expensive though. http://www.model-dockyard.com/acatalog/caldercarft-Gun_Barrels.html
  2. Thanks Cathead. I think you have a great idea. This kit is a great lesson in planking for sure.
  3. Fitting the first garboard stake went pretty well. It sure is a challange. There is a lot of trial and error in bending and twisting the wood to conform to the hull. The edge bending was not as bad as I thought it would be and the second one went easier than the first. At this point I have both garboard strakes and one up from the garboard strake on the port side. I don't have pictures of that because it's covered in clamps and I just had enough for the day.
  4. I thought I was on the mailing list but have not seen anything. I would love to get together with you guys. I'll PM Floyd again.
  5. Thanks for the tip Ryland. I will be doing this tomorrow and will follow your advice. I have a feeling I'll know a whole lot more about planking a hull when it's done.
  6. Welcome aboard. Just have fun with your build. You will get all the help you need here, especially if you start a build log. That way we all learn from it.
  7. Steve, when I looked at BobF''s log it was like a light was lit. It's much more clear now. I really appreciate you pointing me in the right direction.
  8. I'm glad I didn't go further. I'll take a look at BobF's log before I do anything else and waste more wood?
  9. Progress is very slow today. I only had a couple of hours to work on the boat and got a little done. The garboard stake is quite a challange for me. My understanding is that all the shaping of the plank is done on the edge that runs against the keel. Is this right? My first two hulls used pre-spiled planks so this is my first time doing this.
  10. I need to go back and look at some build logs again. I may be over thinking things like I usually do. I am using tick strips and proportional dividers to space out the planks. Fitting the garboard strake looks a bit tricky but I make as many of them as it takes to get it right.
  11. Yes, it's leaning a bit. I decided that since it shouldn't affect the planking and will be hard to see from inside the boat I would leave it alone. I know it's poor workmanship but I didn't notice it until the two shear planks were installed. I should have made a building jig for it.
  12. I appreciate tell constructive criticism. I'm still learning and need all the help I can get. Looking at the hull again I see what you mean. I will see if I can remove the plank with some alcohol and do it right. I can see how it would just magnify as I go.
  13. A little more progress today. I managed to get the first two planks installed. It went pretty and the edge bending using Chucks instructions works very well. I'm using all yellow wood glue so it's going to go a little slow. I really don't like to use super glue if I can help it.
  14. I just started my longboat yesterday. It looks like we are at exactly the same place in the build. Yours is looking nice and ship shape.
  15. Your off to a great start. I'm glad I have a front seat on this one. I have had the kit in my closet for a couple of years too. I don't have the nerve to start it yet though. By the way, I grew up in East Boston and could see Constitution's masts from my bedroom window. I visited the ship as often as I could.
  16. Glad to have you aboard Jim. It's a great group of people.
  17. The planking looks great. Your doing a fantastic job. You might find a sail plan in American Sailing Ships by Howard Chappell. You should be able to pick up a used copy on ebay or Amazon for a few bucks. If the info is not there it's a great reference and good reading anyway. You should be able to find a sail plan somewhere or use the sail plan of a similar vessel of the period as a guide.
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