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Everything posted by alde

  1. Mark, this is very helpful information. I actually ordered the Veritas Mark II guide and a 2 sided waterstone. I don't have them yet. I can also see the logic behind using wider tools. It makes perfect sense. My original thinking was on buying 1/8" and 1/4" tools for most woth but I can see where they would have problems with making clean and straight cuts. I guess the narrow chisels would have their uses but maybe not as much as inthought. Maybe I'll pass on the set as it only goes from 1/8" to 1/2". I'll just pick up individual tools and start with a 1/2". I do have a Veritas mini block plane and it's a thing of beauty.
  2. I already have some Flexcut mini tools that I really like. I think it satisfies that need. I'm wanting to do joinery work and I think larger tools are in order.
  3. I'm leaning toward the Veritas set for sure. It looks like finding them in Stock will be a problem but I'll keep checking back. I would much rather just get the whole set than piece meal it together.
  4. I'm currently kit building but am really wanting to get into scratch building. Before I retired I bought all the Byrnes tools, a scroll and band saw and some hand tools. I think I have all the big stuff I will need so I have been concentrating on hand tools lately. I have been looking at chisels to do some of the nice joinery work I see some of you guys doing. I have a couple of chisels that were my fathers, a 1/2" wood handled Buck Brothers probably from the 70's, a 3/4" plastic handled Stanley probably from the 80''s and a cheap 1/4" from Lowes that I bought. I want to get some decent tools without breaking the bank. I was looking at the Veritas Detail Chisel Set from Lee Valley Tools http://www.leevalley.com/us/Wood/page.aspx?p=46035&cat=1,41504 . I have also been looking at some vintage tools on ebay. Am I wasting money on the vintage toolsor should I steer away from them and get some nicer new tools?
  5. I think the carheads look great Dave. Especially for the scale. I bet once there on the ship you will be perfectly happy with them.
  6. Your getting me really excited about getting my hands on one of these. It looks wonderful.
  7. You may have a small work space but it looks like you make the best of it. I wish I were that organized.
  8. I'm looking forward to watching this one come together. I missed out on the last batch and hope to get mine when they come available.
  9. To all you guys in the northeast please stay safe. It looks like a bad one. Oh, GO BRUINS.
  10. Gary, your Alfred never ceases to amaze me. She's beautiful. I would love to know how heavy she is. I bet it's close to scale weight. Of course I'm not asking you to weigh her. That could cause too many problems.
  11. It's sure coming along nicely Chuck. It looks great. That rendering is beautiful but I like your idea of leaving the frames exposed on one side. I can't wait to get my hands on this one.
  12. The scarf joint is a nice touch. It's more work but it gives it a much better look. You have done a great job on your joinery throughout the build.
  13. Very nice. She's coming together beautifully.
  14. Nice start. I have this kit in the closet but can't get up the nerve to open the box yet. To me Constitution will be my ultimate kit build. She has a big place in my heart as I spent many hours aboard as a kid and have had a fascination with her ever since.
  15. You sure don't waste any time bob. I'm looking forward to watching your build progress.
  16. Your color choice of Vallejo flat red looks great. Just as side note, have you tried Windsor & Newton acrylics? They have some nice colors, go on smooth and cover great without the long dry time of oils.
  17. Congratulations on a wonderful build Bob. She looks fantastic.
  18. Just ordered a set. I never seem to have enough tweezers.
  19. Oh, that's nice Chuck. Are the frames made from your new mystery wood? If so they look great.
  20. You can get a Sherline with a long bed.
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