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Everything posted by alde

  1. Sorry for your loss Jessy. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
  2. Hey Mark, glad to have you aboard. I'm just across the Sound over in Bremerton.
  3. I'm doing pretty well. I've been away from the workbench because of family issues but I'm starting to get back to it now. I still need to build my skill before I tackle the Washington though.
  4. I'll sit in on this one. I have the plans and instructions too. It may be a couple of years before I get to it though.
  5. Thanks Tony. Family issues have kept me out of the shop for quite a while now but I'm getting close to getting back to it.
  6. What a great historical subject. I will watch this with great interest. Have you read To the Shores of Tripoli by A.B.C Whipple? It's a great read on the subject and goes into much detail about Presley O'Bannon and his exploits.
  7. Mike, I know you are a ways away from building the whaleboats. The Morgan is on my bucket list and my goal (or dream) is to build framed whaleboats on a form. I plan to learn small boat building before I get to the Morgan. My point is that I just got a copy of The Greenwich Hospital Barge and methods of building open boats by David Antscherl from Seawatch Books. It looks to me that this book makes it very doable to build the whaleboats. I have not used the information to build a boat yet as I just got the book but it's well written and layer out with good illustrations. I hope to start a build log for a small boat based on the information in the book in the next couple of months.
  8. Bob, whatever you build is going to be a pleasure to see come together.
  9. Bruce, thanks for the great information. I have been storing my wood in the house for the most part but leaving the model in the garage. It would be easy enough to move it into the house when I'm not working on it. It's a small one right now. When I move to a bigger model I can move it inside for masting, rigging and fitting out. That tends to be cleaner work anyway.
  10. Does temperature fluxuation also cause problems? I have moved my building to the garage and depending on the time of the year it can be quite cold or quite warm. I would liked to have keeper the work in the house but the dust got to be too much.
  11. Thank you Hamilton, today was a good day for her. She was in a very happy mood for some reason. It really lifted my heart. I pray that she continues to have good days.
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