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I'm starting to install the carronade eyebolts. The slide eyebolts went right on with just a small pilot hole. The rear or lower eyebolt was a problem. When I started the small pilot hole the whole rear piece broke off (split). So I then gave up trying to drill a pilot hole in that fragile thin wood. I glued the eyebolts behind the rear wheels under the carriage. Looks okay to me.

eyebolts 001.JPG

eyebolts 002.JPG

Posted (edited)

Gun platform with all the trimmings. Carronade is next if I can figure out how to mount it. If it was any smaller I'd throw in the towel.

gun platform 001.JPG

Edited by HIPEXEC

Continuing the carronade production line, one of the completed gun platforms just split in half picking it up. The wood in this kit is quite inferior. These are my two types of magnifiers. One on a fixed stand with a light built in, the other is a plain Sherlock Holmes type.

magnifiers 002.JPG

magnifiers 003.JPG

Posted (edited)

I finished the carronade bases. Now I have to figure out how to mount the actual guns. Again the wood is so poor that several split while I was handling them. BTW I use masking tape doubled on itself sticky side up and down to hold all these small pieces to the work bench.

finished bases 001.JPG

Edited by HIPEXEC
Posted (edited)

Rich, guns and carriages look good.

Have you painted the bottoms of the carriages? Maybe try brushing some epoxy diluted with a bit of alcohol on the bottom? That should help reinforce the wood some.

You can put them in your oven on LOW (120º?) to speed the cure time. I use my oven all the time for that but I have a pilot light. I would think the very lowest setting would work unless its in the 200 degree range, you don't want to bake your wood. Otherwise just let them sit out overnight.


Edited by src

Current Build Constructo Enterprise


That's a lot of tedious work. But your guns look very good!



Current Built:   Model Shipways  Syren  (US Brig 1803)


Last Built:        Anfora (kit bashed)  Ictineo II  (1st steam powered submarine 1864)



Quite a few of mine broke. Some glued back together, some I just recut out of better wood.



 Current build: Syren : Kit- Model Shipways


Side project: HMS Bounty - Revel -(plastic)

On hold: Pre-owned, unfinished Mayflower (wood)


Past builds: Scottish Maid - AL- 1:50, USS North Carolina Battleship -1/350  (plastic),   Andromede - Dikar (wood),   Yatch Atlantic - 14" (wood),   Pirate Ship - 1:72 (plastic),   Custom built wood Brig from scratch - ?(3/4" =1'),   4 small scratch builds (wood),   Vietnamese fishing boat (wood)   & a Ship in a bottle







Way back when I built the guns for my Connie, I built a fake gunport so I could rig the guns off the ship. I'm now using it too build the rest of each gun,

fake gunport 001.JPG


Great idea!😀

I will remember that when it's time for me to do the cannon rigging. 


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Per aka Dr. Per@Therapy for Shipaholics 

Finished: T37, BB Marie Jeanne - located on a shelf in Sweden, 18th Century Longboat, Winchelsea Capstan

Current: America by Constructo, Solö Ruff, USS Syren by MS, Bluenose by MS

Viking funeral: Harley almost a Harvey

Nautical Research Guild Member - 'Taint a hobby if you gotta hurry


After the glue dries when I mount the carronades to the base, I figured the safest place to store them until I rig the block and tackle is in place on the deck of the model

storage 001.JPG


Since the carronades that came with the kit do not have a breech line ring I decided to add my own. I glued on a small ring left over from another kit. When the glue dries I'll paint it black so it looks like part of the gun.

breech line ring 001.JPG

breech line ring 002.JPG

Posted (edited)

The breech line rings are finished. I doubt will I fully rig all block and tackle at this scale. I'll probably do like I did on another model (see pic)

Breech rings 001.JPG

Breech rings 002.JPG

Edited by HIPEXEC

Now I'm installing some eyebolts to rig the breech lines to. The kit doesn't provide eyebolts big enough t take the fat breech line so I got my own.

eyebolts 001.JPG


All 16 carronades are glued in position and one half of each breech line attached to one side. The deck looks like spaghetti with the unattached breech lines flopping around

all guns 001.JPG

all guns 002.JPG


I finished rigging all the breech lines. In the process of trimming the excess line ends, I accidentally cut two "good" lines and had to re-rig them. DUH!  :default_wallbash:

breech lines finished 001.JPG

breech lines finished 002.JPG

breech lines finished 003.JPG


I'm starting the rigging process for the steering mechanism by installing the eyebolts for the blocks. It's a Rube Goldberg affair that I had to modify slightly from the Syren since I now have two aft superstructures that the doors open and would impede the lines in the Syren's plan location.. 

steering started 001.JPG

Posted (edited)

The blocks provided with this kit are sub standard. They are not symetrical and the holes are too small to take a sturdy rigging line fitting a ship's steering mechanism. I drilled out these blocks, but if I don't like how they look I'll have to shop for better quality blocks.

poor blocks 001.JPG

Edited by HIPEXEC

Just found the board this morning and registered to do some research, along the way I found your build thread here. Amazing work, and am looking forward to seeing the finished product. I did have an idea for your head door hinges, but you've already moved beyond that point! I was thinking using a pin vice to drill a small hole in the top of the door and the door frame, as well as in the bottom of the door and the deck. A bit of wire glued into the holes you drill on the door would hold it in the door frame/opening and allow it to pivot as if it were actually hinged. Hope I am explaining it clearly enough! 


I also saw your garage door and if you replace that refletivix foil with some foam board it will work better fighting the heat. It's about $15 for a 4'x8' sheet at one of the big box stores. I've been researching the same project for my garage since it does not have an insulated door and it can be unbearably hot in there! I left NY about 6 years ago, you'd think I would be used to the heat down here by now.


I installed the blocks for the steering mechanism. The degree of difficulty I had fabricating and installing these tiny blocks tells me I'm really going to struggle rigging this ship. Rigging this mechanism with one long strand of line will be a challenge. I'll try it, them move to plan "B" using two pieces of line if it defeats me

steering blocks installed 001.JPG


I pinned and added glue to the tiller where it mates with the rudder post. Then I wedged with chocks to hold the tiller dead center while I string the rigging lines.

wedged tiller 001.JPG


Challenge was an understatment! Rigging the steering was a lesson in frustration especially for my shaky fat fingers. It's rigged with one long line and it works, but it's stiff. Maybe I'll put some beeswax on the lines to lube them. It's also not neat and pretty like the drawings. 

wheel rigged 001.JPG

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