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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks all for the warm welcome back. Yes Greg the whale will be getting a touch up when I have the nerve to stain it on the model... And no Grant I don't think the rat survived the harsh conditions the model was stowed on for at least a year off-site. It was in an open storage facility suffering the seasons. I'm very surprised that there only some very minor cracks in the planking.

The scuppers were drilled from two sides (don't tell not all the way through because they did not line up very well in all places.


The hawse holes are lined with holy. I soaked a thin sheet of holy in water, rolled it up when it was soft and then let it dry in my food curing oven. This gave a nice curve to the planks.   I tinted the seams with pencel lead to make them stand out a little more.



Deck planking added



Breast hooks and bucklers installed











Treat each part as if it is a model on its own, you will finish more models in a day than others do in a lifetime. 

Current build HMS Kingfisher


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