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Sorry for my English "google traslator"

A few years ago I wrote a book analyzing and explaining the construction system used in Spain from 1752 to 1768.

It was called an English system because its origin was an operation of military espionage against England.

For some time now my friend Jose Collado is building a model of 68 canons following the plans I have made strictly following the Spanish regulations of that time.

I will be putting pictures of the process. Spanish construction systems are not exactly the same as the French or the English and are little known by foreign researchers.
Do not hesitate to ask if you have any questions or curiosity arise.

this photo is from the first deck
the official stairway between the first and the second deck

the hand is from my friend jose

At the stern of the stairs you can see the cabin of the midshipmen

in all the model the starboard side goes without boards showing the internal structure
the port side is complete

the cannons are Spanish of 24 pounds according to the regulation of 1752, the rigging of the cannons, which I will show in other photographs, is done according to the regulations of the time. On the first deck the guns are batiportados, I do not know the name in English.

primera cubierta.jpg


the rigging of the cannons in the Spanish way is similar to the French but with significant differences in some points.

here appears batiportado, with a rig that holds the mouth of the gun against the "batiporte" of the "embrasure"


This provision was made in long trips without risk of combat

cañon batiportado.jpg

Posted (edited)

thank you. Now I will continue with photos of the beginning of the ship. I will also put pieces of the theoretical work.

I take this opportunity to remember that the books I have published about the Spanish galleons of XVI and XVII with my friends Cayetano Hormaechea and Manuel Derqui are available to all of you for free.

Based on these books my friend Derqui is about to publish in the Ancre publishing house. a monograph on a galleon of 18 "cubits" of 1618

Edited by Isidro
improve translation

There are many differences between French and Spanish construction. and between English and Spanish. and also many similarities that we can comment if you want.


In my opinion it is confusing to classify the ships by the number of total cannons.

it is better to classify them by the number of guns in the low battery.


A 68 guns ship is the evolution of the classic spanish 70 guns ship and the precursor of the spanish 74 gun ship.


The concept of the 1752 Spanish ship is the result of the Spanish espionage campaign in England and Holland in 1748. and the Spanish concepts of shipbuilding.


the result is far superior to the English ships built according to the establishment of 1745.

A  spanish 68 gun Ship is equivalent to a  English 90 guns establishment 1745.


regarding the book. I'm afraid the third edition is out of print. We will have to wait until the fourth is published. that would have added the complete plans.


you can go see them in the model we are doing


Comenzaremos con el primero.

Para traducir una vieja palabra española, el diccionario marítimo de T. O'Scanlan es muy útil.


En la parte final también hay un diccionario inglés-español, francés-español e italiano-español.

Los planos se han elaborado siguiendo estrictamente el Establecimiento español de 1752, que se compone de varios documentos y Reales Pedidos.

Mi amigo jose (jose_toledo en este foro) comenzó con la construcción de la cama, no la traduzco al inglés, pero cuando la veas la reconocerás.

tiene un nivel, excepto en la popa y el arco en el que se agrega un nivel más.


Note:  I translated this to English --  mtaylor

We will start with the first one. To translate an old Spanish word, the maritime dictionary of T. O'Scanlan is very useful. http://diccionariomaritimo.blogspot.com/2011/03/blog-post.html In the final part there is also an English-Spanish, French-Spanish and Italian-Spanish dictionary. The plans have been drawn up strictly following the Spanish Establishment of 1752, which consists of several documents and Royal Orders. My friend jose (jose_toledo in this forum) began with the construction of the bed, I do not translate it into English, but when you see it you will recognize it. it has a level, except in the stern and the arc in which one more level is added.



La construcción de los marcos sigue el sistema inglés, pero debe tenerse en cuenta que durante el siglo XVIII, el sistema español se basó en los ship builders atraídos por la operación de espionaje español de 1748. El último establecimiento inglés de 1745.


Este sistema fue mejorado, dimensionándolo y cambiando diferentes parámetros. (Mi libro "El 1752 barco español de 68 cañones" habla de ello).

en los planos que le suceden a jose_toledo se dibuja cada cuadro a escala 1-50 y se monta en una tabla con clanes para sujetar las piezas y que están pegados con seguridad.


Note:  I translated this. Mtaylor

The construction of the frames follows the English system, but it should be borne in mind that during the 18th century, the Spanish system was based on the ship builders attracted by the Spanish espionage operation of 1748. The last English establishment of 1745. This system was improved, sizing and changing different parameters. (My book "The 1752 Spanish ship of 68 cannons" talks about it). in the planes that happen to jose_toledo each frame is drawn to scale 1-50 and mounted on a table with clans to hold the pieces and that are stuck safely.









Once all the frames were built, a first sanding job was carried out.

According to one knows of the English system of construction of that time, according to the book of another spy, this time French (blaise ollivier 1737) between two "account" frames (I do not know the term in English). there are three filler frames in which the bow part of the frame is not attached to the stern part.

also the space between frames in these ships is minimal in the area attached to the keel

no frame has its bolted pieces, according to the Spanish writings of that time,

in my plans we chose to have only one filler frame.

the assembly started in the bow, which is classic of the Spanish system and also of the English, and different from the French system type "orange segments"

then they go hemi-frames inclined.
as the years passed, the number of crooked frames increased.

in the stern the corresponding parts are placed, in Spanish it is the "peto de popa" with the "gambotas"

You can see Jose_toledo proud of our work.















Here I put some drawings of my book that explain some pieces of the model. the pieces are taken from the regulation of 1752 oak woods, which has drawn all the silhouettes of the pieces.

the regulation of oak woods is a complete book, but in my book of the ship of 68 cannons I digitized and cleaned it, I put a picture of the set of pieces.

These regulations were always ignored by non-Spanish researchers. and they are a great source of knowledge

ejemplo de relacion .jpg

axial segunda parte definitivo.jpg


tajamar y leon.jpg




You will see that although it might seem similar to an English ship, you will find quite a few differences inside the ship. and also in the length with respect to an English ship of the same number of guns.

In general, the internal structure of a Spanish ship is different from the English one. the dustbin locker is located in the stern, in the English ships it is in the prow.
I'll put pictures, you can ask me questions if you want








drawing of the ship of his royal majesty The Africa that serves as model to this work.

This drawing can be found in a manuscript called "Marques de la Victoria album" that contains drawings of Spanish naval architecture from the first third of the 18th century until the middle of the century.


Posted (edited)

the external fixation of the bolting of the tackles of  "spanish way XVIII"


top bolt for muzzle tackle
two bolts on each side for breechings (two breechings are used in case of combat)
another bolt for gun tackle


(in the photo the cannon is stowed and only uses one breeching)


In addition to using a muzzle lashing tackle, in Spain, a muzzle tackle is used.
(the muzzle tackle is the train tackle moved)



Edited by Isidro

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