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Posted (edited)

Well…took a side trip and made my capstan from the kit materials. I did a decent job of putting it together. The small triangular sections between each support were easy to make using a cross section of a wooden dowel, divided up like a pie.

Made a mistake by staining with Golden Oak. The end result is that it looks like a turd.  😖


I might redo it…we shall see. Baby poop pics below. Definitely not happy with this result. 






Edited by Overworked724


“Here.  Hold my beer..." --- Common phrase uttered by Lord Admiral Nelson at any pub. 🍺


like the cross section approach. nice start except the baby poop. Just a thought if you're using kit material (i.e. basswood) you might try WOP on material before using and then another coat when finished. Its worked for me but it is a pain.


Best Regards


Current Build:

Erycina 1882 Fishing Trawler by Vanguard Models 1:64 scale

Syren by pearwill Model Shipways 1:64 scale

On Hold:

HM Cutter Cheerful  Syren Shipmodel Scratch 1:48 scale

1776 Washington Row Galley scratch scratch from NRG plans #121  1:48 scale

Completed Build:

Charles W. Morgan by Artesania Latina circa 1988, Lowell Grand Banks Dory 1:24 scale by Model Shipways, Norwegian.Sailing Pram 1:12 scale by Model Shipways, Muscongus Bay Lobster Smack 1:24 scale by Model Shipways


Member Nautical Research Guild


1 hour ago, niwotwill said:

Just a thought if you're using kit material (i.e. basswood) you might try WOP on material before using and then another coat when finished.

Thanks, Will. Not sure what WOP is…wipe on poly?  Either way…not certain that would help. I think the grain is pretty loose for those laser cut pieces so I’m guessing basswood. 

No way around this as the end grain soaked up that darker color like it was painted black. 

Redoing it from scratch….


“Here.  Hold my beer..." --- Common phrase uttered by Lord Admiral Nelson at any pub. 🍺


You"re right on the grain its a sponge.

If scratch try something harder like boxwood or pear. 

Good Luck! Can't wait to see the end result it will be as good as other scratch you've done.


Best Regards


Current Build:

Erycina 1882 Fishing Trawler by Vanguard Models 1:64 scale

Syren by pearwill Model Shipways 1:64 scale

On Hold:

HM Cutter Cheerful  Syren Shipmodel Scratch 1:48 scale

1776 Washington Row Galley scratch scratch from NRG plans #121  1:48 scale

Completed Build:

Charles W. Morgan by Artesania Latina circa 1988, Lowell Grand Banks Dory 1:24 scale by Model Shipways, Norwegian.Sailing Pram 1:12 scale by Model Shipways, Muscongus Bay Lobster Smack 1:24 scale by Model Shipways


Member Nautical Research Guild


Posted (edited)

So...spent the last couple days on the 'Capstan Redux' project.  It was my own damned fault for using Golden Oak stain.  I wasn't thinking and I knew the effect, especially after the stain dried, would be ghastly....and it was.  But, it gave me another fun problem to solve.  So, here was my brief journey using boxwood to scratch build the capstan.


I don't have a lathe...so the little circular sandwich pieces were a problem.  So I thought of using my Dremel sanding attachment, and create a sandwich of roughly hewn boxwood sections, then run it across sandpaper.  So I cut a bunch, drilled a hole in them, loaded them up, and TaaDaa!   😆  Worked like a charm.  










I made the top circular section sans hole (photos not shown) by glueing the roughly rounded section to the top of a wooden dowel, sticking it in my drill, and doing the same thing as above....then I just soaked the assembly in water to separate.


The cog section was easy to make using my drill press, sandwiching the section between other wood...to get consistent depth and width.




The whelps (leg-like sections of the base) were a bit difficult for me.  I decided to manually shape them by cutting a groove in the individual sections of boxwood with my table saw and using a straight razor to trim the meat.  The gap acts as a terminator to prevent the wood from splitting.








I combined together and bulk sanded the little guys using an emery board.  This was about as close as I could get to the laser cut pieces.




Then I put them all together...




And decided I would put in some bolts (nails) on the drum as a nice detail.




The two rows of boxwood chocks (yeah...these suckers are small) I created using boxwood strips cut 'cross grain' and sanding them to a point.




Then I touch up sanded to ensure the tip 'fit' in the the appropriate section I was filling, then I simply used a straight razor to slice off the end section.  This was easy and the grain runs across the width of the wood strip.  Then I touch sanded a bit for a good fit before gluing in.  This was easier than using a dowel.




The end result wasn't perfect....since the holes aren't square.  But - again, it's a minor thing and I'm sure I could remake with a perfect square hole if I'd been a bit more careful of my measurements.  


Final result was a pretty decent redux of the original capstan.






And I'll consider this a win over my original attempt using the kit sections.  But this was not the kits fault....it was mine.  The laser cut parts were easy to separate, prep and assemble, I just screwed up (badly) the staining.  So - word to the wise, don't go messing with stain unless you know what it's going to look like!!


Here is the final comparison.  Kit (left) and my scratch built (right).  I'm leaving it completely natural.




Moving on....





Edited by Overworked724


“Here.  Hold my beer..." --- Common phrase uttered by Lord Admiral Nelson at any pub. 🍺


Beautiful capstan, Patrick! Your scratch-built version is a very nice improvement over the kit provided one. And the capstan is one of those deck features, which is very visible.



Current Built:   Model Shipways  Syren  (US Brig 1803)


Last Built:        Anfora (kit bashed)  Ictineo II  (1st steam powered submarine 1864)



@Gahm, @CPDDET, @Gregory… Can’t tell you how much your kind kudos does to keep my confidence up! Very much appreciated!


“Here.  Hold my beer..." --- Common phrase uttered by Lord Admiral Nelson at any pub. 🍺

15 hours ago, abelson said:

Nice work on the scratch build capstan.

Thanks, Abe!


“Here.  Hold my beer..." --- Common phrase uttered by Lord Admiral Nelson at any pub. 🍺

  • 4 months later...
Posted (edited)

Ok…tales of my demise have been greatly exaggerated!  I’m still kicking about…just packing and getting ready to sell our house and move. So these might be the last pics of progress for the remainder of the year. (We shall see!)


The kit supplied metal figurehead was one piece I did not feel inclined or proficient enough to bash and achieve superior results. So, as I trimmed, polished, and buffed it until I felt I couldn’t get her in any better shape.




After a coat of primer, I originally planned to paint it as if it were simply unpainted wood.  But since the detail came out so nice, I decided to go for full detailing. Turned out damned nice!  The slight nicks and imperfections actually seem to add warmth.  A watered down light brown paint to add some weathering.




Followed it up with a coat of dull coat. All in all…I’m happy with the result! 



Moving on!!!


(ok. I have to be honest. This was a team effort. A buddy of mine who paints miniatures offered to help me out on the painting. So I’ll only take 1/2 credit on my figurehead. 😁)

Edited by Overworked724


“Here.  Hold my beer..." --- Common phrase uttered by Lord Admiral Nelson at any pub. 🍺


Well done, that's an excellent paint job!



Current Built:   Model Shipways  Syren  (US Brig 1803)


Last Built:        Anfora (kit bashed)  Ictineo II  (1st steam powered submarine 1864)



Great job on the green tail and the flesh tones. High lighting the subtle features is well done. 


Best Regards


Current Build:

Erycina 1882 Fishing Trawler by Vanguard Models 1:64 scale

Syren by pearwill Model Shipways 1:64 scale

On Hold:

HM Cutter Cheerful  Syren Shipmodel Scratch 1:48 scale

1776 Washington Row Galley scratch scratch from NRG plans #121  1:48 scale

Completed Build:

Charles W. Morgan by Artesania Latina circa 1988, Lowell Grand Banks Dory 1:24 scale by Model Shipways, Norwegian.Sailing Pram 1:12 scale by Model Shipways, Muscongus Bay Lobster Smack 1:24 scale by Model Shipways


Member Nautical Research Guild


  • 3 weeks later...

Just an update on my blog. The Syren is now boxed up. My ship room is closing down as I put everything in boxes for our upcoming move. Looks like she’ll be finished in Japan!  I’ll be on line occasionally to pipe in on other builds. 

Stay Tuned…the journey has literally just begun. 👍🏽😎


“Here.  Hold my beer..." --- Common phrase uttered by Lord Admiral Nelson at any pub. 🍺


I hope everything goes well with your move. Having moved from the UK to the US, I know that moving to another country is complicated. At least here in the US I could mostly speak the language.


All the best.



Current Build: Early 19th Century US Revenue Cutter (Artesania Latina "Dallas" - messed about)

Completed Build: Yakatabune - Japanese - Woody Joe mini

Member: Nautical Research Guild & Midwest Model Shipwrights

  • 1 month later...

Well…my mid-life migration to Japan is still proceeding. I miss my Syren (which is packed up and shipped).  Seems like a while before I’ll be back in my shipyard, but it will happen. 



“Here.  Hold my beer..." --- Common phrase uttered by Lord Admiral Nelson at any pub. 🍺

  • 3 months later...

Howdy Shipmates!  Just keeping my thread alive. Will be making the final move in December. Really missing my shipyard…and my ship!  Hope my Syren made it over to Japan ok. 🙏🏼


“Here.  Hold my beer..." --- Common phrase uttered by Lord Admiral Nelson at any pub. 🍺

  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Landed in our new apartment in Kagoshima. My ship room is now under construction. Long way to go but at least our home for the next couple years is getting established.  Thinking about how I can setup a little ‘side’ table to work on my Syren. 





“Here.  Hold my beer..." --- Common phrase uttered by Lord Admiral Nelson at any pub. 🍺


Patrick, is that a tall ship model back by the window? How in the world do you move something like that? I've been wondering what I'd do with my finished models if I ever had to move.



18 hours ago, bobandlucy said:

Patrick, is that a tall ship model back by the window? How in the world do you move something like that? I've been wondering what I'd do with my finished models if I ever had to move.



🤣 That's a shower curtain with a ship mast against the moon. I’d never build something that big…of course the Syren comes close!


in terms of size…after my Syren, I’ll be doing the Woody Joe model of the Stuart Royal yacht…then I’m scaling down to miniatures due to the issue you raised @bobandlucy…space. There’s definitely not enough in Japan!!  🫡


“Here.  Hold my beer..." --- Common phrase uttered by Lord Admiral Nelson at any pub. 🍺

  • 2 weeks later...

Wooohooo!!!  Finally found time and room to unearth my Syren!  Only to put it in another box until I can get a bench together. 😣


Good news is that it looks like she traveled well…but not chance to unwrap her yet. But it’s progress!!!



“Here.  Hold my beer..." --- Common phrase uttered by Lord Admiral Nelson at any pub. 🍺

  • 1 month later...

And...progress update for my mini-shipyard (just keep my thread alive and kicking)...finally ordered a simple desk to use as a mini-work bench.  Space in our new apartment is a bit limited, so I am being careful to try to utilize what little space my wife gave me to good use.  It will have to do until we have a house (a few years from now....date TBD).  But I am itching to get back to work on my Syren.  Sabbatical almost over...a few more weeks and shell be in her new home...and Ill be posting again.




“Here.  Hold my beer..." --- Common phrase uttered by Lord Admiral Nelson at any pub. 🍺

  • 3 weeks later...

My tiny shipyard and Syren have finally been unpacked!  Good news…the copper plating is still holding fast. The bad news is the new penny look is gone. A few spots on the copper got marred during shipping, and the patina isn’t weathered as evenly as I’d hoped. But other than that…all else looks ok. 

A few bonus pics for fun. No more excuses now…I have a functional office and semi functional shipyard. 👍🏽








“Here.  Hold my beer..." --- Common phrase uttered by Lord Admiral Nelson at any pub. 🍺

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