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HMS Terror by ObviousNewbie - FINISHED - OcCre - Scale 1:75 - first wooden ship build

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On 7/17/2020 at 7:52 PM, Wahka_est said:

....and you are almost done, not like me still motivating myself to start with chainplates :) 

thnx! One thing I did was to split up between chainplates and masts/yardarms. There's 70 chainplates to be put up, so I divided and worked per mast, fore chainplates, then foremast, etc.. 

"Whatever does not kill you, only makes you stranger."


Current build: 

Finished builds:Calella by Occre - Greek Bireme by Amati HMS Terror by Occre - Frigate Diana by Occre

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Hi all, quick question: Finalising Terror, but as you know I decided not to put up sails. Strange thing is I can't find a reference to set up the boom. the Gaff I can figure out, as it's connected to the mizzen mast with some blocks, but the boom only has a boomrest? I know the gaff would not be deployed if there was no sail on it, but how about the boom?


As always, thnx for the help!

"Whatever does not kill you, only makes you stranger."


Current build: 

Finished builds:Calella by Occre - Greek Bireme by Amati HMS Terror by Occre - Frigate Diana by Occre

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I'm fairly certain the boom would be supported by a "topping lift" which is a rope that goes from the tip to somewhere up in the mast. At the mast end it sits upon little wedge-shaped wooden blocks or a solid ring attached to the mast, and has a metal or rope ring called a "parrel line" with little rollers on it called "parrel beads" that goes around the mast. 


Unlike a small boat, when the sail is furled, it actually is tied up to the mast and the gaff, which is supported by the throat and peak halyards. So you can definitely include the gaff on your ship without the sail, either hoisted up, or lowered and lying secured on top of the boom. If you enter the term "boom jaws" in "Google" you will see lots of pictures.

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Hi all,


Working on the final details for Terror, I managed to rig the boom and the gaff (Sorry Keith S, our activities crossed, as you were posting your message I was finalising the rigging):




The line at the end of the boom is a bit of creative thinking, it seemed the only logical way to ensure the boom stayed up with the connections available. It's probably not historically accurate, but it seems to do the trick.


Anchors in place as well:




Finalised rigging on the bowsprit, leaving only the remaining davits and the sloops to be finalised. The sloops are a bit of a headache painting-wise: they're cast metal, and after trying to paint them with enamel (with bad results), I applied some Tamiya metal primer on the clean sloops and then applied the enamel (equally bad), I'm experimenting with how to get the correct look.


Meanwhile, the shipyard will not be empty after Terror:




Will start on Di as soon as Terror is finished. Ambitious (too much?), but right now the biggest challenge is to keep the box closed and sealed 🙂


the Admiral being Greek, she had a special request:




This is really freaking me out: single planking! Found some logs over here that document the builds though, hoping that will help...


Enjoy your weekend!

"Whatever does not kill you, only makes you stranger."


Current build: 

Finished builds:Calella by Occre - Greek Bireme by Amati HMS Terror by Occre - Frigate Diana by Occre

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That looks just fine, the line holding the end of the boom up is a "topping lift" and would have probably gone to the mast on one side or other of the sail. However, on models without sails, I think it looks nicer (in my amateur opinion) to do it the way you have, because it suggests the outline of the sail and visually fills in that space. Besides, on boats with this type of sail, there is often a flag-halyard that does go exactly there. Often, pennants are flown from the tip of the gaff. 


Those white-metal boats are the devil to paint. I find white-metal takes paint better if you wash it with strong soap -NOT washing-up soap for dishes, because it often has oily stuff in it to make your hands feel nice after washing-up. You need to use a more aggressive soap like automotive degreaser. Or you can use a solvent like acetone or methyl-ethyl ketone. After that you must not touch the object until you have primed it, because even the oils in your fingerprints will prevent the paint sticking nicely.


I think your ship looks great. There are so many parts to these models, I honestly feel like it is a Sisyphean task. I  congratulate you on nearly being finished. 





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On 7/26/2020 at 12:29 PM, ObviousNewbie said:

Hi all,


Working on the final details for Terror, I managed to rig the boom and the gaff (Sorry Keith S, our activities crossed, as you were posting your message I was finalising the rigging):




The line at the end of the boom is a bit of creative thinking, it seemed the only logical way to ensure the boom stayed up with the connections available. It's probably not historically accurate, but it seems to do the trick.


Anchors in place as well:




Finalised rigging on the bowsprit, leaving only the remaining davits and the sloops to be finalised. The sloops are a bit of a headache painting-wise: they're cast metal, and after trying to paint them with enamel (with bad results), I applied some Tamiya metal primer on the clean sloops and then applied the enamel (equally bad), I'm experimenting with how to get the correct look.


Meanwhile, the shipyard will not be empty after Terror:




Will start on Di as soon as Terror is finished. Ambitious (too much?), but right now the biggest challenge is to keep the box closed and sealed 🙂


the Admiral being Greek, she had a special request:




This is really freaking me out: single planking! Found some logs over here that document the builds though, hoping that will help...


Enjoy your weekend!

uuhhhh two new models! the Diana and the roman birreme!! 😱

another birreme is built at this moment by D_Mc (mantua model vs your Amati model), sure the plank is tricky, you'll know to curve it in 3D dimensions 😜

i'm not an expert but i think to avoid gaps between planks, do not use water to curve planks, only the electric solder to give the correct curvature. The planks with water inside are easy to fix but sometimes wheh dries, it leaves gaps. Or maybe you can fix it only with nails without glue, leave it to dry and fix it with the nails+glue, but very slow process.  


well done with Terror and sure new models will be both awesome!





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Hi all,


My first build log entry dates to end of january. Now, at the end of july, I installed the last davits on the deck, and HMS Terror is complete 🙂


Finally got some results in painting the sloops I could live with:





And then the chimneys and the davits were installed. Here's the result:







What a ride this was! To say I'm hooked is an understatement. I really enjoyed the entire experience and I learned an enormous amount, although I realise still have a lot to learn. She looks gorgeous though, the only thing left is to paint the support 🙂 .


How do you maintain your finished models in prime condition? I assume a display case of sorts is the best way to keep the dust away. Any tips on this? Was thinking of using a wooden base and plexiglass cover.


Thank you to all the members who chipped in with valuable advice, tips and motivation, you've been an enormous help!

"Whatever does not kill you, only makes you stranger."


Current build: 

Finished builds:Calella by Occre - Greek Bireme by Amati HMS Terror by Occre - Frigate Diana by Occre

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11 minutes ago, Backer said:


It was nice to follow this build.


Thnx, and thnx for the advice. Stay tuned for the next one 🙂

"Whatever does not kill you, only makes you stranger."


Current build: 

Finished builds:Calella by Occre - Greek Bireme by Amati HMS Terror by Occre - Frigate Diana by Occre

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7 hours ago, ObviousNewbie said:

Stay tuned for the next one 🙂

Send me a pm  when you start this  


Always useful to find something.  and everyone immediately sees what you are building



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Hi all, probably more of an admin question but: how do I add the word "FINISHED" to the title of this build log? Or can I only claim this after the stand has been painted? 😉

"Whatever does not kill you, only makes you stranger."


Current build: 

Finished builds:Calella by Occre - Greek Bireme by Amati HMS Terror by Occre - Frigate Diana by Occre

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Go to post 1 of your buildlog and look at the bottom.


There is   Quote   edit    post actions   (see print screen) 

Click on edit


Now you can "edit" the first post (change the tittle)


Add FINISHED in the tittle


and then press SAVE



Great new link in your signature ;) 



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Shameless self-promotion: I started on a new project, Frigate Diana by Occre. If you're interested, here's the link to the Diana Build Log.

"Whatever does not kill you, only makes you stranger."


Current build: 

Finished builds:Calella by Occre - Greek Bireme by Amati HMS Terror by Occre - Frigate Diana by Occre

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/28/2020 at 2:03 PM, ObviousNewbie said:

John Aliprantis' video series on Santissima Trinidad is pairing up the lines

John's YouTube Channel is like a complete video tutorial on model building. He is currently building the Occre Montanes 

"Peace is not something you wish for; It's something you make, Something you do, Something you are, And something you give away" by Robert Fulghum

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On 8/19/2020 at 3:55 PM, RussR said:

John's YouTube Channel is like a complete video tutorial on model building. He is currently building the Occre Montanes 

I know, following it closely 🙂

"Whatever does not kill you, only makes you stranger."


Current build: 

Finished builds:Calella by Occre - Greek Bireme by Amati HMS Terror by Occre - Frigate Diana by Occre

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  • 1 month later...
On 7/11/2020 at 10:07 AM, ObviousNewbie said:

Hi all, thnx for checking in. Big update, it's been quiet, but not at the shipyard. First of all, I finalised the ratlines:





I just love how the lines really flesh out the appearance. Also installed the structure at the stern and 2 davits, as I assumed they would be impossible to get to when all rigging was done:




Then, the big leap: standing rigging. Honestly, the two things I feared most before starting, planking and rigging, are proving to be  the most rewarding steps in the build 🙂 I know, I still need to get to the hard bits rigging-wise, but so far I'm having a blast. As the shipyard is getting smaller and smaller by the day (especially after mounting the bowsprit), I took Terror for a little trip to the kitchen to shoot some pictures:






And that's where we are today. Rest of the standing rigging should be ready by next week, then the fun really begins, as that's the part of the rigging schemes I still cannot figure out. The videos help though..

I’m at this stage and was wondering what spacing you decided for the ratlines and which securing method did you go with?

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Hi there, I've made a template on paper, which I put behind the shrouds so I could follow the lines. Lines were set apart 5mm, after checking with the experts over here 🙂 . Securing them was a difficult choice, in the end I secured them with CA glue, tried the knot-tying but I kept on stretching the shroud lines in all kinds of wrong directions...

"Whatever does not kill you, only makes you stranger."


Current build: 

Finished builds:Calella by Occre - Greek Bireme by Amati HMS Terror by Occre - Frigate Diana by Occre

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all,


It's been a while, but Teror is finally where she should be:






There are probably hundreds of mistakes in there, but I can't help but feeling proud for my first build. The Admiral was equally impressed, so the display case has taken up a central space in our home 🙂


Thanks again to all of you for all the help, advice and support. Without you, I'd probably still be figuring out which rope goes where 🙂


Stay safe and take care!

"Whatever does not kill you, only makes you stranger."


Current build: 

Finished builds:Calella by Occre - Greek Bireme by Amati HMS Terror by Occre - Frigate Diana by Occre

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  • 1 month later...
On 10/26/2020 at 2:37 PM, ObviousNewbie said:

Hi all,


It's been a while, but Teror is finally where she should be:






There are probably hundreds of mistakes in there, but I can't help but feeling proud for my first build. The Admiral was equally impressed, so the display case has taken up a central space in our home 🙂


Thanks again to all of you for all the help, advice and support. Without you, I'd probably still be figuring out which rope goes where 🙂


Stay safe and take care!

congratulations. you should be proud for this accomplishment as first build. well done! beautiful . v. 

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  • 8 months later...

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