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HM Gun Brig Adder 1797 by Glenn-UK - Vanguard Models - 1:64

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Build Log Index

Date: 15/09/2024

Time worked today: 4 hours.

Total time spent on build: 86 hours.


Yard and Bowsprit Manufacture Part 3

Work is still progressing slowly and steadily with making all the various yards. I have always found this aspect of the build process takes a great deal of time.


All work is now complete on the spritsail yard, the fore & main topsail masts, the fore & main topgallant yards, Jibboom and the main &driver booms.


I only have to add the PE parts, the various blocks / deadeyes and footropes to the bowsprit and fore & main lower yards which I hope will be completed in the next day or two.


The following photo shows all the fore & main mast yards, prior to the final painting phase, and before completion of the lower yards.


I decided to add the planking to the hexagonal section of the main and fore lower yards as I think this look much better.


The next photo shows the completed spritsail, after painting. I might have to revisit one of the outer footropes and there are not as even as I would like (yellow arrows)


The next photo shows the completed fore and main topsail yards.


The final photo of this post shows fore and main topgallant yards.


Glenn (UK)

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Build Log Index

Date: 18/09/2024

Time worked today: 4 hours.

Total time spent on build: 90 hours.


Yard and Bowsprit Manufacture Part 4

I have now completed all the work related to making the yards and booms.


The first two photos show the spritsail yard which has been temporarily pinned to the bowsprit. The various deadeyes to the bowsprit will be added later today.


The next two photos show the various yards and booms temporarily pinned to the main, main topsail and main topgallant masts.


The final photo show the various yards temporarily pinned to the fore, fore topsail and fore topgallant masts.


Glenn (UK)

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Build Log Index

Date: 19/09/2024

Time worked today: 2 hours.

Total time spent on build: 92hours.


Bowsprit Installation

I have now started the rigging phase of the build. I started by adding and securing the jibboom and spritsail yard to the bowsprit. Once that was done the bowsprit assembly was added to the hull.


The first rigging task was to add the gammoning.


Next I rigged the spritsail yard lifts.


The next photo shows the spritsail yard tye blocking rigging.


I made sure the spritsail yard lifts and tyes rigging was fed through the bowsprit fairlead before they were belayed. The second photo shows the belaying of the spritsail tye to a belaying pin.


The final photo shows the belaying of the spritsail yard lifts.


Glenn (UK)

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Build Log Index

Date: 21/09/2024

Time worked today: 1 hour.

Total time spent on build: 93hours.


Hammock Cranes

I forgot to add the following photo showing the bowsprit, jibboom and spritsail yard


I realised I had not added the hammock cranes to the hull and it is much easier to install these before I start work on the shrouds.


There are 16 hammock cranes installed each side. I test fitted each crane before they were glued in place. I used wood glue. Once they were all fitted I added the rigging.


I have made the fore and main mast shroud pairs and I am now ready to start work in rigging these.


Glenn (UK)

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Build Log Index

Date: 23/09/2024

Time worked today: 1 hour.

Total time spent on build: 94hours.


Shroud Deadeye Installation Method and Failure

When I tackle a task which has a repetitive nature I like to find a method that will yield constant results. Adding deadeyes to the shrouds is one such process especially as I like to ensure the deadeyes are all set to the same height.


I came up with a method which helped me to set the shroud deadeye to the same height using a simple jig which I have used on several of my last builds with great success. It is a simple process, using a simple jig, and should ensure all the deadeyes are set to the same height.


There are two prongs which are used to locate the jig in channel deadeye. There are two sets of guide pins on the jig which are used to keep the shroud in place. There is a hole near the top of the jig which is used as the point where the deadeye seizing will start. The photo below shows the jig in place. The shroud has been placed between the top and bottom guides and I have used a spring clamp to provide a little bit of tension to the shroud.


The seizing thread, with the aid of a needle, is then passed though shroud and then through the hole in the jig. This reason for this is to ensure the seizing is set to the same place on each shroud line. In the photo below the seizing thread has been added.


A loop for the deadeye is formed in the shroud which is then held in the quad hands so the seizing can be added, as can be seen in the next two photos.


With the shroud still held in the deadeyes the seizing’s above the deadeye are added. In the photo below the first seizing has been added. I did add another seizing whilst the shroud was held in the quad hands.


I then repeated the process for the second shroud. As can be seen in the final photo my tried and trusted method has clearly failed spectacularly this time around. I have no explanation why there is such a discrepancy between the height of the first shroud pair. I will remove the deadeyes from these two shrouds and start again. I am also going to think if I can refine the process to prevent such a error occurring.


Edited by Glenn-UK

Glenn (UK)

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Build Log Index

Date: 25/09/2024

Time worked today: 2 hour.

Total time spent on build: 96hours.


Fore Shroud Deadeye Rework

As reported in my last post I was not happy with how the first two fore shroud deadeyes looked, they were not set to the same height, even though the process detailed in my last post usually worked.


After carefully unpicking the various seizing threads I started the process once again, with a slight refinement. Using the same jig to determine the deadeye position in the shroud line I inserted the seizing thread to all 4 shroud lines and checked they were all at the same level. The next photo shows the seizing threads in position.


With the first two deadeyes inserted in the shrouds the level of the deadeyes was checked. This time around I was much happy with how they look.


Confident that the process was working the remaining deadeyes were added to their respective shrouds and the seizing added. As can be seen in the next photo the deadeyes are reasonably level with each other. The lanyards still need a bit of tiding up however.


I will now repeat this process for the other shroud lines.



Glenn (UK)

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11 minutes ago, kgstakes said:

The work you do is amazing!!  I’ve done some crazy modeling before but I’m not sure I would have the patience ( or eye sight🤪) to do all the rigging you’ve done.


 Great job!!!

Many thanks. My patience does get near to breaking point quite often. 🤣

Glenn (UK)

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5 minutes ago, Glenn-UK said:

Many thanks. My patience does get near to breaking point quite often. 🤣

That’s the natural order of things for rigging isn’t it, well it is for me as well! 🤣

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