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Thanks Russ, I will do that when it is time to attach to the ship, I think it will make it easier to get it to lay the way I need it to in order to get nailed


If you risk nothing, you risk everything!


Current builds

Syren (Model Shipways) version 2.0

AL San Francisco II

Mordaunt (Euro Model)

Completed Builds

18th Century Longboat designed by Chuck Passaro

In the closet

Battle Station

Al Charles Morgan (1980s version)



This is the tool I would recommend, you can file or grind the outside of the jaws to get the pin groove closer to the keel/rudder if you want.post-697-0-78536100-1361764549_thumb.jpg


This is how the hinge is crimped, I don't have a pin in it, it will release a bit when you let go so the pin should not end up too tight



Then rest it over a steel or hard edge the right thickness and using something flat and square ended like a steel rule bend the sides down against the steel




You will find all kinds of handy tools in the most unexpected places. The trick is to be able to think outside the square and see the potential.


As for your hinges, it is not for me to say they are good or not, that is entirely up to you.


If you decide to try again - now you know how to soften the brass so do that first so you don't break it, not sure about the quenching, when I relaoded bullets that was the method for keeping the brass neck soft. Try it without quenching and see what happens. By the way, heating them will burn off the ca and let the old pin come out.


Your use of wire cutters shows you are thinking outside the square, that is probably the way I did my first one.


One more trick with the hinges to get them to fit better against the keel and rudder.


The bend will always be rounded to some degree and it is hard to get perfect form on the hinge. File a bevel on the keel and rudder in the right place to correspond to the hinge, so the hinge will be able to sit in closer and it will cover the bevel so no-one will see it.


I did find that tool at the hardware store today, but then opted not to spend the $23 they wanted for it. I decided what they had was too good and would just cut through that soft brass. So tonight I came home, tore the rudder all apart, and redid it. I just used the cutters I already had, very small, and very dull, but shaped the same, and used your technique combined with beveling that edge on the rudder a bit. I also used the nails provided with the kit as the pins. Worked very slick and gave me a much better looking result. Too tired tonight, but I will post the pic tomorrow.


If you risk nothing, you risk everything!


Current builds

Syren (Model Shipways) version 2.0

AL San Francisco II

Mordaunt (Euro Model)

Completed Builds

18th Century Longboat designed by Chuck Passaro

In the closet

Battle Station

Al Charles Morgan (1980s version)



To paraphrase a well known semi-pirate, "A craftsman always likes to know his help is appreciated" Can't wait to aee the pics Robbyn.




Good day,


I'm doing the same model but just started and are far behind you which is good for me - lots to learn. I am still on the deck and am doing the single hull. We'll see how that goes but you're making great progress.


Love the hinge discussion although that won't happen for awhile




Randy, good to meet and have another SFII buddy. Best of luck with single planking that hull, I have no doubt that you will end up with a decent result, as long as you pay your dues in sweat and blood :piratetongueor4: . She can be nasty for sure! As for waiting on that rudder, if this is your first attempt at building you will find that while you are waiting for glue to dry, there is always plenty of little, builds, paints, assembly etc of parts you will need further along in the build. I tend to sit at my table and work for hours straight on the days I am off work, so I keep busy looking ahead and getting those little things ready. It keeps my hands and mind occupied, which then keeps me out of trouble :D

I look forward to following your build log!


If you risk nothing, you risk everything!


Current builds

Syren (Model Shipways) version 2.0

AL San Francisco II

Mordaunt (Euro Model)

Completed Builds

18th Century Longboat designed by Chuck Passaro

In the closet

Battle Station

Al Charles Morgan (1980s version)



Well I have my first major screw up %#$@!&$ It seems I managed to cut my lower gun ports in the wrong place. :o  Soooooo I will be spending the next few days tearing off some planking and replacing it, so I can get them where they belong. Did I say !#@$^&*  :angry:

Some days you just seem to go backward :(

Feel rather like crud today too. So quitting early tonight and crawling into bed


If you risk nothing, you risk everything!


Current builds

Syren (Model Shipways) version 2.0

AL San Francisco II

Mordaunt (Euro Model)

Completed Builds

18th Century Longboat designed by Chuck Passaro

In the closet

Battle Station

Al Charles Morgan (1980s version)



Hey Robbyn

I know you have other things on your plate with those sneaky gun ports popping up in the wrong places but you owe me pics of the rudder hinges my dear.


Not wishing to sound pushy or presumpuous of course.




Bedford, I know before the crash I had looked at all the SF build logs...hoping to learn from others mistakes. it seems I did...but still managed a pretty major set back even so. Figure this gun port faux pas is going to cost me at least a week of forward progress. My significant other suggested maybe next time I buy my kits in duplicate so I have spare parts handy since I seem to be doing everything twice anyway....maybe not such a foolish idea :o

Oh well, live and learn I guess. even though I measured multiple times and laid out my strakes first...I forgot to align the strakes correctly at the stern (slaps her forehead and does her best Homer Simpson imitation DOH!)

looking on the bright side  I will get some more practice at planking now, so hopefully this time it will come out without the errors.


If you risk nothing, you risk everything!


Current builds

Syren (Model Shipways) version 2.0

AL San Francisco II

Mordaunt (Euro Model)

Completed Builds

18th Century Longboat designed by Chuck Passaro

In the closet

Battle Station

Al Charles Morgan (1980s version)



Thanks for the comments of support guys! This site really is the best. I am pretty sure if it had not been for the words of encouragement I really would have at the very least shelved the ship. When I realized my mistake last night it took all the wind right out of my sails (pun intended), I know it is silly but I felt defeated by this bundle of sticks :(

Did not sleep well at all, brain was trying to work it out all night, got up this morning and looked it over; hoping I could force the strakes where I needed them to go...alas, no. I was about a half inch too high on my ports.

Saw a forum today about correcting common mistakes and felt a bit better to know even the pros goof up sometimes. And the most important thing they all had to say was to take a positive attitude about it, figure out how to fix it, and move on.

Then I got all these words of encouragement from people here and my attitude has improved :D

I have been unsuccessful removing my second layer of planking. I used 99% isopropyl to dissolve the glue, and it worked fine for removing larger pieces like the strakes and false keel but I had no success on the planking. I found I was chewing up the first layer too much trying to pry things loose.

So I have filled my port holes with glue and balsa blocks, let that set up and dry and then used 60 grit sandpaper to sand that second layer waaay down.

So here I am again replanking the whole ship....but I am sure I will be happier with the results this time! It was a good thing I found that 25 year old Charles Morgan in the basement, also very good that it has the correct thickness mahogany strips and apple wood strips . Guess I wont be building them side by side now, but at least I am not on hold waiting for Hobby Mills to fire back up in March :(


If you risk nothing, you risk everything!


Current builds

Syren (Model Shipways) version 2.0

AL San Francisco II

Mordaunt (Euro Model)

Completed Builds

18th Century Longboat designed by Chuck Passaro

In the closet

Battle Station

Al Charles Morgan (1980s version)




I know how you feel. I made a pretty good screw up on my build too. Got some of the planking wrong. Bothered me so much I got up at 4 A.M. and ripped them off before going to work. Its frustrating, but as many have pointed out you will have a much better model in the long run.

I also agree with Russ, your rudder looks good!. 


Current Build Constructo Enterprise

Posted (edited)

Yeah Robbyn, forums like this can be very helpful and comforting.

Especially when you realise that we have ALL done something like that.


What did Thomas Edison say when trying to invent the light bulb? "I did not fail 600 times, I discovered 600  ways not to make a light bulb"


You have adopted the right attitude and are smart enough to learn from this..


The Schooner For Port Jackson was my first and I had no forum and no-one I knew to turn to. My ex can attest to the power of my self control because it came within milliseconds of becoming a flying boat on many occasions :angry:  :D



Edited by Bedford
Posted (edited)



That looks very nice so far, 


You bring it down to a good end. :)


And look out for the last gunport.



Edited by robert1965

Current builds:
Prins Willem - Corel
H.M.S. Victory - Deagostini
Complete Project: San Fransisco II Artesania. / King of the Mississippi Artesania


Robert, thanks for that warning. I think I may just wait till everything is attached to the hull before I cut them again ;)


If you risk nothing, you risk everything!


Current builds

Syren (Model Shipways) version 2.0

AL San Francisco II

Mordaunt (Euro Model)

Completed Builds

18th Century Longboat designed by Chuck Passaro

In the closet

Battle Station

Al Charles Morgan (1980s version)



Well, the re-planking was moving along at a pretty nice clip, and I was very happy with the way this third try was looking, practice really does make a person better :D

But, yesterday afternoon, I still am not sure exactly how it happened, I managed to impale myself with a freshly bladed #11 exacto knife. It entered on the side of my hand, just below the pinky finger, and attempted to exit out the palm of my hand at the length of the blade. :(  No big deal I thought, not the first cut I have ever had....long story short...it turns out I severed a bundle of nerves that conveniently sits right there. So a 400 mile round trip to the nearest hand surgeon, and 1 emergency surgery to repair and reattach the nerves and one sliced tendon. :o

The picture shows nothing but all the bandaging around the splint and surgical incision, but it is all I will see for the next two weeks until I go back to see the surgeon . I find it ironic that what began as a slice less than 1/2 inch in length (at least at the entry site) has now resulted in micro surgery and incisions requiring some 68 stitches. I am curious to see what it looks like.

Anyway, I guess my model building is at a standstill for the next couple weeks, as I have no use of my right hand, with the exception of my exposed thumb, as the rest of my fingers are totally immobilized


Aaron, you get to move back in the lead of our little tandem SF2 building adventure, your turn to be the guinea pig :piratetongueor4: .


I am already going through withdrawal, so now I am sure I will be spending even more time here watching everyone else do what I am unable to. Have to get my fix anyway I can!!!!





If you risk nothing, you risk everything!


Current builds

Syren (Model Shipways) version 2.0

AL San Francisco II

Mordaunt (Euro Model)

Completed Builds

18th Century Longboat designed by Chuck Passaro

In the closet

Battle Station

Al Charles Morgan (1980s version)


  • 2 weeks later...

Making progress, have one side re-planked now and am quite happy with the result. I expected to have the whole thing re-planked by now but am finding my hand does not cooperate real well yet. I can only work about 30 min and then have to take a break...but I have no fear that I WILL get this done! Besides, it is not like I have a deadline to meet :)



If you risk nothing, you risk everything!


Current builds

Syren (Model Shipways) version 2.0

AL San Francisco II

Mordaunt (Euro Model)

Completed Builds

18th Century Longboat designed by Chuck Passaro

In the closet

Battle Station

Al Charles Morgan (1980s version)



Hello Robbyn

Glad to see you back at it, You had many worried (even lurkers like me). Working with sharp objects can be just a cut, but your incident shows just how big a small jab can be. So glad your back to planking.

The San Fancisco (there I misspelled it to make you not feel so bad, but then I can spell anyway) is what I one day want to build but am practicing on smaller stuff first. I absolutely love the color of the cherry, how do you plan on staining/finishing. I've always had the SFII pictured as a dark wood vessel but I really like that lighter cherry.


Glad to see your up and running again.


Shine On -/\=



Keith, i originally stained it the dark mahogany color and I absolutely hated it. Seems the mahogany strips really suck up and hold the dark stain, so as you can see from my log I sanded it all off. I wanted a rich, deep, warm brown but what I got was almost ebony; too dark for my tastes. This time around I am going to use a golden oak stain to just bring out the natural beauty of the wood, I think I will be happier.

There is a log on here from fish, aka Aaron, and he used cherry to plank his SF, last I looked he had it stained as well and the color is gorgeous, you can see it here http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/228-san-francisco-2-by-fish-artesania-latina/?hl=%2Bsan+%2Bfrancisco



As for Pugs, they are a pure joy. It seems they are always happy-go-lucky and full of joy, nothing ever seems to bring mine down at all! You can be having a miserable day but when he greets you with his dopey looking face and lopsided grin you just can't help smiling back. Biggest negative, he acts like a vacuum cleaner and is always wanting to pick up and eat the wood shavings and bits that fall around my work station. Wouldn't be a bad thing except it all seems to make him sick later...no fun to clean that up  :o 


Going to hit 80 today! I still hope to finish my planking today, really want to move forward on her now, but I also think another spin on the motorcycle is a must as come the weekend the temps will drop back down to the more normal 40s.


I will get some new pics posted yet today, I promise!


If you risk nothing, you risk everything!


Current builds

Syren (Model Shipways) version 2.0

AL San Francisco II

Mordaunt (Euro Model)

Completed Builds

18th Century Longboat designed by Chuck Passaro

In the closet

Battle Station

Al Charles Morgan (1980s version)



Finally! I made some progress!!  now I am almost back where I was before the faux pas with the gun ports.



Finished the planking





Got her all sanded and smoothed




First coat of stain on





If you risk nothing, you risk everything!


Current builds

Syren (Model Shipways) version 2.0

AL San Francisco II

Mordaunt (Euro Model)

Completed Builds

18th Century Longboat designed by Chuck Passaro

In the closet

Battle Station

Al Charles Morgan (1980s version)





The staining looks rich and deep. Nice! It keeps some of the red and some of the brown too. Real nice.

I'm not sure, when I get there, if I will stain or use a tung oil natural finish. I just don't know... :o ...yet!




Sam, no, the first time I stained I used the red mahogany and it turned out almost black...I did not like it at all. This time I used minwax golden oak...just enough color to bring out the deep red of the mahogany strips. I like it much better.


Randy, Russ, and Sam, thanks for the compliments. This time I am actually pretty happy with how it turned out. Third time is the charm, not perfect yet, but passable I believe.


Spent the night with steel wool and another coat of stain.

Then cut out the upper gun ports.

I had to trim the back deck some to get it to fit correctly this time, but want it to be in correct alignment so I can add my rubbing strakes tomorrow. This time I intend to make sure everything lays out correctly before I cut new lower gun ports :P no sense making THAT mistake again!!!!


Will also need to reattach my false keel and bow parts first thing in the morning, then do some reading in the instruction manual and see what if anything else I need to dry fit or mark so this time the holes will be in the proper places!




If you risk nothing, you risk everything!


Current builds

Syren (Model Shipways) version 2.0

AL San Francisco II

Mordaunt (Euro Model)

Completed Builds

18th Century Longboat designed by Chuck Passaro

In the closet

Battle Station

Al Charles Morgan (1980s version)



Very nice! :)


Good to see you're finally back on track after... What is the count now? One redone paint job, a gunport error and a misguided attempt to amputate a finger? :P


May Murphy leave you alone to finish your build in peace!



Quando Omni Flunkus, Moritati

Current Build:

USF Confederacy



Posted (edited)
Hello Robbyn.


You make great progress already with the ship


Maybe you have something to build my report in the Netherlands.

Here are a lot of photo's of my San Francisco 2, I'm a little further with the construction of the ship and maybe you can still use tips.


I also have many building reports viewed on this forum but are unfortunately all gone.  :(




Edited by robert1965

Current builds:
Prins Willem - Corel
H.M.S. Victory - Deagostini
Complete Project: San Fransisco II Artesania. / King of the Mississippi Artesania




That planking (veneer) looks outstanding!

I'm looking for a gap but can not find it.

Amazing for a first build…...


And then something totally different……when you are using a sharp knife, maybe it is handy to use a iron clove just like those people who filleting a fish…. :D



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