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James H

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Everything posted by James H

  1. Some nice, clean machining there, Tom. I'd love to see more of this.
  2. No, what I'm simply saying is that when you want to insert a photo within your post/topic, and definitely within your build logs, it just makes more sense to attach/upload them when you are making your post. It's easier than using third-party hosting sites. This topic isn't referencing use of other images and whether you have the right to use them. That is an entirely different subject and we have other topics here discussing that. This isn't a thread about copyright.
  3. Welcome to MSW. I have total admiration for anyone who can build these in plastic and realistically finishing them. Some real skills there. Hope you'll share some of your stuff with us and perhaps open a build log too?
  4. Hello Algirdas, Great to have you with us, and that is a beautiful finished model! Do you have some photos you can share of it? Maybe in a build log here?
  5. Your maple deck planking looks immaculate. I really do like that very much, and those hatch coamings really set it off nicely. I'll be following this one.
  6. You're off to a very good start, and of course, learning. You'll never stop learning. Those are very nice kits too. I reviewed them here on MSW. Your work is looking very good. Look forward to seeing the first planking layer sanded down.
  7. That's correct! Dead simple to use. Easier than copy/pasting links from 3rd-party hosting sites.
  8. It does look pretty impressive. I still can't believe the design of the new kit with cannon ports built into the frames, so no worry about alignment. This is the Facebook group I help to run: https://www.facebook.com/groups/amativictory/ Also, look at these two hulls. Both designed by the same guy (Chris), but over a decade apart. On the left is his 1:72 Victory from Caldercraft, and the right is the 1:64 Amati. The Caldercraft kit is just stunning, so I can't wait to see the Amati when it soon lands here.
  9. That is looking real good, Martin. On the homeward leg now. What's up after this one? Amati Victory?
  10. Do you just need to square the corners of the CNC-cut rebates? I assume they will leave a small round corner. Looking great so far. 🤩
  11. Hi all, Can anyone tell me where I wold buy flickering lanterns from? You know, the miniature grain of rice LEDs and the small photo-etch lanterns to suit them? Cheers.
  12. Lovely, clean CNC work there Tom. That will certainly save the modeller time when it comes to building.
  13. Great story and intro! And you served on the Bering Sea, so kudos for that too! 💪 Lovely modelling too, and I can't wait to see your build logs!
  14. You have the patience of a saint and a set of unparalleled skills. Stunning work, sir!
  15. I can't wait to see this progress, Tom. How accurate to the real thing will frame construction be, and will it have a full interior?
  16. Beautiful work. Are all these shown in boxwood?
  17. It will be featured here soon,
  18. Can't wait for the photos. Those internals you added sound interesting.
  19. Still a handy enough size too, at 2ft long. Looking forward to seeing you build this.
  20. I'm absolutely stunned by this work. I really wish I could do this sort of thing. At least I can dream.
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