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Posts posted by thibaultron

  1. I would second the Wefalck's cautions on individual tiles. I've never had anything but trouble with them. I'd recommend vinyl sheet flooring. Glued down, not taped. I taped the vinyl flooring down in some areas of my house, and it is coming apart, where furniture sits on it. It gets pulled back and forth as you sit and get up and thins out in those areas. The areas I did do a full surface glue do not have this problem. A cheap non-foam backed vinyl is more durable, and cheaper, than the foamed backed ones, but getting harder to find.

  2. Even in the commercial world, gray is difficult between batches.


    About 40 years ago, there was an interesting joke going around about military radar installations.   The US Military has standard colors, with associated color chip sets. In this case a General got it in his head to compare the interiors of the radar installations, with the associated gray chip. Of course the facilities all had slight variations, and he went ballistic! He ordered all of them repainted to the correct color, leaving them a standard chip to use as reference. After the specified time he reinspected, and once again all failed, but for one.  The others got in trouble, but the one that passed was commended. After ward the other facilities asked the sergeant in charge, how he got the color right. He replied, I repainted the chip, when I repainted the equipment!

  3. Will everyone stop with the interesting book reviews! My wallet is crying! Seriously I ordered a copy from Abe Books for a little over $30 US with shipping from the UK. They had a few more copies. The new book prices here in the US were closer to $100 than $60.

  4. The other problem with the nitrocellulose, is that it deteriates over time. The movie storage mentioned above has the added problem that the film disolves into a gel over time, a quit flamable one. I learned this from a film collector about 40 years ago, who described the condition of some of the films he had bought, and the care he needed to use, whenever he opened a "new" old film he had purchased, for the first time.

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