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Everything posted by pythagoras

  1. Hello Bill, Welcome to the forum from a fellow Floridian. Lots of great folks, wonderful models , and available help. Enjoy. Pythagoras (Tom)
  2. Hello Chris, Regarding the shipment of Lady Eleanor, which was to arrive at first last Thursday, then last Friday, UPS did disappoint. Tracking says it will arrive today between 2 and 6 pm. Must have been a hiccup somewhere!! At least I have no plan to start the build anytime soon, so the delay really is unimportant. I can't wait to see my first Vanguard kit. It's like Christmas in May. Thanks Chris, Pythagoras (Tom)
  3. Thanks Jeff. that great service! Can you believe that UPS just e-mailed me and said I had a package from England arriving by the end of day Thurs. 5/14/20. I'll believe it when I see it. Pythagoras(Tom)
  4. Hello B.E. I just ordered The Lady Eleanor 5 minutes ago and the timing of your post could not be better. I will look forward to following your build with interest. Pythagoras (Tom)
  5. Hello Chris, Just ordered the Lady Eleanor. Can you approximate shipping time to Florida? Very much looking forward to my first Vanguard model. Thanks, Pythagoras (Tom)
  6. Michael, That is where i found mine! Great job, keep up the great job. Mine is finished and I loved working on the Barge. I just started the Medway longboat as I went into "social distancing" Looks like I'll be here for the duration. At least I'm loving it. Pythagoras (Tom)
  7. I also agree. Replacement service was excellent, but only needed on a few of the twelve Model Expo kits I have built. Pythagoras (Tom)
  8. Don't give up the ship! Pythagoras (Tom)
  9. Great start MiNi, Welcome to this forum from sunny Florida Pythagoras (Tom)
  10. Hello Lukas, My heritage is Czech. Welcome to this most wonderful site. Enjoy!! Pythagoras (Tom)
  11. As Chuck has mentioned in his carving tutorial, common rubbing alcohol is the solvent to use for glue sticks. It has worked perfectly for me. Pythagoras (Tom)
  12. Hello and welcome to this forum from a fellow Floridian. Pythagoras (Tom)
  13. Hi Michael, Those carvings are great. I'm working on mine now. Do realize that you have to carve the back side of the blanks when carving the port side leaves. It was not mentioned in the instructions and there are no port side pictures. I must have had a dream about this as I woke up one morning and said "SHAZAAM" Keep up the nice work. I'll be following you. Pythagoras (Tom)
  14. Matthias, I hope I can make mine look half as good as your barge does. I will be starting it this May. Looking forward to following your log. Pythagoras (Tom)
  15. Andy and Frankie, May I also recommend RESOLUTE by Martin W Sandler. Pythagoras (Tom)
  16. Ahoy Gary, Permission to come aboard? I just found your log. Great Job!! After all, we are nearly neighbors. I live just down US 1 in Sebastian, Fl. I will follow with interest as I have completed the Niagara also. Pythagoras (Tom)
  17. I too have a copy. It was extremely valuable to me when I built my Victory. Pythagoras (Tom)
  18. Here is a pic of my storage rack. Drawer slides from the Home Depot, one quarter inch pegboard and some quarter inch dowels! The dividers are held down by short pieces of dowels glued in their bottoms and are adjustable to accommodate the quantity of each dimension. It's a little more costly and time consuming to make, but its location is perfect and the strips store flat. I also spread those moisture absorbent packages around and I have never had a warping problem. Pythagoras (Tom) Hello Art
  19. Shean, As a former upstate New Yorker (Mohawk Valley and the Rochester area) please accept my warm welcome to this forum. To repeat others, you can't find a more knowledgeable group of folks willing to share. I hope you do a build log on Chaperon. I have finished my Chaperon, but am not computer savvy enough to do a log. Have fun, Pythagoras(Tom)
  20. Hi Sjors, I also saw the ugears video on Model expos site and was also intriqued by all the action created by the engineering of the drive components. The U-9 Grand Prix car arrived last Thursday and I'm looking forward to assembling it. The wood seems a good quality ply and the laser cuts look perfect. The assembly manual is in 11 different languages and instructions are basic sentences accompanied by clever diagrams of each part showing the direction of the motion witch joins part to part. Enjoy your tram, Pythagoras (Tom)
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