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Posts posted by TBlack

  1. Thanks, Keith, bro, and all you others who are taking your precious time to follow my modest attempts. I do think that I've figured out how to accommodate an aft cabin and quarterdeck without altering the brig's lines too much. There are still a couple of issues that I need to sort out. Not the least of these is here:


    The joint with the stem is disturbing, and I can't get it any closer than what you see. The waterline will come just at the notch, so not to worry below that. Above I'll have to fill with pear paste. And then not look too closely!

  2. A little more progress. I've gotten the rest of the siding on both port and starboard plus molding strip along the top:


    As I mentioned in my previous comment, the gun ports on the kit are higher than the painting. Also, you'll note that I finally attached the keel. She sits in the cradle much better now.


  3. Keith, yes, she’s coming along OK now. I keep thinking I’m at the point when I can start following the kit instructions, but then remember some other detail. If you go back and look at the book cover photo in post 128, you’ll see that the hull planking is different than the kit which is straight pear. Also, the spacing between the tops of the gun ports and the top rail is smaller in the kit than in the photo. So, I’ll have to make some adjustments.

  4. Of course, my first idea was to donate the books to the NRG library only to discover that we had dissolved the library several years ago (I'm not really up on current events).

    In terms of an heir; it's actually my mom's dad who has given me the ability to do this.


    Also, I need to thank "anima" (Jeff Wall) who actually made all of this happen.


  5. On 12/28/2022 at 9:59 PM, AON said:


    Every time I leave my shop I surprise myself with what I have done. No one knows how impossible I feel every new task will be for me. There are a lot of "do overs" and I have become very comfortable tearing pieces off. But I continue to crawl forward, never give up, always face the new challenge. I know I will fail at some the first or second time, but I get better and learn with each attempt.


    I am still a novice!


    Good night all.

    Isn't this how most of us feel? This quote should be enshrined somewhere. The Gospel according to St. Alan!

  6. OK, Keith, we agree on the davits, but I’ve made two mistakes. If you look where I’ve placed that top rail over the stern, you’ll see that the davits have to go right where the rail meets the transom. Gotta make that rail shorter. The other mistake you can’t see from the picture of the painting of the ship’s stern, but the painting on the cover of the book shows two gun ports in the transom. Guess I’m not done yet!


  7. OK, so I found the molding material. Did my best on the tricky corners and added the top rail:


    Now the tricky parts are the stern davits:


    My understanding is that, normally, these run along the top rail for support. But these don't. They just stick out from the transom. I think I'm going to depart from the photo and put them on the top rail unless you guys think otherwise.

  8. 13 hours ago, KeithAug said:

    Tom. Beans Christian name is Eve. Her mother started referring to her as “my little bean” when she was about 2 months old and the rest of the family have called her Bean ever since. 

    Then this project is like mine (HMS Sophie) for my daughter Sophie!


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