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Posts posted by TBlack

  1. 18 hours ago, mtaylor said:

    I'd opt for a double wide ladder in the center.   I like the idea of the putting the ladder there.  Will there be doorways on either side of the ladder?


    I had envisioned that below the quarterdeck would look like this:


    The center area of the bulkhead is where the ladder and companionway will go. Im going to put the companionway in the center (I've already cut the pieces for that), and the ladder will go to the side.


  2. 17 hours ago, mtaylor said:

    I think you're doing great.  It's not a race so don't sweat "keeping up".


    Not a race, right! But it is a question of quality and trying to measure up. Besides, according to NRG standards, this model shouldn't be built (being fictional), so I wonder if my membership will be revoked! With Jim's endorsement I'll go with a centered companionway. Notice Speedwell"s arrangement here:

    Notice the ladders come down right at the cannon placement. I want to do the same thing.

  3. Next up is to make this bulkhead with companionway. My only references to companionways are Speedwell and Fair American. Speedwell seems a little too fancy for this craft.

    If anyone has an idea, let me know.


    I'm thinking that the companionway goes in the center which allows for two cabins on either side (Maturin, 1st Lieutenant) before the captain's cabin at the rear.

    I want to thank so many of you who are following this modest attempt. As I look at what you are accomplishing, I'm in awe and hope I can keep up.


  4. I've got a couple of thoughts. they depend on whether you are going to paint over the affected area. If you're not painting, try collecting some sawdust from the wood in that area and mixing it with PVA glue and applying it to the area needing filling. If the area is going to be painted, then use a spackling compound to fill the gaps.


  5. OK, now I've gotten the red toned down, and applied the below waterline paint. I've elected not to use the copper plates that come with the kit. There is no reference in the

    book about the bottom of the ship, and because she is described as being a plain and lumbering craft, I thought copper would be too fancy for her. Besides, it saves a lot of time to paint.


  6. 5 hours ago, KeithAug said:

    Tom - as you rotate them they move closer to the hull - hence they clamp against the hull. If they were concentric they wouldn't do this. In effect they are acting like a cam.

    Yes, but you didn't need to do that, did you! You nailed it again! Confidence, my friend, confidence.


  7. 15 hours ago, Srodbro said:

    One could easily argue ( if needed) that your choice actually is the scaled color, that the “ real” color is much darker than your choice, 
    Looks great to me. 

    Actually, Steve, the photo makes the new color lighter than in reality. As you say, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder!


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