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Everything posted by fnkershner

  1. David - I am just now catching up with your log. Can you tell me where you got the Emory Boards?
  2. That's right! So give me until the weekend to catch up.
  3. Your welcome! Now tell me what kind of jig you are going to use for the ports? I have been trying to come up with a solution for the chop saw. PS its time for you to switch models so I don't fall behind. Also tell me about the sanding. What did you do?
  4. So Dr. Per you have not uploaded any recent pictures. come one rub it in you have almost caught up with me. and yes this weekend I will dig up my long lost log and do some updates. But for now I am going to steal your log and ask a question of our esteemed group. in the wonderful instructions it says after you have installed Lintels & sills to sand everything an fair it down. then install the gun port frames and the sweep frames. So My question is: Since all of the framing is made with the same dimensional lumber wouldn't it make more sense to finish the frame installs and then sand?
  5. Ok Dr. Per the President is here! Bill you move very fast. I was going to suggest a group build with Mr. Per joining us. But You have already passed me. Like Per I found the templates to be the wrong scale. I managed to reprint them correctly. but then I found that did not match the shear. So I am going to just use the batten as a guide and frame the ports this weekend. I will dig around and resurrect my log.
  6. Well guys, remember me? I was the guy who convinced our local club to make this a club project. And as of now I am one of only 2 member who have not completed their longboat. I can't believe that it has been more than 2 yrs since I made any updates to this log. So true confessions time. Planking has been my nemesis for several decades. I keep failing, and so many models end up in the fireplace. I have decided to push forward on this one and hopefully learn from the experience. I also got a friendly nudge from our own Dr. Per. So I am back and trying to complete at least one planking job. The long view of the Starboard side show the very small gap I have to fashion a custom plank to fill. I also discovered the transom was not square so I had to remove and repair that too. I am worried that once I begin sanding the gaps between planks will be very noticeable. For this model I may just paint the outside so that I can fill the gaps with putty. I have enough boxwood for a 2nd model. Maybe I just start over and hopefully have a better result.
  7. Derek - Among the many reasons I really like kits designed by Chuck is how he handles the Rabbit. As I mentioned this was my first build. and when I was cutting the rabbit the first time I went all the way thru to the other side. MS had to send me another keel. Also being my first build I wasn't sure how deep to make the cut. and I also use the same clamp you do and it was very weak. I have another suggestion for you. Some years ago someone showed me his hull "clamp". He took a large sock. Like a hiking sock that was almost knee high. He filled it with rice. and then used a zip tie to close the end. As you can tell this was a very expensive tool and if you create a pair of them you can get it to just about any shape you want. The Admiral will be very happy you did not take one of her pillows and impressed how frugal you are.
  8. LOL You know what I meant. We talked this weekend about possibly doing a joint build. But you will finish this one long before I am ready.
  9. Can I sit in? You are going way too fast. you will finish this kit before I finish my Long Boat.
  10. Derek - From your pics I see you are using my fav Clamps. They are the best for planking and so Cheap. I cannot add much to other comments here. I have completed this kit and as everyone has said you have found what I consider the 2 biggest problems. The warped Mast and the broken false Keel. And I also do not know anyone who has not had to do the reinforcing you have done. I should also mention that this was my first kit. and I too followed Bob Hunt's practicum. In my opinion the Practicum is great. You just need to know when to stop using it. The further you go the less detail there is. There is very little detail on rigging. But you are a few months away from that.
  11. Mark Welcome! I live in the Seattle area. And I would like to let you know that there is a ship building club in both Portland and Washington. I am the president of the PSSM. Puget Sound Ship Modelers. we have members all over WA and a few further afield. If you share with me your email address I will include you in our newsletter mailings. And if you ever come our way you can always join our monthly meetings. Again Welcome!
  12. Professor!! If this is really true the student has surpassed the teacher by a huge margin. Thanks for the compliment undeserved but still appreciated.
  13. Gil - Where did you source your Micro fill? I think I have a need for this material as well. Also did you use the tick strip method to determine the tapering of your planking? I don't see much taper anywhere.
  14. Thanks Augie, Now how did you shape the quoin itself? I know that Chuck provides the wood for this. But I was having the devil of a time holding it and shaping it at that size. Any chance for a close up view of one of your carriages? Also how do you plan to simulate the strap that holds the barrel in place? I used some left over Copper tape and painted it. I cut the copper plates in 1/2 length wise.
  15. Jack - Before I found this forum and the local club I now belong too. I had several frustrating events. Three times this led to a Viking burial. Having other modelers to share you failures and triumphs with has kept me from another "burial".
  16. Jack - I cringed when I saw what has happened to you. I think I would have kicked my bench so hard I might have broke a toe. I would then walk away for a few days. I commend you for sticking to it!
  17. Augie - Since I have a set of those Guns can you tell us how you shaped the quoin and the handle for the quoin.
  18. Please don't read into this any criticism, its an honest question - Which would have been more costly & time consuming building an R/C Tug or making your very fine schooner into a motor sailor?
  19. Wow! I am going to need a new home when the admiral finds out I am ordering a lathe.
  20. You know that most sail races begin with an upwind leg. I suspect this is because the finish will be a dramatic downwind leg with chutes flying. you can adapt this concept to R/C. We often start by sailing up wind so that if there is an issue the wind will bring it back to you. Our club has had very few occasions where the boat is not retrievable. The club does own a R/C tug just in case. But, the tug is most often used to place markers instead of recovering Sail boats. Don't get me wrong, Most of us when we begin R/X sailing are concerned about how do we get our boat back. I am just suggesting that you need not worry. FYI back before NY City became a mega city. Sailors used to ride the morning wind out and the evening wind home with no aid of a motor. This is due to the relative difference in heating and warming of land vs water. Today there is so much asphalt that the lad does not heat like it used to and the tall buildings block the wind. So no more day sails without power to bring you home.
  21. Does this mean you will become a true Rag bagger? come on over to the dark side you will like it here. We rag baggers look down on those stink potters and all that noise. We rely on mother nature for our power.
  22. OMG! Thomas you turned these on a Lathe?!! How do you feel about turning a few more sets for those of us who do not have a lathe? One caution I would add. I had a similar problem with my Bluenose. In my case I substituted for some spare wood pins I already had from another model. They really did look a lot better. But and this is a big But. when I got to the point of rigging months later. I found that the new pins were just enough bigger that it was very hard to rig. I am looking at your picture of the fife rail with both sets of pins. And I am wondering if you can clear the tops of the wooden pins with rigging? Mine were too close to the rail.
  23. Augie - I wouldn't hold my breath on Dr. Per actually starting the Confederacy. He currently has at least 3 projects in flight. LOL
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