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Everything posted by jwvolz

  1. Thanks John. I've done nothing on the Morgan for a number of weeks, as I'm busy with outdoor activities while the weather is good. Hope to resume in the Fall.
  2. Very nice Bob. Boy do I miss Polly Scale paints. Though I did manage to horde a pretty good stash before it all disappeared...
  3. I love all the details Bill, fantastic! And considering all you are doing you are flying right along.
  4. Jason, that is the exact order I just did the Granado. I find the spritsail yard particularly vulnerable to my elbows at times...
  5. Thanks everyone. For those that asked, here is the link to my new build log for the Charles W. Morgan. http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/10806-charles-w-morgan-by-joe-v-model-shipways-164/ I also finished the base/stand for Granado, and isntead of working on the Morgan, I should be building a case for Granado!! It's just not quite as fun...
  6. Officially got the Morgan under way a few days ago. I really should be working on a case for my Bomb Vessel Granado, but I was tempted... I hope everyone enjoys the ride here. I'm really looking forward to this build as something a bit different, since my last four builds were all warships. I won't get into much about the kit itself, since it is fairly well known. I have yet to fully evaluate what I'm going to keep and what I'm going to discard with regard to the kit pieces, in particular some of the Britannia castings. The rope will definitely be replaced, and possibly the blocks and I will replace wood where needed to avoid things like splitting issues when drilling basswood. Most wood will be painted, which is quite a contrast from the Granado build. The bulkheads have been cut out and cleaned up, which was a pain since they are plywood. A hobby knife struggles, but the laser cuts are too narrow to fit even tiny xacto saw blades. Moving on, I've cut the rabbet/bearding line, using a compass to get the line, and a copied paper template from the plans for the bearding line. The basswood keel was much easier to work with than the ply bulkheads...
  7. Thanks for the nice words guys. I can highly recommend the Caldercraft kit. Other than the outer walnut hull planking, which was "splintery" in my kit, the materials were first rate. Also one of the best manuals I've seen and very good plans. If you have any specific questions on the kit let me know.
  8. She looks terrific Bob. Congrats on getting through such a tough build, it was worth the effort.
  9. I travel extensively for work and should have a New England trip in the next few months to enable a stop in Mystic. Worst case, I make a special trip. since it is only 4.5 hours. I guess I last visited there in about 2005. I've picked up a lot of photos from the web, but as I progress I'll let you know if there's something I'm lacking Mike. I'll give a heads up here Eamonn, no problem.
  10. Great work on the cabins and associated detail Bill. She's really progressing nicely.
  11. Thanks very much everyone, I appreciate the thoughts. As far as the next build, it will be Model Shipways Charles W. Morgan . I may not start right away, as I have some things I need to get done around the house, but soon hopefully. Stay tuned!
  12. GRANADO IS FINISHED !!!!! After 13 months and two days, she is complete. I do still have to make a permanent mounting and case at some point. It is a bit of a bittersweet moment, with things wrapping up, but I am very pleased with how she looks. A big thank you to Timmo for the inspiration and ideas I "borrowed" from his Granando build log, as well as everyone else who looked in, "liked" commented or made a suggestion along the way. Thank you! On to the pictures. I'll put them in the gallery soon.
  13. Thanks very much everyone. Well, I'm back from my Ireland trip and that is one fantastic and beautiful country. By far the nicest, most friendly people I've met anywhere. It was great to spend a week with my sons and my father in law playing some great links golf and seeing the sights. Pictures don't do it justice, but our round of golf at Ballybuinion Golf Club, right on the Atlantic Ocean was absolutely the most wild weather I've ever played in. Horizontal rain that felt like ice pellets in the 45 degrees F temperatures, due to the winds gusting to 50 miles per hour straight off the ocean. Even our caddies said the first seven holes were the worst he'd ever experienced! We did have some decent conditions during the week as this picture shows :-) The Cliffs of Moher. Crazy windy there as well! Now, back to work on Granado!
  14. Got the anchors hung today. I had built them a while back so this was relatively quick work. Now just the swivel guns. I did order some cloth flags from BECC Model Accessories in the UK, so they'll get installed when they arrive. Meanwhile, no updates for the next 8 days. My two sons, my father in law and I are off to Ireland for a week of some nice rainy, windy links golf!
  15. Thanks guys. much appreciated. Just kidding Bob, I don't feel a day over 35. :-)
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