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Everything posted by jwvolz

  1. I'm building the Cruizer now (modified) and the one negative you might find is the instruction book. As I'm on my sixth build I don't really use it, but it is quite thin and really lacking for those that need it. By contrast, the Granado book (my previous build) is fantastic. Build wise not much to choose difficulty wise between them; Granado is more ornate, but there is far less of the repetitive rigging of the carronades. You'll get lots of help here no matter what you choose.
  2. Thanks guys. Mike: After stamping the pattern I cut them apart individually. I found them much easier to apply, and was able to overlap. They stretch just enough to get wandering belts back on track easily. Years ago I did a build using the same Expo tape, and mixed vinegar salt and water together to weather. It darkened it, but also left hints of green, but not a ton. I initially tried that mix on this batch of tape and it really had little effect. I suspect there may be a different type of coating on this current tape. I went over it with steel wool thoroughly before hand, but it didn't seem to help.
  3. Looking good Mike. I used Woodland Scenic lettering for the nameplate on my Cruizer brig, now named Sophie. They work very well, but it may be more difficult to apply them directly to the hull. I made a separate nameplate.
  4. She's looking great in her natural environment Wayne. Congrats on getting her launched.
  5. Fantastic work Bruce. She looks amazing, you should be quite proud. I highly recommend Granado as a next build I really enjoyed building her.
  6. Thanks Wayne. The wife is happy, so... In my original plan to build Reindeer I had ordered 12 lb. carronade barrels, as she carried one on the forecastle in the engagement with the Wasp. Now, I have no reference as to Sophie carrying one, but I wanted to build it anyway. I scratch built the minute little carriage and rigged her with the line and hooks as shown in the carronade article referenced a few posts earlier. The wheels are from Syren carriages, turned down to be smaller in diameter, and the hooks are modified eyebolts. I'll hook her to ringbolts in the deck when time comes. I can now sympathize with Pickle builders, who had to deal with these tiny little buggers! Fun little project though.
  7. Stowed for the rudder Steve. That was standard practice. I really like the display you've chosen, it puts the boat in its natural setting without being distracting.
  8. Here are the completed pumps. Caldercraft does not mention them, but they are on the NMM plans for the class. I made them from a square piece of stock, which was filed to octagonal. The handle and the pivot are boxwood reduced to very small thickness. Further details are the copper wire for the fittings and paper bands. I used a styrene rod drilled out for the outlet. They are just sitting on the deck for photo purposes, that's not their final location.
  9. Thank Wayne, as well as the "likes". I received my carronades from Cornwall Model Boats. I ordered the 24 pounders with every intention of building Reindeer. Measuring the Caldercraft carronades out with reference to sizes in this NRG article http://www.thenrg.org/resources/articles/The carronade.pdf they are almost perfectly sized to be 32's, not 24's! The bore diameter is dead on and the length is much closer than it is to a 24. Therefore...Reindeer is out. I was rattling off some names from the list of Cruizer class brigs to my wife, and she stopped me at Sophie. It is her favorite girl's name, and if we had had a daughter it would have been her name. So I am naming the vessel Sophie. Sophie did serve on the American station during the War of 1812 and captured numerous merchant vessels and privateers. She was also involved in the battles of Mobile and Lake Borgne, leading up to the battle of New Orleans, so she does have a nice history. I re-painted the stern area and made a nameplate, since I was unable to successfully apply the dry transfer letters in the narrow area between the decorative moldings. I wasn't getting even transfer and was losing parts of letters trying to do it that way. And yes, I know Patrick O'Brian used the name Sophie for the fictitious command of Jack Aubrey in Master and Commander, but there was a real one too!
  10. If you want to stay with Caldercraft I'd recommend the bomb vessel Granado. A little less complex and smaller than Agamemnon. My build log is in my signature. I made a number of changes to the kit, including substituting boxwood for the hull planking. Bob "rafine" has just completed a very nice build of her as well, if you'd like to see another example of what can be done with the kit. It's a neat looking vessel, with just enough complexity and decoration. Highly recommended.
  11. Well...I've decided to go a different route with regard to which actual ship within the class I am building. I had wanted to use the nice brass cannon barrels supplied by Caldercraft and build her as Cruizer, but alas they will just not work. When scaled out on the Syren gun carriage and barrel plans, they are nearly 18 pounders; not the 6 pounders Cruizer carried. I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Therefore I have bitten the bullet and ordered carronades from Cornwall Model Boats. The 6 pound bow chasers I'll get from Syren, as I already have the carriages. With that massive change in plans I have now moved forward and added the bow and stern platforms that were commonly found in the class. I still haven't settled completely on a specific ship, but am leaning HMS Reindeer, which is known to have had at least the bow platform, based on it being mentioned in accounts of her battle with the Wasp. Which ships had the stern platform is far less well known and documented. The wheel was installed and rigged prior to installation of the aft platform for access purposes. Both platforms were constructed over a basic support framework and planked with the same maple as the main deck, and then treenailed.
  12. Well done Bob, great work. She's such a fine looking vessel and makes a great model.
  13. I've been busy with a (partial) bathroom remodel but have managed some work now and then on the model. The head is now complete. As mentioned above, it is based as best I could find off the Chapelle Epervier drawings.
  14. Nice start Mike. I've heard conjecture that the kit is a representation of the Burrows, which was one of McDonough's row galleys on Champlain. Arrow was a mis-translation from what I recall from somewhere...
  15. No problem using the photo Doug. If you decide on PDN first and have any questions, just ask.
  16. Well, clearly I've built the PDN, photo above... The kit is generally good. I took some liberties with the carronades in terms of the carriages, and I added some extra details based of the original plans, as well as ship's boats. As you found the instructions are not nearly as good as what Chuck wrote for Syren, and Syren is a newer more comprehensive kit, but not everyone has been pleased with Model Expo's execution of some parts (carronades, quarter badges). There are obviously far more Syren build logs to learn from and ask questions of the builders. The PDN has a little easier rig if that's an issue. I think it's a coin flip. Either way, you'll get a ton of help on here if needed. At the end of the day technique is the same no matter the kit.
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