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Everything posted by jwvolz

  1. Wayne, Hmmm, I'm just slightly behind you, having just shipped the topmasts, shrouds and on the mainmast; no back stays yet. I did cheat on the mizzen, by ganging the stern-most shroud and the back stay, making for a little less bulk there. Maybe use a bit finer material for the serving or even for the stays? I'm not home, but I recall it was .75mm (I think). To my eye it looked a bit heavy and I'm going to go with .5 for all of the back stays.
  2. Wood filler. Very easy method. I used a Minwax product on my current build.
  3. Lower ratlines are complete. I don't mind doing them, and I do get into a bit of a rhythm as I go, but I'm just a bit slow with the process...
  4. Thank you Thomas. I am using Coats and Clark 30 wt. sewing thread. You can find it at A.C. Moore, Michael's etc...
  5. Pretty darn cool Mike. Better you than me, I don't think I'd attempt one, and I think that more so after reading your log! You have sufficiently scared me off...
  6. Thanks! I may take you up on that someday if I can't get a hold of a copy. If you havent' already make sure you check out this thread in the research forum: http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/1036-cruizer-class-brig-sloops-of-the-royal-navy/ Lots of great information and discussion. Also, when the time comes I have a number of photos of the Irene model in the US Naval Academy Museum I can send to you.
  7. Very, very nice choices Wayne. Well, you know my thinking too on kits, as I said similar in my own log; I'm also tired of throwing so much away. That being said I have some trepidation about lofting plans... I've always been a huge fan of the Cruiser class and that's one of my thoughts for the next build as well. I'd love to do it without resorting to the Caldercraft kit... Do you have the Birg Irene book? My understanding was it was long out of print (English) and fetching a small fortune used.
  8. I'm looking forward to following this one Bill. I've always liked the Eagle, and thought this would be a great subject to build someday. I'll be really interested watching the lofting develop. Good luck.
  9. I forgot to ask you, and since it came up in my log, and we are both in the home stretch, any plans for your next build?
  10. I completed the lower stays over the weekend. The mainstay is effort number three. Number one came up a bit short, and I almost left it, but my wife told me I'd never be happy long-term, and I made a new one. That one I nicked the serving while I was installing it, completely unraveling it. Third time was a charm. I also installed the mainmast futtock staves.
  11. Nice job on the crowsfeet Wayne. I can see how that may take a few tries. I'll find out soon enough...
  12. Thanks gents. The last picture Chuck posted clearly shows the splice around the heart, but even in that on I can't see where the free end gets stopped. drawing seems to show it stopped to the previous turn with a whipping.
  13. I feel like I've always rigged hearts incorrectly. Every rigging manual, photo, instructions etc... is unclear. Where does the lanyard begin and where does it terminate? Most photos and diagrams just show the lanyard reeving back and forth, but not the termination on each end. I've generally taken the excess on the free end up the stay like the tail of a deadeye lanyard, but none seem to show that. I usually attach the fixed end to the strop for the heart. Examples: Historic Ship Models Peterson's Chuck's Syren instructions
  14. The lower shrouds have been completed. I think I'm going to put off ratlines for the moment and work on the lower mast stays first.
  15. Thanks for the thoughts Mike. I actually have the Morgan on order already from Expo, just waiting for my back order to be filled. Not that that means it's next...I still have plenty of time to decide. I get very frustrated looking over so many kits and realizing I'll toss so much and have to scratch or replace things. The concept of Chuck's Cheerful is so encouraging in that regard. The perfect kit for me at this point is good plans, bulkheads and keel, and some nice turned brass cannons. No lousy nylon rope, square yet crooked blocks and splintery walnut planking material.
  16. OK, OK... In current order of likelihood, which could change tomorrow. MS Charles W. Morgan MS Brig Niagara MS Brig Syren Caldercraft Cruiser I'd build the USS Constitution from the MS kit in a heartbeat, but even in that scale I can't imagine where I'd put the beast.
  17. Thanks very much everyone. Mike: I'm busying myself now with planning ahead for the next one. The list gets narrower day by day...
  18. I managed to get the foremast shrouds served and installed over the masthead. I'm pretty pleased with how they came out. In retrospect, I may remove and install each one as I go and turn in the deadeyes, so I can snug them down neatly and tightly on top of each other.
  19. Well my new Domanoff serving machine arrived, and I've been working on the shrouds. The machine is a real pleasure to use and things go pretty quickly. Nothing really to show on the shrouds until I get the deadeyes turned in, hopefully by the weekend. Meanwhile, here's a few photos from my visit to Dresden, Germany for work last week. They've done an amazing job restoring the buildings damaged and destroyed in World War II. Some beautiful architecture. And more importantly: German food and beer!
  20. Nicely done on the tryworks. I really wish MS would re-release the Kate Cory in POB like I thought they were going to do...
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