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Everything posted by jwvolz

  1. Looking good Wayne. How's your serving machine working out? The results look nice. You are going to stay ahead of me for awhile. I've been busy remodeling/painting my hobby room, so I've gotten nothing done on Granado of late.
  2. Good progress Mobbsie. Frames look great. I'm sure you'll come up with a good solution to the finish.
  3. Looking good Wayne. The gammoning was the first thing I did, and with my new headrails was quite a test of threading the needle. Nice additional space you have there now. My personal shipyard is temporarily closed while I re-model my workroom. Did lots of painting (walls) today.
  4. Looking absolutely great Marsalv. One question. Are your futtock staves made of wire, and then served?
  5. Yards looking good there Wayne, nice work. Neat info there about the wreck. Enjoy that nice weather, I'm jealous. Winter is here with a vengeance suddenly. Oh, and I may yet not catch you. I'm going to be doing a bit of a remodel to my workspace, so that may serve to slow my torrid pace a bit. Although I am starting to daydream a bit about the next build...
  6. Thanks Alistair and the "likes". I appreciate the kind words. I'm really looking forward to laying out the new work area and making it at as user-friendly as possible. I've gotten some nice ideas from the thread about other's workbenches. Enjoy your time away!
  7. The masts and bowsprit are rigged with the appropriate fitting and have been stepped. I replaced a number of the pre-cut kit walnut mast fittings with boxwood, most notably the main mast cheeks. There was no way I was going to get colors to match up otherwise, with the lighter wood for the masts themselves. I've also wrapped up a few things on deck including running the anchor cables and the messenger and nippers. I also finally made the rope coils for the cannons; I've been putting that task off for awhile... On another note, I've begun the task of tearing out my defunct N scale model railroad. This will free up a nice chunk of space in my hobby room, and I plan to re-do my whole work area setup with new tables and more work space. Stray tuned. What will be a particularly nice part of the new work area is the excellent lighting I had over the layout.
  8. A good number of the MS parts lists and instruction manuals were on the old site, they all seem to be gone now. I hope they're still updating. I was going to use those for determining some replacement wood plans for a few future builds.
  9. Very nice work so far on the rigging Bob. Looking good.
  10. Alan, From my recollection and re-checking my build log photos, your gunport pattern appears to be at the right height; the bow is like that. You definitely need to do some beveling where it fits into the rabbet. With regard to the pattern not touching the full length of the extension, just spot glue at the top and bottom and don't try to follow the curve. The extensions get cut away anyway, and I believe Caldercraft kept the gluing surface small to make that easier. Good progress.
  11. Nice job on the patterns Mike, and yes no matter the kit those are a nightmare. Great progress so far, I love the deck.
  12. A bit more of an update. As I mentioned above the hull is finished except for a few fragile items I'm leaving off until the rigging is complete. These photos show the completed tiller assembly, channels/chainplates, fish davit, entry stairs. I think that's it... I've also completed the anchors, which took a good bit of filing, sanding, and puttying to get smooth. They still need puddening. Finally the bowsprit is complete, but not yet fixed in place. Work continues on the remaining masts.
  13. Nice, another Granando. Enjoy the build, It's a tremendous kit. There are a few builds of her going on right now if you have any questions.
  14. I know it has been awhile since the last update, but I am making very good progress on Granado. The hull is complete aside from port lids and other delicate items that I am going to hold off installing for now. I have begin work on the masts and that is going well. I have some days off coming for the holidays so I'll catch up on the pictures soon. In the meantime, everyone have a Merry Christmas and best wishes for a great 2015!
  15. Steal away Mike, I've done it from Timmo, I need to pay it back a bit!
  16. From my photos onboard Victory, the paint is clearly semi-gloss. That being said, scale effect would say to paint it matte, but I think you will be fine with one coat of semi-gloss.
  17. Nice piece of printing history there Wayne, haven't seen one in a while. Both my wife and I work in the industry as well. I work for one of the largest ink companies in the world (I did work in rollers many years ago), and she's a copy editor at the newspaper. She waits every day for her job to disappear...
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