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Everything posted by jwvolz

  1. No response yet on the PM to Marc Mosko. Next step s to contact Expo directly. I haven't given up yet, just frustrated.
  2. Great book! I own it as well. michaelpsuuton2: There are a few line drawings, small though.
  3. Thanks guys. It's really splintered up badly, and being relatively delicate I don't think it will glue up very well. I'm going to give myself a day or two to ponder my options.
  4. Well after waiting over a month my parts arrived from Model Expo like this: They were packed in an envelope with two thin pieces of card stock. How could anyone possibly think that would survive the USPS? Back it goes on the shelf. I may have another project in the works anyway soon. Very disappointing...
  5. In terms of kit rigging line, Caldercraft uses a much better material than any manufacturer I've seen. The most important point being that it is NOT nylon or other kink-prone, impossible to work with synthetic.
  6. Joe, I built Unicorn about 15 years ago, so my recollection of some of the modifications I made isn't great, particularly since I sold the model shortly after building. I didn't go by any plans at the time, just tried to improve some things that just didn't look right, such as the stern windows and the waist area. Here's a couple of pictures.
  7. Good luck with your build. I built Unicorn years ago, with some modifications. I'll look forward to seeing what you do with her.
  8. Interestingly it is not now shown on the POB page of the website, just a day later. Maybe it was an old one from what you mentioned Hamilton and it ended up on the current page accidentally. Odd...
  9. Maybe I missed something somewhere, and search found me nothing, but what is the source of the kit listed on Expo's site as "Model Shipway's Vanguard"? Is it the Amati kit? It doesn't say that it is, The photos on the Expo website sure look identical to some of the Amati ones. http://www.modelexpo-online.com/product.asp?ITEMNO=MS130004
  10. As I patiently wait for my replacement parts from Expo I decided to work on some deck structures to at least get something done. I've built the deck house and vegetable bin (a fiddly little thing) and painted those up. I also built the workbench, but am not 100% happy with it and will likely do it over (top is unfinished at the moment). I can say after working with mostly boxwood on the Granado build I'm not happy being back on basswood for this one. There are absolutely some areas where I will substitute boxwood for strength, likely pin rails, fife rail and channels to name a few. Probably the skylight as well in order to be able to drill all the holes for the rods an not split the wood. John, your photos are coming in handy, thanks! I still need to stop by Mystic next time work takes me through the area.
  11. Thanks guys. John: Yeah, I know I can fix it, just wasn't motivated to do so for quite a long time. I have a plan, and at this point I just need my replacement parts from Expo to arrive.
  12. Well, I haven't posted anything in here for quite sometime. I am waiting for some replacement parts from ME to fix a major screw-up with the Morgan. I am finally motivated to try to save it. We shall see how that works out... Meanwhile, I realized that I never posted any photos of the Granado in her case. The base is a piece of oak plywood. I routed a lip around the edge to accommodate the acrylic case, and finished the outer edge with oak molding from Lowe's. The acrylic portion was made by a plastics company in Philadelphia, and cost me about $220. They did a real nice job on it and I will use them again. I got a local trophy retailer to make the brass nameplate: a mere $5.00. Overall I'm very pleased with how it came out.
  13. hi John, Yes. The modifications that I made are fairly well spelled out in my log. You might want to look at Timmo's log as well for some good ideas. I "borrowed" a bit from him... It's a very good kit right out of the box, with the biggest issue being the walnut second planking material was a bit splintery in my kit. I chose to replace with boxwood. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask.
  14. I think it depends upon how much complexity you want. I haven't built Badger but it looks to be less complex than Granado. I'm obviously biased, but I think Granado builds into a beautiful vessel; I'd go with her. The Caldercraft kit is very nice, and can be made even better with a few modifications.
  15. Hi Mike. Nice to see you starting the Morgan. Mine has been shelved for months now sue to a major foul up on my part with the framing. Not 100% sure it is salvageable, and I'm too annoyed with it to be motivated to fix at the moment. I'll live vicariously through yours fro awhile. Hopefully you can inspire a re-start...
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