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Everything posted by jwvolz

  1. Looks very nice. I rigged mine per the Irene book for what that is worth, which looks like option 3... Main/Crossjack yard braces originating on fore shrouds, taken to block on yard pendant, then back through a leading block on fore shrouds, then belayed to bulwark pinrail.
  2. Ignore the offset, yes it should be in the center. It's coming back to me now after a few years that there were some errors in those plans...
  3. I bit the bullet and bought the carronades from Caldercraft for my Cruiser Class build. Glad I did. Even if I had wanted to keep the long guns, they are WAY too big, bordering on 18-24 lbers.
  4. Good move removing the bulkhead extension timberheads. The plywood is very difficult to work to proper shape and the planksheer is easier to correctly align without them there. They'll all look consistent this way too.
  5. Thanks guys. I'm really enjoying this build. The little details as Bob mentioned make the difference, and 1/48 helps with that.
  6. First update in a while. Once my company lifted travel restrictions, I've gotten very busy at work, which I'm actually quite happy about, but it has kept me away from the bench more. Finished the trunk cabin. It's a straightforward build, and the plans are good. The iron bars that make up the skylight framing were a bit tricky. I ended up using small gauge brass rod and they worked out great. It's just tricky getting them all the same length. I ended up sanding to final height with the sandpaper on a piece of glass. I used boxwood for the skylight, as basswood would have certainly split drilling all the holes for the bars. The porthole rings/frames are not supplied so I fabricated them from appropriate sized styrene tubing. I still need to make the smokehead cover.
  7. Good move on the fillers. With the narrow deck planks I don't think it's possible to get a smooth run and avoid sagging between the bulkheads without them.
  8. Don't know how I missed your log, but saw the gallery photos and just caught up. What a great build! I really like what you did with all the weathering. I never really considered building this kit, but you now have me intrigued...
  9. I can vouch for the Chapelle book being a good one for the library Bill. It's been very useful to me so far in my build.
  10. OOO Buckshot is the almost the exact size you need (9.1mm) I don't know where you are located, but a 5 round box (8 pellets per shell) is about $7.00 a box in the US.
  11. Nice work so far. I'll be interested to watch this develop, since as you said there are no other build logs of her on MSW.
  12. Could be a flag halyard.
  13. Painted the dory and added a few little details. I'll add oars and maybe a few more things later on.
  14. The cans get VERY expensive, very quickly. I've had a no name compressor for about 12 years now and it is still going strong, and I've used it a whole lot in that time. It looks like every no name one you see on Amazon. They run $85-$100 and most generally have very good reviews. Airbrushes themselves are a whole different story; you get what you pay for. The one value exception is the Iwata Neo. It's a phenomenal value and I think does just as well as it's expensive big brothers, and I've owned a fair number of Iwata airbrushes.
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