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Landlubber Mike

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Everything posted by Landlubber Mike

  1. Hey Martin, happy new year to you! Nice job on the figurehead! Looks great 👍. I’m thinking of carving the Pegasus on my Swan class eventually - hopefully a lot easier than carving a person.
  2. I use the disc sander all the time. Probably my most used tool. Super easy and quick way to get straight edges. I was on the fence about the thickness sander but when you need it, it’s incredibly helpful. I’ve used it a lot more recently.
  3. I keep losing my 6” rule. Bought three and just lost my flexible one again 👎
  4. Lighting, dust collection, and space for accumulation of tools, kits, etc. are important, especially if you’re going to be making your own parts. First I started on my kitchen table and ottoman. With all the tools, etc. I’ve gotten, I nowhave a more dedicated space with better lighting, dust collection, a work table, etc. One tip - if you’re going to buy power tools, make sure you know the feed/exit run space you will need. Some tools like the table saw and thickness sander can’t be put against a wall.
  5. Nice Kevin! Really came out well. I'm working on a couple of 1/72 biplanes myself, very hard at this scale so I appreciate the efforts!
  6. Very nice job! I love these Chris Crafts - saw a complete one at a show recently and they make beautiful models. The mahogany planking with a glossy finish with chrome accents is a really nice look.
  7. Looking great! You've already passed me on my build. How are you finding the deck planking going? I am at about that stage on my build. Was thinking about putting a sub floor piece in to make the planking a little more even and possibly with better support. Either way, it looks like one needs to consider building in some underlying framing to support the hatches, etc.
  8. At 1/32, that's going to be a good sized model. Looking forward to following along! Mrs. Runyon is quite perky
  9. I have the Ancre monograph and was thinking of building this ship sometime down the road. Your work is so perfect though, I don’t think I’ll be able to. You have set the bar to an unreachable level for us mere modeling mortals.
  10. That’s a really good deal. These books are an amazing resource on how-to’s even if you aren’t building a Swan class. I’d jump all over this if I didn’t already have the set.
  11. Very nicely done Joe. I had to do those on the Morgan, and they weren't as complicated as what you had to deal with but still took a lot of time. Coming along really nicely!
  12. Have you tried using a steady or follower rest? I think those items help with some of the flexing issues. Given that folks are building billiard cue sticks using the Sherline lathe, I would think that flex can be minimized.
  13. Hi Chris, I’ve only put together masts and yards for my Badger build, and haven’t yet for the Pegasus, etc. For the Badger, the instruction manual had you prepare things in pieces. For example, the yards were in three sections, with the round tapered ends pinned to the octagonal middle section. That generally worked fine, but I distinctly recall having issues with a couple of them flexing at the joint particularly when rigging was applied. That was frustrating. For my next builds, to avoid that flexing issue, I’m going to try building them in a single piece on the lathe using square stock. Turn the rounded ends then part off. Just have to take careful measurements.
  14. That framing is incredible. Really nice job with this. I'd venture to say that this must be the most researched model on this site (or in the top five at least). You should release your own kit!
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