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Landlubber Mike

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Everything posted by Landlubber Mike

  1. Great work Gary. That engine looks like it could be an award-winning stand-alone model itself.
  2. Beautiful aircraft and fantastic model. I still can't get over how you can do everything you are doing in card - really impressive!
  3. Looking really good Patrick! Not to focus on a small part of your build as everything is amazing, but your work on the ladders is pristine! PE ladders are not easy to do and you aced them.
  4. That's going to look fantastic! I agree with you on "painting with wood" - would rather use woods to achieve the colors and tones I want as well.
  5. Looking forward to following along on this one. I saw the Smithsonian plans years ago, and picked up a set for myself. The plans are incredibly detailed. Can I ask what scale you are building this one in? And what kind of wood are you using? Looks very good!
  6. Very cool, great start on this! I didn't realize Trumpeter made a kit for this ship. I love the look of the Italian WW2 ships.
  7. Very cool diorama! Very clever for sure! Thanks for sharing your experience with using epoxy - good to know what to look out for whenever I finish my SIB build.
  8. Just caught up with your log Alan - great job! Nice models and the diorama is going to be sweet! For a 1/350 ship diorama, you can take a look at my Shimakaze build for how I did the seas. They aren’t rough like yours, so my approach may not be of much help. I love these Flower Class corvettes!
  9. Looking really great Glen, wow! That wheel is incredible. Glad the BMF worked!
  10. Not yet Kevin. All the steps needed to address the warped keel, as well as lining the gunport, burned me out on it and I ended up trying out plastic models. At some point I plan to return to it, but likely will finish my Pegasus first. If you're looking for a nice subject, this kit is a beauty.
  11. Glen, those paddle wheels and housings are fantastic. Even more impressive at the scale you are building. Nice job man!
  12. I used Wolfpack's wing fold set for my FM-1 build. Obviously not a full kit, but I thought it was very well done. My guess is their Catalina kit will work into a nice model as well.
  13. Hi Glen, this is sure to be another stunner. Looking forward to following along! In case you are looking for adhesive foil, you could try Bare Metal Foil - car (and other) modelers use it and it comes in various metallic hues:
  14. Looking great as per your usual high build quality Chris. I've always liked the looks of this plane. Looking forward to the end result!
  15. Awesome job! Cool you could find a model for your first car! Mine was an old Nissan Sentra - not as cool as yours
  16. Really nice job Alan! I recently picked up that Dspiae stabilizer as well. I haven't had a chance to use it yet, but even though I have pretty steady hands at the moment, there have been times where this would have come in handy.
  17. Fantastic job! Really well done. Seems very fragile, so hanging from the ceiling is a good idea.
  18. Nicely done! @ccoyle - maybe we should have a SIB forum here on MSW? @Glen McGuire has a number of builds he's kindly posted already, and a few of us others have SIB builds we've posted as well.
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