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Everything posted by MEDDO

  1. The lens have a small clip and they can be swapped out in a few seconds.
  2. Danny I just started using these. Likes: very lightweight, comfortable, when using you still have great peripheral vision, 5 different lens (although not 6-8x like you mentioned), inexpensive Dislikes: light is worthless, magnification requires you to be very close to what you are working on.
  3. The Vallejos seem to have a good rep and will be trying them out when I need any new colors.
  4. Wonderful build Chuck. Thanks for all the instructions, demos, tips, photos and ideas.
  5. So here is the beginning of the end. When connecting the metal to the wood I used a drop of CA and unfortunately a bit leaked out but overall to the naked eye it looks pretty good. overall should of made the straps much longer but this was all of the brass strip included in the kit. Next time....
  6. After seeing the excellent paint/dye jobs here on MSW I for one am going to be avoiding this toxic species.
  7. Thanks Steve, Bob, Rossi and B.E. and for all the likes. The additional contrast looks really nice in person. All of the wood tones were very close in color. Although next time I think I'll do it properly and paint/stain it prior to adding the wood.
  8. Wales painted tonight. I also had to shorten the deadeye chains as the first set was way too long. They ended up on the wales. Was pretty simple to cut out a few mm and then re-solder the pieces back together. Some of these new skills are pretty handy.
  9. I'm gonna have to say brain, left hand, right hand.
  10. A couple days ago I cut up some black paper and taped it to the wales to see how it looked. I kind of liked it however I am a little bit concerned about painting it black as the wood has already seen some wipe on poly. After seeing Bob's Halifax post where he painted it i've decided I really like it. I will test out there small piece of the leftover wood this weekend. Will use the wipe on poly let it dry and then I will lightly sand it and then paint it to see how it comes out. Here are a few pictures with and without. p.s. I'm going to have to give up my super awesome model stand blocks that I've been using for the last few years and figure something more permanent for the final mounting.
  11. It's funny you painted the wales black. I really like the look. Day before yesterday I was considering it and cut some black paper out and taped to my hull to see what it would look like. My only concern would be painting over previously sealed wood (wipe-on poly). I also like the treenails.
  12. After a few more days to thoroughly dry I am pleased with the muted colors. For some reason when I used to green 4-5 years ago it came out much brighter. Probably has something to do with the light basswood I was painting over versus the brown resin here.
  13. That is excellent news Greg. I'll be really interested. After a few more years of progressive kit bashing I am looking forward to my eventual Swan/Comet build. (I really like the look of the Comet)
  14. Haha!! This for sure. I love these kind of threads.
  15. Lee Valley looks like a great site. (repetition is always good for the memory)
  16. The book is my next purchase. Thanks for the req on the Shapton stones. I will also look into the guide when I need to. Either the Veritas or the Kell mentioned above.
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