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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by GLakie

  1. Chair's pulled up. Cigar's lit. Favorite beverage's poured and chillin'. Let the activities begin!!!! Cheers
  2. I agree Jay! Somehow this topic drifted off-subject. Crown's the go-to place for precision cut lumber, and sooner or later, I'll be milling my own completely, while still maintaining Jason as a source for rough-cut lumber.
  3. Now that's a big boat! She looks marvelous setting there! ------ What--No film footage?
  4. We're talking about two different mediums here. Doing scratch-building and doing kit building. I wasn't real clear in my last post about the planking. What I'll be buying from Jason is the sheet stock. I'll still have to cut and fit the planks. I'm working with a kit and replacing all of the wood in it except the false keel and bulkheads, and I might replace those. I'm going to use Jason's Swiss Pear for the coamings and rails in sheets. Never done a scratch build yet, but this Constitution Kit is going to get my feet wet enough, hopefully, to make the swing over to the "Dark Side". I've worked with wood all my life and I know what is meant by "working with my hands". I could cut and mill all the wood myself, as can most of the other guys here, but I'll do it this way, not because I have to, but because I want to. And the way I've decided to do it is to send some of my business Jason's way because he offers a great product. Whew! Cheers
  5. Looks great Ken. Definitely a unique approach, but so far the results are outstanding. There will be quite a few deck fittings that can be installed off the ship as well. Cheers
  6. I agree with Chuck about the time thing and spending hours milling planking. I do own a band saw, Byrnes Table Saw, and Byrnes Thickness Sander, and I'll be using them on my first build, just for all of the frame-work. That will be poplar, instead of basswood. Every bit of the planking, coamings, and railings material, will come from Jason at Crown, because once I start building, I'm not going to stop to mill planks. My time is money, and it's cheaper to buy the pre-milled sheets for planks, than to re-saw them myself.
  7. That's a work of genius Nenad. Using the striker wheel from a lighter? Pretty slick man! Cheers
  8. What can I say except "beeaauuttiiful" . I know what you mean about the extra parts laying around. Seems like every project has some left-over things that need to be relegated to the realm of "extras". It's usually at that time when I finally, as a last resort, try taking a look at the directions.
  9. Wow---you've been working at lightning speed Dennis. At this rate, you'll have her done by tomorrow! Pretty amazing stuff! Are you sure you don't have a crew of elves working around the clock? Cheers
  10. She looks fantastic Matt! I like that base. Truly unique. Were you thinking of a case, or will that be up to your boss? Cheers
  11. Minicraft This one was a 1985 version
  12. I like that natural wood finish on her. They did a bang-up job. Cheers
  13. Your AG's going to be marvelous displayed like that if you leave her as is, but like Patrick, I wonder how big the case will need to be. Guess it won't really matter, because with them up, the case will need to be taller.
  14. Looks great Ken! She's starting to get her hull profile together. Cheers
  15. Sorry to hear about Ziggy, but glad to hear Vulture is fine. Shame!-------Would have paid money to see a picture of Pud working on Vulture! Cheers
  16. I think the locker would be more for studding sails and extra sail-cloth, and the rest would stay aloft, either furled or lowered.
  17. She looks great with more teeth in her. That is a good idea pinning the cannon to the carriages. Less chance of them breaking off during all the handling that's to come yet. Were you thinking about pinning the carriages to the decks as well? Cheers
  18. Just wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday Piet! I know this one's belated, but you'll find an on-time one in your PM! Cheers
  19. Considering it's rum we're talking about, Montezuma's Revenge is actually quite appropriate!
  20. Glad to see Woodie and Harry worked out their differences Matt. Can't have dissension in the ranks! They got it together and did a wonderful job with the planking. Cheers
  21. Working pully system, highly detailed switches? Outstanding Dennis! Having a mechanical background, and understanding how things work, is paying off tremendously. You definitely have an eye for detail. Very nice! Cheers
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