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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by GLakie

  1. She's starting to look as complex as a square rigger Dennis! You're doing a bang-up job on her.
  2. Looking good John. ---She looks so sad setting there all by her lonesome. Almost like she knows you're not coming back for 5 months. You should really consider taking her with you.
  3. I hope it does Ken. Don't see any reason why it wouldn't. It's a method that assures a nice flat, clean installation, as opposed to doing them one at a time on the ship. Cheers
  4. What do you mean "don't know what you're doing"? I think you're doing a fine job, and I think everybody goes through that "trial and error" thing. Just keep plugging away, and you'll end up with a model you can be proud of.
  5. I think Campbell would be a more reliable source Nenad. Cheers
  6. That's an interesting idea there Captain. Looks like I need to pick up my copy of that book pretty soon. Cheers
  7. That's nothing short of amazing Buck! Either my worn-out eyes are playing tricks on me or I'm seeing glass windows in this lantern. Yup----like I said----microscope! Cheers
  8. Oh no! Kidding!---I know you'll have her back ship shape, probably before you go to bed for the night.
  9. This model isn't really a scale replica of any particular ship, but rather more of a decorative piece. From what I could tell from the photos, the blocks, running, and standing rigging, is scaled much larger than it should be for a model of that size, but again, it was probably done that way to make them more visible as a decoration. The bright side is that it's not beyond repair, and you have a lot of room for artistic interpretation with the sizes of the lines. Cheers
  10. Yes pictures will definitely help in getting her identified, and hopefully the scale the cables have to be.
  11. 2 mm is pretty large and sounds like it might be for anchor cable or shrouds on a really big model?
  12. She looks great with all her chainplates in place Boyd! Still can't get past the over-all shots of her and how marvelous this ship really is! Cheers
  13. Your rudder looks great Sal! It's a good method you came up with for fabricating the iron work. Cheers
  14. Said it before, but what the heck----It's a really great thing you guys have done, and are doing now, with the Lifeboats for Warriors, and I'm proud of you both for the part you play. Having seen it now on FB and the TV link, I almost feel like I met you guys in person.
  15. It was actually just a review of the purchased wood that somehow, was diverted from that.
  16. If you've shopped around for boxwood, you know it's not cheap, provided you can find it at all. Big box stores don't carry it. I don't know----for me it's more to do with keeping a valuable resource to exotic hardwood available, by making a purchase of the more desirable wood once in a while, which in turn will help keep them in business. Anyway, this topic has gone off subject again and is going nowhere, so I guess I'll just leave it to the professionals. Cheers
  17. The joinery looks fantastic Augie! You've made a very clean and neat job of them. Nice! Cheers
  18. Marvelous piece of engineering Dennis! Gotta love the scientific approach. Cheers
  19. Really proud of you guys Dave! Hellava job. Nicely done Piet! You're a natural! Cheers
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