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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by GLakie

  1. That's a great family to get you a present like that Nenad. And some fine looking chain for being home-made. Nice job! Cheers
  2. She looks great with all her teeth in place Sjors! Nice job on the bow decorations too! Cheers
  3. Word has it that it is your Birthday today Nenad. Happy Birthday! Cheers
  4. I'll have to correct my previous statement by saying I think I know what one of them might be.
  5. Looking awesome Matt! That's the trouble with those squirrels. Sometimes you just have to crack the whip---or nut-cracker in this case.
  6. Guess they don't make glass like they used to Piet! Nice touch with the cases of beer shipped for the O19 crew. Cheers
  7. I agree Matt! But if we all put our heads together, this could involve many spent cans!
  8. You're off to a great start Mick! Cheerful looks like it's going to be fun, and a lovely ship to build. Cheers
  9. That iron-work looks good there Captain, and I see you've sneaked those bulkheads in when we weren't looking. Bet I can guess what you have coming too. Cheers
  10. You're doing a beautiful job on her Augie! It's almost to the point where I can't wait for the next update. Cheers
  11. Hi there Captain! I'm probably wrong about this, but I don't think the "horseshoe keys" were actual horseshoes for horses, but were custom- made for structural re-enforcement at those joints. I'm just guessing and looking at them from an engineering standpoint. Don't really know for sure, but before giving up the beer-top idea, maybe a PM to Chuck or any one of the scratch-builders could educate all of us. Cheers
  12. Something I've had spinning around my head lately is using the contemporary look with her, and fore-going the copper all together. Boxwood lower planking, stained a reddish orange, Ebony, or painted black, whales, and Holly the rest of the way up, painting black above the gun-stripe. I don't know, just a thought. I really like this configuration though. As she supposedly looked when launched. Cheers
  13. I actually like that idea. Planked coasters with a nibbing strake around it. Hey---get a patent, and sell the idea to Walmart and become the next millionaire!
  14. Thanks Janos. I have a Dremel with the flex-shaft, but still need some bits.
  15. Wow----a big mortar and a bunch of mini's! Heavily armed to say the least. Better be careful when firing the big one, and make sure one of the squirrel crew didn't get drunk and climb in there and pass out!
  16. Thanks for the info Mark. I've heard good things about the book and am definitely going to get it first. Cheers
  17. While I agree that working with wood the way the old time artisans did it has it's romantic allure, I think that those of us with arthritic problems, look for easier and faster ways to accomplish jobs, with less and less manual labor, to minimize painful movements. Hence power tool popularity.
  18. That's some really great work Frank! She looks marvelous! Cheers
  19. Thanks for posting this Tony! These are some beautiful old models, and are a joy to see. Cheers
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