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Gone, but not forgotten
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Everything posted by GLakie

  1. LOL! forgot you're in Arizona Rich! Been here in MI so long, it's sometimes easy to forget how warm it is elsewhere.
  2. That's some marvelous work Danny! I'm beginning to believe you're a wizard!
  3. Looks like you've got plenty of room there Rich. Is it heated yet? I was going to ask also what your next project is, after the case of course.
  4. The vangs and crossjack look great John and add to the over-all look. Every little bit they say! Cheers
  5. Nice job Sal! Great ideas with the wood for the clamp and the gloves.
  6. Very nice Dennis! Your attention to detail is outstanding and just keeps getting better!
  7. Those are some fantastic looking carronades Thomas! Amazing workmanship on them! Cheers
  8. Been going over one of the books I picked up today and found a pic of the Texas under way during WWII. Remembered you saying you were on her at Galveston where she's berthed and thought you might like to see a pic of her on the job.
  9. Your baseboard will be great when you get her done Piet! Love that trim molding. I remember just recently when I used MinWax's Golden Oak that I got that same blotchy look on some oak trim that was part of a drafting table-top I'm making, but the birch plywood I used seemed to take it just fine. Still can't figure it out. It did seem to look better after the second application. I'm thinking sometimes it's just a bad batch or something.
  10. There's a You Tube video that shows how to make an angle adjuster for the tilt, but also shows some good images of the tilt table. They show the miter track and fence. The tilt table itself mounts to the saws fence for adjusting how much of the corner you want to slice off. Like for a warships waterway. In this case you would want to slide the unit as close to the blade as you can, with the corner of the piece to be cut just touching the saws table-bed. The fence on the tilt probably won't be of much use here, but the miter gauge with extension, and a push stick would. But like Richard and I pointed out, cut the piece to width first, THEN use the table for the angle on each side. Hope that helps some.
  11. The tilt table has a fence and miter-slot, does it not? Just cut it to width, like Richard suggested, then with the tilt, using the fence and a push-stick, cut one angle, then flip it and slice the other angle.
  12. It's a sizable chunk of cash, but I think well worth it, especially for these larger ships 4 feet or more. Glass is just so heavy, not to mention dangerous if broken. That's a good deal for a name plate so nicely done also. Befitting a ship of her caliber.
  13. I read somewhere that during the kit designing process by Ben Lankford, that some adjustments were made because of the scale of the kit (1:76.8). So as far as being 100% accurate, I don't think it would be. That might be causing your size discrepancies in the MS plans.
  14. The crew have done a wonderful job on the planking and staining Matt. Buy them an extra ration of grog for me. Sweep ports are like gun ports, only for oars. Hence needing reverse. Cheers
  15. Very nice there Captain! I agree with the "Squirrely One". Ingenious sail former you've come up with. Those oar grooves give her that added look of realism also. Well done! Cheers
  16. Nice job on the sails Frank! I like the use of the disappearing ink for layout. Which kind of sewing machine are you using?
  17. She looks marvelous Rich! Yup! Better tool up a case for her final berth.
  18. That's some fantastic work on your ladders Dennis. I like the brass rungs and rails. Insane? Not at all. Border-line rocket science? Maybe!
  19. Your boats look great mounted Rich! How 'bout a couple over-all shots of her, as she sits now?
  20. Boyd, I have a bandsaw, but it's a 10", and I got that one for re-saw work (cutting sheets). The table saw is not only going to be used for slicing planking and timbers, but for doing joinery on coamings and deck furniture. Handy for sure. @ QA--- I had a full size table saw and got rid of it for the Byrnes. Both can hurt you of you're not careful and plan your moves ahead of time. The Byrnes doesn't have a riving knife but there are other ways around kickback. Cheers
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