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Everything posted by patrickmil

  1. Augie, I'm happy to see you back at it. The interior looks very nice so far. If you'd be so kind as to put off fishing and the great outdoors for a while longer and get more done, we'd all appreciate it.
  2. Nice work Danny!!! You really turned out a gem from a lump of coal. I'm very impressed and your work continues to amaze and inspire.
  3. Ger, nice work so far. I've always personally felt that solid hull models are harder than plank-on-bulkhead models to get right. I think you are doing a fantastic job with it.
  4. Michael, I think I have the stern under control at this point. It just took some figuring to get the shape right for the configuration I want to model. Frank, the finger has healed nicely so far. With that being said, I've been away for a bit due to some issues with my chest. We're not sure if it's my heart or lungs yet. More tests to be ran... The silver lining here is that I am taking the week off of work for the tests and to keep my blood pressure under control. Work for me is over-the-phone IT support and it's raised my BP to some very bad levels. With the week off of work, I have plenty of shipyard time which helps me relax more than anything else. I finally have some pictures of progress!!!! Since I'm going with the configuration off of drawings from Constitution's alleged original stern, I had to completely discard the lasercut pieces from the kit. This original stern had more of a severe cant than today. To add to that, the eight windows really make it convoluted. I designed and cut my own stern timbers and have got these in place. My next step will be to get some window framing in place to strengthen the stern. Thanks for staying tuned.
  5. Ben, I have been slacking on the pictures. I will post some of my keel and her in her building slip. I was hoping to get more done on the stern framing first, but I'm having to rethink my approach. Robert, welcome to my log and thanks for the compliment.
  6. Those planks look great! I get the same trouble when I plank also. Sandpaper is my best friend.
  7. The gun port lids look great in place Rich. It looks like you have a good handle on the davits also.
  8. Sal, the coppering looks great. The copper will develop a nice patina if left untreated. Some folks coat their copper in a clear coat to keep it nice and bright. The option is purely for aesthetics.
  9. The planking is looking great so far Michael. Planking is one of my favorite parts of a build. I'm looking forward to seeing the next four planks.
  10. That's looking great Adam. I also agree with you... wireless keyboards can be very rude from time to time. I'm still trying to figure out what you were watching in the background.
  11. Sal, I'm certainly no expert on this matter. You wait for others to chime in. I'd say that each plank on this build could be nibbed and go with that, but I also tend to like the look of it and usually go with what I like over historical accuracy as long as it's not too far fetched.
  12. Ben, the framing and gunport looks great! I have to agree with Andy, about what you're calling messy. I intentionally clean my work area before snapping pictures, in fact.
  13. Joe, in fact, when I glue cuts back together they usually heal better and faster than otherwise. People typically look at me like I'm a crazy person when I explain the history of superglue. Oh well, if they don't believe me. Welcome to my log by the way. Michael, I'm hoping not to Christen my Constitution. I've already done that on past builds and I'm not sure I like cleaning it up too much. I think I might actually have an update with pictures later on. I'm waiting on my keel to dry.
  14. Guys, thanks for the thoughts. I'm not going to sit and do nothing while my hand heals though. When it happened, I gave it prompt attention by cutting off the blood supply with a rubber band, cleaning it, gluing it closed and wrapping it. This happened on Wednesday night. The cut, despite being 1/4" deep is completely closed up now. And no, I didn't spill any red paint on Connie.
  15. Tom, I'm excited to see the planking go on. I feel like all the pictures I've seen show the gunports in red, what made you decide to go with black?
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