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Everything posted by patrickmil

  1. Those part are amazingly well cut and that's very nice looking plywood.
  2. The bulkhead looks amazing Sjors! Great progress and I can't wait to see the deck planking for the level you just added. Wow!
  3. Mundie, the period you are modeling the ship in will dictate the color scheme. A good flat black and a bright white will do for the most part on the exterior (for today's ship) and something close to Tamiya's WW2 Russian Green would be a close approximation on the inside bulwarks. That's my two cents and I'm sure others will have their own ideas and preferences.
  4. That's a very nice looking kit! I'll definitely follow along with you on this build. Are you planning on fitting this out as an RC model?
  5. Larry, when I did the cleats, I took a page from Dan Vadas and made all of them consistent by gluing strip wood together to get the profile and then cutting them from that. One of his more recent posts on his build log of Vulture shows what I'm talking about. He was making the shroud cleats I think.
  6. The yards look great Rich! Mounted to your masts is a great place to store them.
  7. Great work Sjors. Those cannons are very neat and precise. Your Aggie is growing teeth at a very rapid pace!
  8. Very nice Larry. You're right about the kit supplied cleats and I did the same thing with mine as well.
  9. Larry, I'm very sorry to hear about your Uncle. Have a safe trip to Ohio. I'll try to hold the weather off best I can while you're here.
  10. Larry, I forgot to mention, I really like how you incorporated the ring bolt detail on the exterior of your hull next to the gun ports. That's one of those details I wish I had included.
  11. Larry, sorry to hear about your Uncle. I hope he starts doing better. The pictures look great.
  12. Great looking rudder Larry. I too, am looking forward to seeing more pictures. Bring a warm coat Larry. It is frigid here. What parts are you visiting by the way?
  13. Fletch, I may also go with constructing my own hatch gratings and combings as well. Should I go this route, I will be using boxwood. In my opinion, mahogany has a large brittle grain that makes modeling small or intricate pieces difficult. One thing I didn't do was plan sub gun deck assemblies for depth below the hatches. I may cut these sections out after or I may paint things black underneath the combings.
  14. Good job on those breech ropes Sjors! I'm anxious to see your 2 mm blocks rigged.
  15. Very nice figurehead there Bob. Janos, you're skill at carving is incredible. Great pics and looking forward to more.
  16. Aggie's teeth are very menacing! Great work on making them look so menacing too. You only have about a trillion to go now, right?
  17. The whaleboat looks good Bill. Heck, the entire ship is looking amazing. I'm hoping for half as good when mine is done.
  18. Get that leg feeling better Adam! We want to see some more progress updates.
  19. Larry, I've always got that thought in the back of my mind. LOL George, my two youngest cats always come running at the sound of noise and, in fact, will try to fight the vacuum cleaner. Sjors, the wood isn't really super thin. I think the glow you see shining through is from the overhead lighting over our table. Thanks to all for looking in and all the likes and comments.
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