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Everything posted by patrickmil

  1. Nice looking paint Tom! I only support the Pats because they are AFC. LOL. Great progress with the black paint. I'm anxious to see the masking taken off,
  2. Here are the samples with linseed oil applied. I like how it brings out the caulking lines.
  3. Augie, you're absolutely right. I did slightly wet down the samples but I will take some pics with a finish applied. That should be later on. Good call!
  4. Guys, thanks for looking in. I've got three votes on holly and one for maple. I figure that my choice counts the most in the end but I like both. I'm not completely ready to plank yet, but figured I'd get a tally while I work on other things so after a couple days I can start procuring the materials and cutting planks.
  5. Fletch and Jim, thanks for dropping by. I need some opinions now. I am going to be putting in some deck planking very soon and I don't think I'll be using the kit's supplied basswood. I've narrowed my choices to Maple and Holly. The lighter colors of these woods will help with lighting on the gun deck. Whomever is reading this, please let me know what looks better, the maple or the holly.
  6. Jon, after looking in on your Rattlesnake I'm not sure what you're waiting for as your skills are definitely up to the task.
  7. Jon, Your Rattlesnake is awesome! On my Niagara I solved the twisting issue when I installed the horizontal bars/planks that go right over top of the deadeyes and lanyards. Great work on your rigging so far.
  8. Amazing detail Tim! If you did want to number yours with 109 I'd say it was the best representation that I've see yet so far. Outstanding work!
  9. Jon, I appreciate your links. I have seen pictures of that particular model some time ago. It is a lovely model and if I can get half as fine of a model as it then I'll feel that I've accomplished something. I noticed a couple of things this time around, Mark included the bridle ports and put in eight windows but used the alleged stern decor from the 1812 period. He also decided against the copper plating but I'd imagine that decision was so we could see the fine planking and treenail detail. So much of how she looks depends on how you decide to interpret all of the literature. I'd really like to see pictures of that build in progress. Thanks for looking in. Are you planning on bashing your Connie when you start?
  10. Augie, I'll save your royalties and donate them to the site on next year's fund raiser. George and Tim, thanks for looking in. The stern area is a mish-mash of William Bass's drawings, drawings from AOTS and Model Shipway's plans. I lucked out with the kit's plans in that the gun ports on the gun deck line up pretty well with the original 1795 draught (picture A2/2 in AOTS). The quarter galleries and transom detail and structure are just riding between all of these drawings. Something I wanted to add to my above post is that knowing what I know now, I would have never bought this kit for what I am doing with her but would have instead scratched the Constitution from the start. The more I'm putting into her the more I find that the only useful part of the kit is the wood supply. Live and learn, right?
  11. Hey all! Hectic last couple of weeks! I will be switching to a new job and schedule soon so I haven't gotten as much done as I'd like. Plus, it seems as though when I take a couple steps forward I end up taking one backward. The good news is that the new schedule should afford me more build time. The new toy is the Proxxon pencil sander and power supply. Amazon had them together for the basement bargain price of $60 with free shipping. I jumped on that quickly. I made a couple of additions and had to remove the planking on the upper counter. When I was originally planking the upper counter I forgot that it is supposed to extend across the backsides of the quarter galleries. I managed to get the six window sills and top plates installed. I steam bent and shaped a spar deck beam that runs along the inside of the window top plates. I also got some framing put in for some gun ports and the starboard door for the starboard quarter gallery. Speaking of quarter galleries, I got some basic framing for the starboard quarter gallery installed. The starboard waterway has been completed and the port bow timberheads are also finished up. More work to be done today. I hope you enjoy my pictures and if you have questions, comments, and criticism, don't hold back! P.S. The shows Black Sails and Sons of Liberty are incredible shows for inspiration.
  12. Bob, there's tons of room in Columbus. LOL. Sorry to hear about your experience.
  13. It looks really good! I thought you were going to surprise us with painting it and all of that texture would end up like a coral reef you might find off of Fiji. LOL
  14. The thought of sails on one of my favorite subjects gives me chills. Great job so far Rich!
  15. That green paint looks excellent! The over spray you mentioned is minimal and shouldn't take too much for you to fix. Great looking ship so far.
  16. Chris, I'm marveling at your approach with the contour lines on each bulkhead. No doubt you've got a very precise way of checking bevels on your bulkheads. What a great start.
  17. I don't know if you can possibly do 'better' ratlines when they were perfect on the mizzen to begin with. They are looking great Bob.
  18. Fletch, the progress is looking good. The partial berthing deck is yet another step I have to add to the long list. The coaming looks great BTW.
  19. Great progress! We go away for a couple hours and you always manage to get some more pictures in.
  20. Sal, the planking is looking great. That's an awesome idea for your dremel to get those perfect angles.
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