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Everything posted by patrickmil

  1. Very nice work Bob. Did you make your own gratings or use what the kit provided?
  2. Sal, I'm certainly no expert on this matter. You wait for others to chime in. I'd say that each plank on this build could be nibbed and go with that, but I also tend to like the look of it and usually go with what I like over historical accuracy as long as it's not too far fetched.
  3. The keel will be in pictures tonight. I'm also hoping to get some gunports framed in too.
  4. Ben, the framing and gunport looks great! I have to agree with Andy, about what you're calling messy. I intentionally clean my work area before snapping pictures, in fact.
  5. Joe, in fact, when I glue cuts back together they usually heal better and faster than otherwise. People typically look at me like I'm a crazy person when I explain the history of superglue. Oh well, if they don't believe me. Welcome to my log by the way. Michael, I'm hoping not to Christen my Constitution. I've already done that on past builds and I'm not sure I like cleaning it up too much. I think I might actually have an update with pictures later on. I'm waiting on my keel to dry.
  6. Guys, thanks for the thoughts. I'm not going to sit and do nothing while my hand heals though. When it happened, I gave it prompt attention by cutting off the blood supply with a rubber band, cleaning it, gluing it closed and wrapping it. This happened on Wednesday night. The cut, despite being 1/4" deep is completely closed up now. And no, I didn't spill any red paint on Connie.
  7. Tom, I'm excited to see the planking go on. I feel like all the pictures I've seen show the gunports in red, what made you decide to go with black?
  8. Al, our rain wasn't just a little rain. I usually avoid water during lightning. Michael, Ben and Popeye, workshop time is just what I needed. While working with some veneer I tried slicing my left index finger off with a utility knife. OUCH!!! So I'm pretty much relegated to the indoors on the orders of my admiral. Tim, I plan on purchasing the cannons from MS for the gundeck. As far as the spar deck, I'm still looking around and weighing my options.
  9. Thanks Frank! It looks like it's going to be raining for the next couple of days so I should be able to post some updates.
  10. The colors look great Adam! I can see the happiness of your Mayflower.
  11. Popeye. I tried to make it good and sturdy. Ben, thanks for looking in. I was hoping to use this in future builds and thinking that it may help give me better measurements while building.
  12. Adam, I'd heard rumors that you were making comments on this site again. Thanks for your compliments! It means a lot to me.
  13. Tom, great progress as always. I'm looking to play a little catch up to you. I'm so far behind. The great part about that though is I can just follow in your footsteps.
  14. Sal, in answer to your question, I'll state my opinion like this... Were it my build, I would put the decking down in individual planks. One, it offers god practice for future builds; two, you can get more realistic butt joints with individual planks; three, you will be able to add the appearance of caulking between the planks. You can always go back and use the scribed material if you're not happy with the way the individual planks turn out. As far as the aft deck, you would want to sand down the planks so that they taper. Whatever your decision will be, I'm sure you'll do well with it.
  15. Tim, thanks for looking in. It's my first official building slip. I'm sure down the road I'll be adding some 'features' to it as I discover my needs with future builds.
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