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Everything posted by patrickmil

  1. That is inspiring Hank! I still don't see the inconsistencies you're talking about. Absolutely outstanding work!
  2. Tim, Augie, Popeye and Al, thanks for the words. I do actually have progress this time and some photos to post!!! I had to add some wood to bulkheads and have sanded so much and finally have symmetrical bulkheads. Now I feel that I have the foundation for a successful build. I have also glued the halves of the keel together and will be putting these together to go on the hull in one piece. At the same time I am constructing my build board to hold things upright.
  3. Sal, oftentimes the masts will have a different rake (angle) from one another. Most of the time it's actually been purposely designed that way. In the past when marking my waterline I've propped up the boat in such a way so that the waterline is perfectly level and parallel with the surface my marking tool is going to slide on. The waterline may or may not be intended to sit perfectly level while on the launch way. That's just my two cents...
  4. Rich, the catheads looks great! I like the lion adornment at the end. It looks like you may have a good handle on the gun port lids.
  5. Sal, nice job on the bulwarks!!! You've made me want to dig out my erasure shield. I'm only in my thirties but learned to draft by hand rather than computer. It's always been more pleasurable to draw by hand than machine.
  6. Bob, the pumps look great. I still can't wrap my head around how small they are. It looks as though the individual planks on the pump housings are thinner than the edge of that penny.
  7. Michael, the stern and transom framing looks outstanding!!! Great work so far.
  8. Hey Ben, yeah, patience.... I've had to exercise it to almost my breaking point lately. There should be massive updates on this build log but life and commitments keep taking time away. I've been getting in blocks of fifteen minutes here and there and am almost finished with getting these bulkheads straightened out.
  9. Nigel, are you planning on allowing the deck beams to be seen unpainted?
  10. Sal, I've taught myself to look at my ships the way others (who don't do modeling) look at them. You've done an excellent job so far. I can't wait to see more.
  11. Ben, the frames look great! You have enough skill at this that I'm not surprised at all that your scrap bin isn't rather large.
  12. In the past with Niagara I'd get too anxious while waiting for something to dry, do some work that needed to wait and then repair everything after disaster struck.
  13. Jeff, welcome to the best model ship building forum out there. For your thirty minutes, do what you want to do because the goal here is to have fun.
  14. The gunports are looking great. Truly precise work with great corners!
  15. Rich, the gratings look fantastic! I'd definitely go with David's advice and use a razor saw with very light pressure.
  16. Michael, that is fantastic looking framing. The framing looks very clean and precise. The stern is outstanding.
  17. Wow Sjors!!! The cannons look great in place. I can't wait to see them all done.
  18. Sal, that's looking great. I don't see the dent you've mentioned at all so it may just be you're being too critical. Everybody on this forum is guilty of that. I'm glad you're having fun with this. It's my favorite past time and allows me to tune out the rest of the world.
  19. Bob, I'm glad to see you back on your Niagara. The planking is very clean. Very nice progress.
  20. Sal, I'm not sure I have too much to offer, but thanks all the same for the compliments. Tim, I'll probably be putting together the battle station in conjunction with Connie so I have something to work on while glue dries.
  21. Great work so far. One of the benefits of a painted and coppered hull is you can use wood filler if you do accidentally take off too much wood.
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