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Everything posted by patrickmil

  1. Thanks for adding the insight on her colors. I've got several books I'm going to be reading while deciding on what do to with my Connie. Hopefully progress on yours is going well.
  2. Sjors, your Mirage looks excellent! Now we just have to patiently await your masts and rigging. I'll be here for your next update.
  3. If I'm reading that correctly that puts you completing your Niagara in a little over two years?
  4. Anthony, it wouldn't be a bad idea to build the quarter galleries from scratch to the specs of the transom/stern area. The other obvious way, course, would be to abandon the transom piece and build this from scratch to the quarter galleries. Either way, you are going to have some detail to replicate. The detail on that brass piece is just cleaner and more precise. My two cents...
  5. You're still working at your usual pace I see... The guns and their tackle look fantastic. I also like the look of the cannons unpainted on the ends of the barrels. You're doing an outstanding job with the Aggie.
  6. We have some beautiful rainbow trout here in the Buckeye state. I prefer to fish for bass (all types), crappie, saugeye, muskie, and catfish. All of the above are delicious if prepared fresh. As far as entertaining a fishing party, I'm all in! At the end of April in fact I will be camping for three nights and will be doing nothing else but fishing and drinking beer; that's my taste of heaven.
  7. Augie, I hear you loud and clear on the trout. Fishing season for me is just around the corner!
  8. Robert, thanks for looking in. The tan lines that are draping off the course yards are the clew lines and reef tackles. The instructions state to connect the ends when sails are not being used, so I opted for the draping appearance. Augie, my iPhone is my cell phone and iPod all rolled into one. I was planning on getting some more work and updates posted, but I was growing frustrated and had to put the Niagara away for the night. I've always felt that building models is best done on a calm and peaceful mind.
  9. Hey Mario, it's good to see you and your builds back in the forum. This was such a beautiful build. Thanks for gracing us with yoru work.
  10. I'd have to agree with Popeye on this. And there's also the fact that I have yet to see a cottonball smash through wood planking.
  11. Robert, your catheads look excellent. There are so many different pieces that I wish I had ordered pear or cherry for. There is such a difference that a good solid carving wood can make in a parts final appearance. Your work has been outstanding with this build.
  12. This is some fantastic work on the Sultana! What a great kit and you are doing it real justice!
  13. Augie, one thing I found to help with the finger burn is sandpaper belts that would normally go on a belt sander. It is much stiffer because of the thickness of the material, but this helps keep your fingers stay cooler and takes more material off quicker.
  14. Sjors, the Animals and Deep Purple have also made their way onto my Iphone. Popeye, the TV usually gets my attention too much for efficient modeling. Modern Marvels and Duck Dynasty are too interesting to be modeling while they're on.
  15. Sjors, as a matter of fact, I do like to listen to guitar while building AND brewing. The artists are usually Stevie Ray, Jimmy Page, Sweaty Teddy, and Keith Richards. What do you use for background noise while building?
  16. Sjors, those are very nice pieces. I'd like to see them assembled into a whole crow's nest. You definitely have my attention. I'll patiently await further updates.
  17. Drying time is over! I'll be using Elmer's glue in a 50/50 ratio with water. I got realistic sag with the lines that were drenched in the mixture. Onward with rigging!
  18. Like taught guitar strings, I have some test pieces of nylon string here. The one on the farthest right has been soaked in thin CA (I don't have my hopes up for this one). The others have varying viscosity's of Emler's. Drying time....
  19. Hey Augie, at least Confederacy is in the same scale as your Syren. I'd like to see a rigging plan with her though. I don't think I'm inventive enough to come up with it on my own.
  20. I'm going to line up multiple stretched of this nylon string and suspend it and then I will apply some diluted PVA to it and see what happens. I'll also test a piece that is soaked with think CA to see what works better.
  21. Dan, it appears that you are one of the rare people who really enjoys getting deep into the research as much as building ships. I love to follow along as you write the story of such a classic warship. And that's not to mention that your work is truly inspiring.
  22. Popeye, I have brewed from grain and also from the malt extracts. The extracts provide a more consistent product if you are trying to brew the same beer over and over. This kit came from a brewing website and it's exactly the same way store bought beer is brewed, just on a smaller scale. I started with a cream stout base and added two times more malt, a little honey and a little corn syrup and used turbo yeast instead of what was provided. This brings up the potency. To get rid of the esters from the yeast, I cold brewed a little coffee and added some cocoa powder to it. These were added at the time that picture was taken. I'm aiming for a really dark stout that is a bit on the heavy side. When you brew again, one little trick you can use is to add a crushed up Beano tablet to the wort. This will help break complex sugars into simple sugars that yeast love to feast on and may bring up the kick a little. In keeping to forum rules here... I am having trouble getting this nylon rope to lay down naturally without the use of glue, Does anyone have any advice. The topsail lifts need to hang and I want them to look naturally sagged. I know... the topsails really should be lowered without any sails on them, but I really do prefer the look of having them in their raised positions.
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