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Martin W

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Everything posted by Martin W

  1. Best wishes to Sadie! Let me join all the cynophiles in hoping for the best. And that's a great looking stove -- I like the idea of using wood instead of styrene-covered foam or something. Wood is always more fun to work with. Cheers, Martin (and Bounce)
  2. Love the 1/1 decking. I don't think I've ever actually seen larch -- it seems to resemble cedar, which is what most of our 1/1 decks are around here. Good work on the coppering, too! Cheers, Martin
  3. Lovely work as always, Bob. I have to admire those parrels, they're nice indeed, and in place they are splendid. Cheers, Martin
  4. Aha, Nils, after looking at your previous update I had started wondering about your technique for getting consistent and neat coils. I assumed you used a jig, but I hadn't imagined such a sophisticated one. Wow. Do you brush the coils with diluted glue or anything? Cheers, Martin
  5. Nice stern counter, Mike. The planks fit really well and tightly. As for the rest of the planking, well, I can say that I've been working on the 2nd layer since December. As a late-night builder, you will surely move faster than I have! Can't wait to see your progress. Cheers, Martin
  6. Nils -- The point you and Peter discuss here clarifies something I'd wondered about on my last build as I was figuring out how to fix the yards. It is interesting, and is now one of those details I can only hope to remember whenever I next get around to the rigging phase (hmm, a rough calculation would put it around 2018 ). Cheers, Martin
  7. Good to hear from you again, Mike. Planking can go slowly, as I've been learning. Your color scheme sounds fascinating, and I'll be watching to see how it all works out. Cheers, Martin
  8. Hi Nils -- After being away for a few days (I've got workers in my house putting in a new bathroom right next to my study), I've finally gotten to see the latest photos of your glorious build. Those sails just look resplendent, magnificent! This is truly a memorable build! Bravo! Martin
  9. I second Nils' comment. I'd never realised copper plates would differ that much. Martin
  10. Jon -- I had to laugh at your account of the forestay, since I went through that very same "mind block." Maybe that's a kind of initiation rite, or just a joke played on us by the Rigging gods. Still, you worked it out nicely. Cheers, Martin
  11. That ply deck is a nuisance. What I think most of us have had to do is glue pieces of scrap along the tops of those midship bulkheads to provide support for the ply deck -- otherwise it tends to stay a bit springy there in the middle. It's also important to ensure that the 2 halves line up the full length -- after dry-fitting mine, I had to go back and file the insides of the foremost bulkheads to avoid the tendency of one half to overlap the other. Spy's advice has helped me through many tricky steps. Cheers, Martin
  12. Hi Nils -- My own progress is slow -- I've managed about 1 or 2 planks per evening, since the spiling takes a while, along with the bending, and then the gluing -- and the planking screws keep me from measuring or placing anything next to them. But I am getting close to a stage worthy of a post in my log -- soon. Meanwhile, I'm learning a lot from following your progress. Cheers, Martin
  13. Judging from your photo, I'd say the butt pattern you've worked out looks pretty good. The only problem I ran into was that the hatches interrupted the pattern I worked out, but you seem to have avoided that issue. Good work! Martin
  14. Exemplary work, Nils, utterly fascinating! One of the great features of these beautiful ships is their rigging, and adding the sails really does bring your build to life! Cheers, Martin
  15. Hi Glenn -- I've just found your log and have enjoyed reading about your progress. It all looks really nice, with plenty of attention to detail. I for one am glad to have another Pegasus/Fly builder working and actively posting (though I have to blush here, since I'm pretty bad about posting myself). I'll look forward to seeing your progress. Cheers, Martin
  16. Hi Mihai -- The planking looks very nice, with even lines. Your coppering is meticulous. Congratulations on that! But your painting is just spectacular!!! The colors complement the decoration very well. Cheers, Martin
  17. I second Nils' comment. As for the yellow, well, it's a bit hard to judge with the natural wood color there below the wales. I assume the inside of the gunports would be red? Your eye will be the best judge. Cheers, Martin
  18. Nils -- You make a good point there. It's one of the intriguing aspects of these ships that they should be so beautiful in order to expose themselves to destruction. And the sheer number of trees involved in even one ship -- ach! At least in the scale we work, there aren't so many trees cut down, and the ships don't fire real cannon at each other. Cheers, Martin
  19. Ah, Jon, this brings back memories. I had that exact same problem with making the holes for the straps too small, and then having to go back and open them up. I believe I just used a very fine drill bit. But here's something you might want to start thinking about: a later problem I ran into was that the straps wanted to slip upward from the tension of the shrouds -- and that's even with the futtock hooks attached and well connected. I still don't know how I caused that problem, but I ended up gluing the straps into the holes to give them some stability. My guess is that I made the holes too big, even though the fit was pretty tight. Watch out for that stainless steel souvenir -- have you run a geiger counter over it? Cheers, Martin
  20. Of course it's fine work, Toni, you wouldn't do otherwise! Love the detail of the scupper. Cheers, Martin
  21. Peter -- The 2nd planking looks nice. The black wale seems fully appropriate to my eye, delineating the shape of the hull along its length. I'm not familiar enough with this kit to compare your bow with others, but I do like the overall look of this sweet vessel. Has your research suggested any color scheme -- white or yellow, say? Cheers, Martin
  22. Nice work, Jon. Those hearts are nicely detailed (I like the grooves at the tops). And your lashing looks very tidy. Well done, Martin
  23. Nils -- Those photos of the full build are stunning, where the full sails really make their impression. This is going to make for a captivating display piece. Cheers, Martin
  24. Stealers are good. And your counter looks really tidy. This is going to be a sweet build. Martin
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