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Everything posted by j21896

  1. Thanks Jason -- I can't wait to see something completed on this never ending build! I remember your old post about why first builds "break down", and then I watch with envy your impressive progress on Snake, with her immaculate paint job -- she's gorgeous! I may have bitten off a bit more than I can chew. And yes Mike, the walnut provided with the kit was very splintered. I was also disappointed to find the kit carriages -- as well as many other parts -- were actually walnut plywood. That pretty much forced my hand to scratch building, since I wanted to build her with a natural wood finish. I can't complain though, as I'm having a lot of fun "scratching". Cheers, Robert
  2. Thanks very much folks! I used a lot of timber suppliers out there until I found Jeff at HobbyMill -- the "gold standard". In my opinion he is the ONLY option when it comes to scale lumber! Cheers, Robert
  3. Gun Carriages (scratch-built) - continued Fabrication of the carriage components is in progress: Axles were mass produced from “sandwiched” strip on the table saw, in the same way the carriage brackets were done. I don’t have a lathe, so the trucks were roughed out of cherry strip, and then spun up using the Dremel drill press -- the same method I used for the capstan drumhead components. (However, with 72 trucks to make, and a Dremel mandrel that would only hold two at a time, this was very tedious business.) A lot more to do on these yet! To be continued. Robert
  4. Hey Augie, I really like the "Goldilocks" red you came up with -- not too red, not too orange -- just right! Robert
  5. Hi John, Welcome home! Though you haven't had much time with her lately, your Morgan is progressing nicely! My last Mystic visit was a couple of years ago, and she looked then, pretty much just like your build looks now. Cheers, Robert PS. I've come across some of your fantastic trip photos in related build logs on MSW. Not that you have a ton of free time now that you're home , but if you ever got the chance, you could make some significant contributions to the MSW Model Ship Clubs and Exhibitions and Events, Museums and Museum Ships forum.
  6. Welcome back Ron! Good to see new pictures for one of my favorite builds. Cheers, Robert
  7. Thank you Druxey. And thank you Jason. I'm getting the 12-pounders Augie. Per Chuck, even though the Mars armament consists of 6-pounders, his 6-pounders are designed specifically for the quarterdeck of Winchelsea and 32-gun frigates of the period, and are a bit small for Mars. His 12-pounders at 7' 9" will be a great fit for Mars' sixes. Robert
  8. Gun Carriages (scratch-built) Finally back in the shipyard after a five month hiatus. The kit-provided guns are way out of scale, so I’ve ordered replacements from Chuck. First up is scratch building the carriages, for which my fairly newly acquired Byrnes table saw has come in handy. Absent a block of wood of the correct size to profile and slice the brackets, I ripped up some strips from 1/16-inch thick cherry sheet stock and glued them together – an extra strip at the rear to absorb any chip-out. After downloading the gun carriage plans from Chuck’s site, I glued the bracket patterns in place and slotted the profiles on the table saw. 18 guns, so 36 carriage brackets will be needed. I could have saved time, and ensured all brackets would come out exactly the same, had I “sandwiched” 36 strips together and just cut one profile, but I was impatient to get started slotting. Of course the slotting then took me seven times longer to complete! I settled on 7 strips by 7 profiles to produce 49 brackets – a healthy margin for error. Well, the error came on my very first slotting cut! Too deep (visible at the far left in the next photo, where the front axle would go) because I had not properly seated the saw blade -- it was rotating off center! Immediately I was down to 42 brackets. On the bright side, that section could now be my test area for all future cuts. Next I cut the groups of 7 sandwiched brackets down to size. Time for some alcohol … um, isopropyl alcohol. To be continued … Robert
  9. So tell me Augie, it's about that time, have you decided what your next build will be? Robert
  10. Hi Ian, Had they seen your stove, I think the Admiralty would have issued an order to have it permanently relocated to its position right there where you've photographed it! In full view for all to see. And get the draughtsman working on a new set of "as built" plans for Unicorn! That really is a masterpiece! Cheers, Robert
  11. Wow Grant, those are beautifully done! Cheers, Robert
  12. Typically gorgeous work Bob! Either way you decide to go on the treenails, you can't lose with that planking job. Cheers, Robert
  13. Incredible Ian! Thanks for including the eyeglasses for some scale perspective. That really is remarkable! Cheers, Robert
  14. Hi Mike, Those anchors and buoys came out great! Somehow I had lost track of your Badger build (did you change your username post-Crash?), but I'm back along for the ride. Cheers, Robert
  15. Thanks for checking in John! Yes, the shipyard has unfortunately been quiet. I've been involved with other things, but lately I've been back on MSW, getting inspired, and feeling that urge to build. I hope to get things going again -- sooner rather than later. Cheers, Robert
  16. Hi Bob, I totally missed this build -- until now! I guess I should spend more time in the sub-forums of MSW. Congrats on yet another beautiful model! Inspirational as always. Robert
  17. With that level of craftsmanship Ian, that stove really does need to be seen! I am taking great comfort in the fact that the flue I made actually looks a lot like yours -- of course there is nothing below it on my build Cheers, Robert
  18. Hey Augie, You are just flying right along! And looking great of course. You once told me that your motto is, "I may not be any good, but I AM slow". Since that's clearly false on both counts, and as the page count of your log multiplies, I think you might consider changing to, "a picture is worth a thousand POSTS". Keep 'em coming! Cheers, Robert
  19. Hi Ian, I just found your build log, and I hope you're not tired of hearing this, but that stove is absolutely amazing! Simply beautiful. Cheers, Robert
  20. Great to see updates on your Sphynx Alex! Those doors are beautiful -- just like everything else on this build! Cheers, Robert
  21. Hi Sherry, Add my kudos to the chorus. Gorgeous carving work! Cheers, Robert
  22. Hi Jason, It's been a while since I checked in. She is looking beautiful! Cheers, Robert
  23. Hi Bob, Can't wait to see what you do with her! Cheers, Robert
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