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Everything posted by mtdoramike

  1. I have built more than a couple of Artesania Latina kits and will add here that their choice of woods are great. I have never had to replace any wood from any of the kit manufactures that I have built. So you will not have a problem going with the natural wood look. If you choose natural wood look, please do not make the mistake of doing a high gloss finish on the model. I usually use semi gloss or satin for ship models and save the high gloss finish for the display board. But like mentioned above, unless you have built a few models similar to the hull design of this ship, or you are a born natural hull planker, painting or coppering maybe your only option if you have to use a lot of wood fillers. No matter how well you match the wood filler, it will still stick out like a sore thumb. Good luck with your choice. mike
  2. No, I really didn't enlarge the gun port openings. What happened was, I forgot to paint the gun port liners red BEFORE I installed them and painted the sides. So once the sides were painted, the gun port liners were basically lost. So I went back and dug out the liners and then replaced them with painted gun port liners, which took me about 15 hours extra time and one big head ache. So if you want painted gun port liners then I would whole heartedly suggest you sand down the sides FIRST, then paint the sides SECOND and then third is to install the PAINTED gun port liners. But this is only necessary if you are painting your Vic and want painted gun port liners. If you intend to leave natural, then make step three to install natural wood liners. also had to go by Hobby Lobby and get extra wood because I ran out of the natural wood for the gun port liners. mike
  3. I happened to be looking for build logs on the Trinnie and came across yours. She is gorgeous so far. mike
  4. I have always used a coping saw, which is a lot of hand work, but I have found that I can speed up or slow down as I need and I have a lot better control over the cut than with a scroll saw. I have owned two scroll saws, a Harbor Freight and a Craftsman and neither one was worth a plug nickel. Try a coping saw, I think you will have better success and their about $5.00. But I believe the problem is coming in with the age of the kit and the plywood, which appears to be possibly separating due to failing glue. If this is the case, you may have to make new bulkhead patterns on new wood if the kit came with the patterns drawn on the plans at full scale. I know you probably don't feel this way now, but you are one lucky individual being given the opportunity to build this older beauty. Good luck with the build and look forward to plenty of updates. mike
  5. I got a little more work done on the stern section cabin. I love this blue color. mike
  6. WOW, what beautiful workmanship. The Trinnie is absolutely beautiful. mike
  7. Absolutely beautiful build, if this is your third build, you should never give it up this hobby for quite some time because it looks like your calling for sure. mike
  8. Any progress with this build? Hoping to see updates. mike
  9. Now I have to say that I really do not like preformed sides and bulwarks because they just never seem to fit right and require a lot of attention just to get a good look out of them. But I have to say that these seem to be the exception to the rule. I had went back and forth about ditching the preformed sides and just plank it and cut out the gun ports and mount the dummy supports from the back side of the planking, but I decided it was a lot more work than I wanted to do unless once I tried to put them on and find they look like crap. But I'm satisfied with them. mike
  10. No, I don't, but it will be something to research and try and find out though. mike
  11. WOW, I didn't realize Augie had left us. He will be sorely missed. To you Moonbug, what a wonderful thing you are doing for our friend. I didn't personally know Augie, but will offer my services to you at any time that you feel the need of assistance. I will pm you. mike
  12. I always loved Constructo cannon, they always looked great no matter what kit I built of thiers and I can't say that with all kits Artesania Latina being one of them. This Victory is going to be a real beauty when she is finished. I can't wait to see her sitting in port waiting for her departing orders. Your doing a great job on her Paul. mike
  13. If you read up on the history of the Dos Amigos/Fair Rosamond, I think you would feel a bit differently. She had an amazing history, first as a slaver, then ran dope around Asia, purchased and turned into a slave patrol ship off the coast of Africa WOW. It's not the fault of the ship what she was used for, kind of like a gun didn't kill someone, a person pulled the trigger. But if you did this build trying to represent her history with accompanied with documentation to show her history, I think most anyone would like to have her in their collection. I find this ship and her history amazing. Now I'm sure that if she was just built as a slaver and no mention of the other half of her history, then yes, I would also find the subject a bit offensive. But it is apart of history. mike
  14. Bit more work done on the Monte before the Super Bowl starts. I hope it was worth all the extra work involved, but I won't know for sure until I start planking the sides with 1/8 planking, which will also help in pushing the cannon back a bit and not stick out so far. I hate when cannon stick out too far. I painted the inside of the gun ports with black paint. mike
  15. Thanks for the link Mark, but they have been teasing us with that carrot for quite some time now. I'm hoping the release will be soon since the release of the Revenge though. It sure makes me want to build another Victory. mike
  16. I've started the second row of dummy cannon supports. I have had to drastically notch out like 4 bulkheads for the modified cannon supports to fit. I just hope when all said and done, it was worth the extra work involved. mike
  17. Rick is dead on. Most people think the more expensive the kit the better the kit. But I don't buy into that. No matter who the manufacture of the kit is, they all have their faults and they all have their good points. I just finished the Artesania Latina Victory kit and am very pleased with the results. The Sergal/Mantua Victory kit was touted to be the best Victory kit or most accurate back in the 70's and 80's. But to me accuracy is something that you the builder must insure or add to any kit because if you want accuracy, you must do your research of that particular model and be willing to make any adjustments to the kit as needed. I look at a kit and only the shell and most kits can be built straight out of the box, but if you want to make it your own, research, research, research. So your question really should be, which is the most accurate kit. mike
  18. I've started the refit of the cannon mounts side boards. When I added the 1/8th spacer around the gun port openings, I created additional problems such as like 5 of the bulkheads had to be cut back because by the time you add the 1/8th spacers and then the 1/8th backer board for the dummy cannon mounts, it created an issue that the side boards would not lay flush. But wait, the same thing will also have to be done with the lower side boards with the gun openings as well if I want the gun barrels to be even when viewed down the side of the model. A bit more work added to the build and I've just gotten started. Sometimes I have to ask myself, like self, what difference would it have made in the big scheme of things. hahahahahaha. BUt in the end, it comes down to my preference. mike
  19. I started looking at the prefab sides for the guns and the way the pictorial shows is gluing a piece of wood to the back side of the wooden strip or glue wood pieces in the gun port opening before applying the wooden side panel on. I don't particularly like either Idea. So I'm going to use 1/8" wood spacers between the wood strip and the wooden piece the false gun is mounted to. See Pictures for clarification. I prefer the guns to be a bit more recessed and not sticking out so far. mike
  20. Isn't it a sweet day when UPS or FedEx swings by and drops off a big box addressed to you and when you open up the box, there she is, a magnificent ship model kit just waiting for a little attention and love. Then you crack open the ship model kit box and peer inside to see all those wonderful things inside. This is what I love about ship model kits and after all the graphic describing, I'm fighting the urge to order a kit. You wouldn't think I would still get this quiver going up my leg for a ship model kit after building about 25 or so. But I guess I'm an addict. mike
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