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Everything posted by Piet

  1. Hi Omega, thank you for your kind words. Let's hope I can pull it off but right away I ran into a problem with the bow. When trying to carve the rabbet it immediately broke off along a grain line, too week. I'm remaking the entire keel but now from boxwood again, reinforced with the 0.65 plywood. Hey, such is life in the modeler's world Hello Dave, you and everybody else are always welcome in my shipyard. You are too kind. Hello David B, yeah I'll try but as I mentioned to Omega I did ran into a minor snag. No biggy though, it has to be good otherwise I could have stuck with version 1.0. Hoi Sjors, Y'see that I keep my word? Unfortunately it's only a small update but more is coming. I did start with the frames already Priegel werk Yp, step by step - - - that's why it'll take some time. Hi John, yup, another dinghy by an old Dutchman Hallo Carl, ship or boat in a bottle is in the planning stage. I have lines drawings for a "spiegel jacht"; a "hek jacht"; a 1761 "pleasure jacht"; a 1770 "spiegel jacht"; and a 1760 "paviljoen jacht." Oh, I have drawings for kotters, botters and what have you. Now is the question which one I really want to do, they are all beautiful boats. Perhaps one in a large scale??? As I have mentioned several times now - I need another lifetime to do all the things I want to do. Cheers,
  2. Hello Jud, thanks for visiting and your question. This same question was asked last March 20, 2014. See page 67 and post 996. From the original drawings it appears that the dinghy or jol was stored right side up. Even a few of the photos I hive bear this out. Could it have had one or two bung style holes with tapered stoppers? I guess so but I have no info about that and the dinghy lines drawings I have don't show it. My guess is that when pulling the dinghy out they may very well have tipped it on it's stern end or even bow end to drain most of the water out. I have one photo where they have submerged the sub till the aft deck was awash and floated the dinghy out. Bottom line is that it was most likely stowed right side up. Here is a drawing of the sub and a close-up of the dinghy stored. Cheers,
  3. Congrets my dear friend Sjors, she is one magnificent work of art. I have enjoyed the journey with you. Cheers,
  4. Okay Sjors, here is the update I decided to make the keel from poplar wood and shaved a piece to 2 mm thick. This way I have a little more meat for the frames to cement to and also for the rabbet and bearding line at the stern. I think to add them in but am not sure if I can or even need to. I'll definitely do the ones at the bow and stern. The planking will but close to the keel where it may not matter. Too fiddely. I also decided to make it in several pieces to allow me to make the grain run lengthwise in the pieces to prevent them from breaking at the cross grain parts. That was a big concern with version 1.0. Besides, that's the way the drawing shows it as well. I didn't make the scarf for the bow bost the traditional way but just a simple scarf on the flat side. After these pieces were cut out and semi shaped I glued them all together. I'll see tomorrow how they came out and if okay I'll start with the frames. The plan is to make the frames from boxwood that I shaved down to 1 mm thick. I won't build them up with futtocks but cut them out in one piece, them to prevent them from breaking across the grain I am glueing a piece of 0.65 mm plywood to them. This way they'll be plenty strong and won't break on me when I'm handling them like v 1.0 did. Well, that's as far as I got today and will proceed with the frames tomorrow. I have also cut e few planks for the side planking. Here too, I'll try something different to get a better lapstrake, but I'll show and tell when we get to that point. Okay, here are two pics of today's work. This shows the four parts that'll make the keel with bow and stern posts. I made the main portion of the keel slightly higher to give me some meat for the build dock. The stern post knee is also slightly larger then needed, it was too small to handle and I'll file it down after it's securely cemented on. You can also see the scarf I made for the bow post part. This is the assembled keel all glued up. Next I have to make the slots for the frames. I found that the best way doing this is with the #11 Exacto blade. The frames will be slightly larger then scale but I need some meat for the glue or cement to grab hold to the planks. I did the same with version 1.0 and yuns thought it looked okay. Okay, so far so good, I think. Cheers,
  5. Hi Sjors, yup, a dinghy is the English word for what is called in Holland a jol. Well yes, I could have used jol but only the few Dutch speaking members would know what I'm talking about, or perhaps not The rest would have scratched their heads I also learned about it after I started research on the O19 and tried to find drawings for this little boat. They don't have them on airplanes you see, only inflatable rafts Your patience has been rewarded my friend, see my next post Now about that washing out my mouth. I have no clue what you are talking about I checked back and can't find any problems with mouth washing with soap words Ooooh, I see, by magic it was edited. Hmmm . . . . . Must be my dyslexia, yup, that's it . . . . are you buying it, eh Sjors? Fortunately for me none of the none Dutch speakers here know, or do they? Hello Popeye, no slack at all, I can't win I still speak with a very slight Dutch accent here but when I speak Dutch there are traces of an American accent. Perhaps my Dutch accent shows in my writing??? Oh no, say it aint so Okay, enough fun for tonight and back to serious business. I have to post an update for Sjors otherwise he'll shove his arm through the internet connection and grab me by the throat and wash my mouth with soap Cheers,
  6. All I can say is - - - BEAUTIFUL. I like all the pics, but yes, the best of them all that shows the lines well is that second shot. Did I read dinghy? Will that be a plank on frame build Omega?? Cheers,
  7. Hello everybody and thank you all for visiting, your comments and like votes!!! @ Nenad: Thank you very much for your kind words and don't stop breathing my friend, we need you Well yes, sometimes a person has to try to do the seemingly impossible. To tell you the truth - - - I really had no clue how to do it with the plug method and it seemed to too time consuming by first having to make a plug. Oh well, it worked for me and I had a lot of fun doing it. The crazy thing is that I now think that i can make a dinghy half this size. If Omega can make a 1 mm toilet and a 6 mm engine then why can't I make a 40 mm POF dinghy? @ Sjors: Hold your horses Sjors, the dinghy / jol is being worked on! I actually made some sawdust this morning! Had to cut some wood for the keel and sand it down to 1.5 mm thick. I even started to cut the 4 pieces out for the keel. They need to be shaped and trimmed and then assembled into a real build-up keel. Hope to have a few pics tomorrow - - - don't rush me now, I don't want to make any mistakes on this one - - - otherwise I'll blame you when I have to go to version 3 @ Jan: Yup, most people guess my age as in the sixties, which is fine with me. I started first grade in school in 1940 at age 6, in Soeragaja. We had a slate writing thingy with slate writing tools that we needed to sharpen every morning before being brought to school on my mother's bicycle. Dinghy / jol is coming up - - - shortly - - - and I had a Belgian bear before dinner Sorry Nenad, I couldn't resist that one @ Popeye: Yeah, the jol looks okay from where you are but I know where the flaws are and want to make a better one. This is now my challenge . . . I'm just an old stubborn Dutchman who loves a challenge. @ Omega: thank you and see above @ Carl: We can't get Van Nelle here, at least I haven't seen it in the importer's catalog. Oh, I can search the web and see if somebody here sells it. Yup, I started with v 2.0 of the dinghy / jol. Cheers to all,
  8. Very impressive detail work Nenad! And yes, a repaint would make it really looking great. Cheers,
  9. Very neat and clean work Popeye. You gonna put windshield wipers on the cockpit glass for encountering heavy seas?? Cheers,
  10. Hi John, yup, that's how they are supposed to look like. Great info from Lester. In Holland these dead eyes are called juffers, which means young women. Keep up the good works mate. Cheers,
  11. Hello every one and thanks for your responses. Hey Sjors, Yeah, I know Sinterklaas is soon coming but not here I'm afraid, his ship got lost and is stuck in the Saragossa Sea. Instead we have to put up Criss Kringle - - - for a whole month. No, no update yet. I have been busy with other things. Hey Jan, yup, too many letters in the English words However, I don't know if any of the Dutch folks here remember being taught in school to spel vis as visch? We were then on the fringes of the "simplified" spelling rule. Gorinchem? Oh yeah, I remember that city, been there many times and we used to call it Gorkum, is that still so? Thank you for liking my little jol / dinghy. You think Sjors won't notice if I call v 1.0 v 2.0? He's a real astute individual you know, he found the popcorn machine AND loves to make ratlines! Hoi Kees, you know, I find it quite humorous and at my highly advanced age It's no big deal. I'm just glad and appreciative that it was gently brought to my attention. I got a real chuckle out of it, no wonder people were scratching their heads. Can you picture this, fabricating an adjective instead of a noun? Oh I guess you could make a dinghy dingy - - - Actually, I'm doing quite well with American English, had to when I was a high muckedy muck of a few airlines and then for the Federal Government. Mucho reports and technical journals. I think that my English teachers from school would be very pleased, surprised most likely that that mentally challenged young man managed to get this far. I have now problems with Dutch and have to have an English - Dutch dictionary next to me when I write Dutch Go figure. Hi Anthony, hey, been there . . . come to think of it, am still there, see above Hello David B, oh yes, we used to play that too when the kids were in school - - - I cheated though, I used Dutch words or German words, even some Indonesian "Not fair dad, not fair," they would shout. Yeah, I guess I was a big tease. Hi John, I'm curious, did I meet any of them ? And old too eh? Well folks, it's been a pleasure chatting with all yuns. Hmmm, folks . . . another word with an unused letter. Cheers,
  12. Very nicely done Jan. Glad you have abandoned the Corel drawings, knowing you, you want it as authentic as possible. You have to look at this ship for hopefully, a long time and if it's not right for that period ship it'll be a constant irritant to you. That'll be my biggest problem when I start rigging my fictitious VOC ship Surabaya. I don't have a clue, yet, about the rigging of these mid 17th century ships. Research will be the name of the came and making plenty of sketches. Keep at it my friend, she's looking fantastic. Cheers,
  13. Hello everyone . . . again, Didn't do anything on the dinghy today, just started to clean the small (west facing) work bench. I need to make some room for Version 2.0 and do some work on the VOC ship that's docked there. It was brought to my attention that I have been misspelling the word dinghy and used dingy, without the h, instead. How embarrassing and for all the world to see too Can I put the blame on dyslexia? Or a slip of the finger? Or just being a dumb immigrant Dutchman? Hey, when I hear dinghy pronounced I don't hear the h in it - - - so being the "frugal" Dutchman I am not using that letter but save it for other words that are missing it! Yeah, that's it, good excuse - - - Hmmmm, yuns are buying that ???? The English language is using too many extra letters that are not really needed, very confusing - - - But . . . I'll tell you what folks, if this is the only spelling error I have made in my logs then I count myself very lucky. So that you know that of all three foreign languages I had to take in the Dutch school system English was my best failing subject, a 5. German was a 4 and French a 3. So please let me know when I make an error, I'm still learning - - - even at my highly advanced age (80) Cheers,
  14. Hello everyone and thanks to all who dropped by and clicked the like button, much appreciated. Hey Mark, thanks for the kind words and yes, we'll proceed ahead with v 2.0 on the jol, uh . . . dinghy. Hi Wacko Joe, good seeing you again and thank you too for the compliment. Hoi Sjors, yeah man, thanks for hauling that popcorn maker upstairs. We'll have some real good farm butter to go with it. Oh and yes, Gwen says she'll brew Douwe Egberts Select coffee, that's the stuff in the silver bag. We have enough mugs for everyone here and the dishwasher works in my house How about cookies, like spekulaas en taai taai and pepernoten? Hey, December 5 is coming up! Hoi Remco, thank you my friend, i lucked out . . . again. Hell Mike Y, welcome in the shipyard, good to see you. Glad you found my O19 log, it's been quite some trip but loved it very much. Yes, because it's a rather personal build I try to weave some family history through it. Your observation is quite correct, MSW is THE best model ship forum on the planet! Hi John, thank you too my friend and you know an old Dutchman? You never told me that Boy, yes, wouldn't I love to scull around in the little dinghy / jol and look at this boat from the water. Hi Carl, Yeah, she fits just right and I'm sorry to say I ran out of gold leaf Hello David B, thank you also for your very kind words, and also my thanks for following the build. All the input I have received has been extremely encouraging. Cheers to all
  15. That's just plain outrageous Omega and then a 1 mm toilet??? Getoutahere man, really? Must for a very tiny but You gonna make a tiny person to sit on it? Can't wait for the table setting . . . . . . It just gets better all the time. Cheers,
  16. Hello everyone, Well, dingy version 1.0 is completed and hanging on the loading tackle. I also managed to lower it into it's storage area. I lucked out again in that it fit! The measurements on the drawings Daniel made worked !! So, now I have no more excuses and must obey Rear Admiral Sjors and start on version 2.0. Don't hold your breath though, it'll go a little slower this time because I'll be using a different process that'll take more time. I also need to make more planking and make an actual rabbat at the stern section and bow post. I plan to make the bow and stern post from separate parts with knees tying them in to the keel. Nothing like having gained a little more confidence in this miniature building world Wish me luck. Okay, here are a few of the pics I took yesterday afternoon of my efforts, it doesn't look half bad. This pic is taken with flash, there was not enough light. 1/20 sec at f5.8. The obvious question Gwen asked, how did they get the dingy into the water with the railing being in the way? Well, the stanchions lift out of the deck fittings and the guide cable unhooks. Unfortunately I didn't think about doing that Here is a better view and taken without the flash! I rested the camera on a broom handle to steady it and shot it at 1/20 sec at f5.8. At first I thought the dingy was too wide by looking at it from this angle but it did slip into its little hangar below deck. Another broom handle pic without flash. Here I have unhooked the bridle cable after having lowered the dingy into its hangar. Yup, that mechanism works. I think though that I'll shorten the lifting cable a little on version 2.0. I didn't bother unhooking the bridle cable. You can also see that I stowed the rudder and helm stick, which slipped from the seats. I believe though that they would store them and the oars inside the lower part of the con.. I just lashed the oars to the seats for the drama and show and tell Another shot a little closer by. Come to think about it, I still need to make the stowing cradles for the dingy on top of the hull. I won't bother with the lashing hardware though, like eye hooks welded to the hull Hmmm, getting lazy - - - well . . . . . maybe. Yes, everything can be unhooked, the loading boom lowered and secured to the deck frame and the hatches closed. This is all very time consuming so I don't think I'll ever to that again. I have also not made provisions to make the railing removable, however that is still possible to do but will most likely forget about it Cheers,
  17. Sorry to hear that version 1.0 augured in (airplane talk ) but we are all looking forward to version 2.0. Hey, as Mark has said we have already or will yet encounter the same situation. Version 2.0 will be near perfect. Looking forward to pictures. Cheers,
  18. Hello everyone and my sincere thanks to all who visited and clicked the like button. Looks like you got caught up Mike Y Not much done today on the O19's dingy. I went out this morning to see if the printer could make some prints of the Musi drawings but they were out of large format paper. They send me across the street to another printer but he had no idea how to do that from a copy on a "thumb drive." Hmmm, not a biggy yet but a little frustrating. This after noon I started to make the lifting bridle "cable" for the dingy and tie the oars on the rowing seats but had to abandon that project to fix a water spigot outside. Then feed the koi fish and then it was dark. Perhaps tomorrow I can hang version 1.0 on the lifting boom on the O19 and a picture Just to see how it looks. @ Omega: You are too modest. There are not many who can pull off what you are doing. @ Popeye: Yeah, Gwen just shakes her head and walks away. I was told by a distant cousin that it's a van Warmerdam trait. So, maybe we are related ??? @ Daniel: Good to see you again and yes, everything on board a navy ship is either greased or painted. No jewelers in my family but after my double cataract operations the eyes are 20 / 20 and with a pair of 3 X magnifiers I can work comfortably with small stuff. We'll start with version 2.0 shortly. @ David B: Thank you for the compliments my friend. I hope yuns don't mind but when talking about painting ships that triggered my memory about a story my father told me. One day he ordered a couple of native Indonesian men to chip, scrape, wire brush and paint parts of the boat. A few sailors rigged up some scaffolding and tied it to two railing stanchions. The two "painters" climbed overboard and sat on the plank and started to work. After some time my father didn't hear anymore noise with the scrapers and wire brushes so he mozied on over and peeked over the side thinking they were painting. Hmmm, no - - - they were vast asleep. Hey - he thought - I'm not paying them to sleep on the job. Sooooooh - - - oh yuns guessed already whet he did - - - he untied one of the ropes that held the scaffolding and dumped both guys into the water. - - - - followed with a lot of screaming and yelling - - - turned out they can't swim!! So, he threw them a rope and dragged then both on board. At least he and the crew had a laugh till my father ordered two sailors to finish the job. Hey, it's always the lower ranks who get to do the nasty jobs but I'm sure that some of the old "salts" here on MSW can relate to that. Y'all have a great day and happy modeling. Cheers,
  19. WOW, thank you everyone for your very kind words and all the like votes, it's much appreciated. I took today off from work in the shipyard and did some garden work. Gwen was hemm'n and hawn'n about my lemon grass plant, which looked very sick so I took it out of the ground and rescued a few stalks to star over. That reminds me, I'd like make some lemongrass soup. Gwen loves it as well. Problem is that I need at least a dozen thich, fresh stalks and I don't have that many. Hate to go and buy them . . . cheap Dutchman Hi Popeye, Yeah, I guess it's a model but it can really be a little better. Yun's can't see the many little flaws in it from where you are, I can and that's what counts Gwen thinks I'm nuts and much too critical, striving for perfection. The plan is still for the dingy to be placed on the display board with the rest of the spares. Extra anchor, torpedoes, mines, a case or two or three of Heineken beer with a sailor sitting on it - - - guarding it Hi Nils, thank you, it kinda worked out okay - - - but . . . . . Hello Jan, thank you very much for the compliment! Yeah, version 3.0 - - - hmmmm, gold plated??? Hi David B. Thank you very much. As far as the girl - - - hmmm . . . . she'll have to take a bath in preparation H first - - to shrink her Oh stop it Piet, you crack me up Hi Carl, don't encourage my dear bride or she'll order gold leaf and dare me to use it Hi John, thanks, but yes, there are a few flaws and besides I WANT to make another one. Right now thinking about the details and course of action. Glad that some of what and how I did it may be of help for your seven whaleboats, ouch. Me? Giving Gwen a bunch of trouble? Not me my friend - - - because - - - be afraid, be very afraid for the wrath of Gwen Hi Omega, thank you and coming from the miniature master himself, that's appreciated. Okay, next we'll make two more oars and finishing the little dingy. I'll start with prepping the wood for version 2.0 tomorrow and setting up my big Cannon camera to make the series of final shots of the O19 model. It'll, have to be done on the cleaned up build board and not on the final display board. Cheers to all,
  20. Hello Lawrence, thank yo for visiting the Surabaya shipyard. Yes, pretty soon I'll remove the towels from her and resume work. I may have mentioned it before but there is also a connection with the Surabaya, my father and father in law, Gwen's dad. That's why it has to be a fictitious model and not of an existing ship of the VOC. The details from this point on like the masts, yards and rigging will have to be close to how it was at that time. Stay tuned, Cheers,
  21. Yep, that puts it in perspective alright hans. Your wood bending worked out great. Cheers,
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