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Posts posted by Elijah

  1. Nice! A new build to follow! Looking good, Patrick!

    Yes and I think it's a better choice than the Phantom, which he also has a practicum. The phantom is nice, but it's very small and I think you will learn more in this kit with all the detail and rigging. Look forward to your updates.


    You're right, it is small :D!
  2. Hi Ginger! I would recommend reading Chuck's practicum very carefully. There are a few places where he gets some of the measurements wrong. Always double check his measurements with the plans. One example is when he tells you to make the copper plates 1/4" long instead of the real measurement being 1/2" long. Also, take your time and be careful. Make sure you are using the right sized wood. For the keel, I took the stem post measurements from the plans, printed them out, and then glued them to some of the wood to cut out. The stem post is the curved piece connected to the keel at the front of the ship. For the little nib at the end of the keel, I just filed the end of it before cutting the keel to length, ensuring a good fit. I personally just glued the keel on without pins. It has held up so far. Just make sure it is straight. Have fun with the boat, she turns out very nice in my opinion. Also, words work, but as the saying goes "a picture is worth a thousand words". I look forward to more updates! If you have any questions, just ask :). That's what MSW is for! Good luck!

  3. Thanks Mike. I have too say, it is tempting. I'm getting another boat this weekend (I know, I have too many kits at this point) to add to the stash. I think the only things keeping me from starting multiple builds are the clutter on my work table and my urge to finish the boat I started back in 2015 :D! I haven't heard of your other two builds. Where are the other build logs? You make me feel like I'm missing something. The two build logs you have are looking very nice. It shouldn't be too long until you finish one of them, as you have started doing the rigging on your Niagara. By the way, thanks for looking in. I'm hesitant to update my log before I at least get the main boom finished and rigged, but I will update once it is. Have a good day!

  4. Looking nice Mike! I look forward to seeing how you do the planking! Are you going to switch the wood of a plank or strake when it hits a different colored area? It seems you would have to get a really nice joint to make it look like one plank in two colors. Good luck :)!

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