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kees de mol

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Posts posted by kees de mol

  1. Hello to you all.


    Here a picture showing the development of the frontdeck (spraydeck?) of the trawler. I started to make a master in polystyrene and after that I made a mould with GRP. Then I made the decks with grp and sanded them. Now I start making the railing.


    Regards, Kees


  2. Thank you for your compliments on my workspace. I am very happy with the space and made a start building the models again. Unfortunately my cat dropped two of the hulls on the floor when she was looking for a place to sleep (I tried to kill her after that but she escaped :angry:) and the nozzles broke. This week I made two new nozzles and replaced the broken ones.






    (Yesterday I planned to proceed building on the models but when SWMBO came home shopping for (only) two new mattresses for the bed, she told me she had bought a whole new boxspring bed and I had to paint and decorate the whole bedroom before next thursday when the shop will deliver the bed. After the bed is installed I do not have any doubt there will be some additional chores to do sp this week no modelbuilding. But building the nozzles is absolutely the start of regular updates in the future )

  3. Hello people from MSW


    After some radiosilence I hope to continue this buildingreport. I can't promise updates every week but my goal is to start building again in a slow but steady pase.


    After my time in hospital I had no energy to do anything and the models were collecting dust and so did the hobbyroom. So when I found some motivation again to do anything I dicided to clean the room first but that got out of hand a little. Because my medical conditions I had to work very slow and it took me lots of time to do everything but last weeks I finished 'cleaning'. All the tools have their own place now in the new toolcabinet I made and instead of heaps of tools and bulks of junk I have now a beautifull new workplace for the heavier jobs. Also the 'gates of the cave' got a re-styling with some nautical objects I collected over the years and I created more space in the hobbyroom by replacing a big wooden desk for a smaller cabinet on wheels (for the lathe).



  4. Hello fellow modelship builder.


    I am happy to inform You they kicked me out of hospital since yesterday.


    After I was caught building a small plastic modelkit in the cleaning closet I got my first warning. Begging the nurses for medical bits and pieces like surgical knifeblades, medicationpots and other stuff for the hobby gave me the second and when the team of doctors discovered my hobbylathe and drillpress under the bed they send me home the same day for being incorrigible.


    Now I have to continue with the medicine I started in hospital and in 2 months I have to dicide how to move on. But I am very happy to be home with my wife and kids again.

    At the moment I am still weak and very tired but I hope to find some time and energy to start building my ships again


    Kind regards, Kees

  5. Hello fellow MSW-shipbuilders,


    Thank you for your concerns and your compassion. The past few weeks there were no updates because I was in hospital for the past 5 weeks for treatment with new medications. unfortunately the medications do not give the desired results so i think I have to stay 'in prisson' for at least 5 weeks again for other treatment.

    Please know that I am not directly physical in danger and I will survive this (again). I am a very sane person but depression is haunting me for all my life. Sometimes the pain is unbearable for me and my family and so I stay searching new ways to survive this and make life a little more worth living.


    Hope you all have fun building and remember me cause I'll be back...... ;)

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