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Posts posted by Ronald-V

  1. 2 hours ago, AJohnson said:

    That's some of the neatest first-layer planing I've seen in a kit build! :imNotWorthy:

    Thanks AJohnson...it looks neater than it was ;)   when I see a crack or seam, I fill it immediately with some glue and sawdust, so it looks maybe real good, but there were here and there some seams. And that's okay ofcourse...good practice this first layer :) 

  2. 2 hours ago, Theodosius said:

    I'm a little bit jealous about your craft you show at the back of your model! So smoth curves! I like! 


    Thank Theodosius. :) I found those curves in my previous planking experiences one of the most difficult parts to get right, so this time I spended  a lot of time to understand what happens there under her booty, instead of just doing something and hoping for the best :P  

  3. Finisht with lining off the hull...I actually wanted to take a little longer for this process, but the tape didn't stick that great on the MDF bulkheads, so I rushed a bit through it because it was quite annoying when the tape constantly fell off. I do think it will stick way better on the first layer of wood when that is ready, due to the larger sticking surface and less porous wood. And that being said...lining of the hull for the first layer is just practice, it doesn't have to be perfect and it's more the experience I gain with just doing it. Lining off the hull doesn't look like a exact science and looks more something that you are getting better at through just doing it, and learn from it.


    So now I began filling up the first band :) 








  4. 2 hours ago, Theodosius said:

    How do you did that? I meant that bending just on top of the corner?


    Combination of heat and a plank bender from Amati. You can use ofcourse also water and soak the plank first. 

    Most important is that you use a plank that is longer then the finisht one. So overextending with a few centimeters/inch will make the bending process

    much easier. (same as for edge bending)

    And patience....so take your time to get the curve you need....it doesn't have to be in one bend, but a bit further everytime. Otherwise it will just split.

    And a bit of CA glue at the tip will hold the plank down. Rest of the plank just PVA.


    Thanks everyone for the likes! Much appreciated :) 

  5. First three untapered strakes...gave them a light sand afterwards. When I was working on the bottom one, I noticed that the fairing of the stern was insufficient. It's one of the more difficult corners in my experience and was a bit conservative there with the previous fairing proces. So I spended quite some time yesterday afternoon to really get an idea how the stern needed to be shaped to have a nice flow in planking. Studying Chuck's build log of the Winchelsea and some contemporary models gave me a good impression how the end result should look like. So I spended quite some time sanding the stern piece...to I believe it's final shape. We shall see when planking proceeds...


    Now it's time for lining off the hull :) 



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