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Everything posted by Ronald-V

  1. It really does, it makes it fresh and light. I think it draws also more light in the cabin when the ship is finished with the deck on top.
  2. Thanks! I hope it will look good after sanding...there is a bit of fear that when sanding, seams will appear because I have not bevelled the edges enough or something like that. But that's a bit of insecurity from my part...we will see. I have made some mistakes with the planks fitting into the rabbet, especially at the bow. I will make later some pictures of that, so others can learn from it. (basicly I sanded the first layer too much so there is a gap between the final planking and rabbet, will fill that up with some sanding dust) Thanks everyone for the likes! appreciate it!
  3. Small update: Finish line is in sight, just closed the 3rd band. One more band on both sides, and I'm done. I thought the 3rd band would be easy, but the first 3 strakes at the stern were the hardest I've encountered. The sharp curve up was difficult. A combination of measuring, using a template and just eyeballing worked reasonably well. Now first the garboard strake and continue working from there. Photo's are a bit crappy, when it's finished I will shoot some better pics. Not sanded yet
  4. Those curved gratings look so nice...you wouldn't say a slight curve would make such a difference in appearance...but it does!
  5. Sorry for your loss, that's always hard to experience...and glad you made it through with your health, and you can look forward and build some models!
  6. Looking good! You are making big steps! Applying the gunwales scare me a little bit lol, but yours look great
  7. Lovely ship! Love the colors you used and the natural hull, well done and congratulations!
  8. Never experienced tipping or whatsoever...rolling yes
  9. It's from a Dutch company called: "HBM Machines". Not sure if they ship internationally, but maybe they do. https://www.hbm-machines.com/nl/p/hbm-professionele-werkplaatsstoel-werkstoel-met-gasveer-model-3
  10. I'm with you! I like to have a more active posture and it's easier to stand up and sitting down on these things. Mine:
  11. Good progress! And yes i'm with you on the pear wood...it really is nice wood to work with. Lovely dog btw!
  12. That really looks amazing! And a nice space for her to display without to many distractions. Superb!
  13. Stunning model! Congratulations with finishing her and ofcourse with your birthday! Looking forward to the final pictures
  14. Regarding not planking the deadwood...I don't know if you are going to paint the hull white, then it really doesn't matter, but the "facings" that cover the stern post are 1mm thick and the supplied planking is 0.8mm thick. So if you want to level that out then it would be handy to cover a bit of the deadwood and sand it back to the required thickness that would level everything out in the end result. I used some filler afterwards because I also didn't plank the deadwood, but saw later the thickness differences in the wood. Hope my store makes a bit sense lol. Great planking by the way! Nice base for the second layer.
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